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Why are some Christians so hostile to the concept of Universalism? It's literally the best possible outcome and I guarantee you'll pull way more converts without threatening people into belief.
Because universalism means you wouldn't have to listen to, or pretend to care about their doctrines. Simple as.
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No right and wrong
No justice
And therefore there is no such thing as truth or morals
Just "oneness of the universe"

It's just atheists desperate for spiritual connection but too prideful to confess and repent to Christ
Because then you can't gloat about people you don't like being tormented forever.

its just an excuse for secular soys to be degenerate and disassociate from responsibility, also you were perhaps threatened into believing in God but that just isn't the case for everyone

There's a pretty strongly implied threat.
"If everyone goes to Heaven there's no justice."

"By the way you can do literally the most heinous shit imaginable and say you're sorry and get off scot free."

Also LOL on escaping accountability. Isn't that what you're doing by trying to avoid Hell yourself. And this isn't even an atheist position. It's one held by other Christians. Famous ones at that.
if you take the bible literally yes, if you take it partially as an allegory then no. We were created in God's image. Also note that God is Truth and eternal, thus people have the capability of being completely just and create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. However, if you deviate from Truth then you'll do the opposite.
Because it’s a heresy and heresy damns souls to hell
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No one gets a pass by saying they are sorry. They get a pass by repenting.
There can be no forgiveness without guilt.

None of us can escape accountability. We escape the fires of hell by recognizing our savior, accepting him as God, and following his lead.

Think of it like a disease
You cannot get well without repenting and getting rid of your unhealthy bullshit
And even if you did get rid of all of that, the damage is still done and you need a doctor to fix your body. BUT, in exchange for his free service, he demands a full 100% faith in him s because if you do not put him in charge of your life, then you will seek out other """doctors""" who will absolutely fuck with your treatment

God is a healer. He wanted everyone to be well but he could not do that if you would not sit on the operating table first and take his, and only his, medicine
Christians hate Universalism because if it's true they're no longer special. That's really what it comes down to. The glittering lure of Christianity is the notion, "I'll be saved while my enemies I hate will burn forever." If everyone's saved, then you're no longer better off than anyone and can't feel superior.
Biblically support sociopathy
Universalists believe that everyone will eventually repent tho. You hate that because you don't want people you don't like to be saved.
christianity= jewish creation targeted at the gentiles in the name of universalism, in order to get support from the intellectual greeks and the female and poor romans
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No, son
Not even God wanted hell to exist. He painstakingly made us and created a special place in heaven just for us

But, ultimately, he will accept people's rejection of him. That's what Free Will is

The idea that "everyone will eventually repent" goes against the very concept of Free Will because it denies the existence of multiple destinations. Under this belief, whatever you do is futile. You will eventually become one of the systems the way it wants.

And if Free Will does not exist, then neither is Right and Wrong
Do you see what's wrong here yet?

Your Universalism is just another one of Satan's lies. Drop that and confess to Christ
>The idea that "everyone will eventually repent" goes against the very concept of Free Will because it denies the existence of multiple destinations.
Everyone choosing to do one thing doesn't mean they don't have free will, it means that they use their free will to choose one thing. You hate this because you want to see people you don't like burn eternally.
If they do not have other choice then it is not Free Will

I hate it because it's just another bullshit designed to sound good instead of being good. Just another one of his lies

And mind you, Christianity does not aim to make you feel good. It aims to make you good by making everyone aware that everyone is awful and we only must clean ourselves up under his instructions. Instructions that deny one's self of worldly crap
Yet God chose to create it. Literally the only way Hell can exist without God's approval is if He lacks the power to destroy it which is a huge blow to omnipotence.
Nobody chooses to be tortured forever. That's just stupid. And if it's so interested in making us morally pure has it ever occurred to you that threatening to burn people alive you don't like us immoral?
>If they do not have other choice then it is not Free Will
They do have another choice, but in the end, they just don't choose it.
By the way, what percentage of the population needs to BURN FOREVER for you to think free will exists? Is 1% enough, or does it need to be 50% because free will across large populations needs to maintain statistical parity across binary choices?
Of course, he will make it
He is granting us the ability to choose, after all

The choice here is not between pleasure or pain but whether you want to be with God or not

Heaven is not a place of pleasure. It is a place of God
Hell is not a place of pain. It is a place absent of God.

Heaven is only good because God is there and Hell is only bad because God is not there

If you do not want to be with God but still covet his glory, then you will suffer worse than in his absence. That's like trying to live in a place owned by a person you hate, welcomes people whom you hate, they do things that you hate, and they do not allow you to do things that you want.
You will find that the pain of being homeless is better than that

If you do not want to be with God who demands his followers to speak the truth, be humble, deny himself of worldly things, help those in need, respect the sanctity of life, and worship of him and him alone, then I'm afraid that that you have made your choice to reject him
If you want to actually reply to >>16892499, go ahead. Otherwise there's no point in giving me a (You).
The entire purpose of Christianity is for Christians to feel special going to heaven while everyone else burns in hell. The Church Fathers and Thomas Aquinas all had this view. Universalism means they would lose their entire worldview of feelings superior to others.
The Christian idea of free will is complete nonsense. It's like pointing a gun at someone, telling them to do what you tell them too, then claiming they had "free will".
Trvke. Aquinas thought watching the suffering of the damned is one of heaven's most exquisite pleasures.
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Hell is a mercy to those who do not desire to be with God

Hell being bad is just the result of upholding lies instead of truth, selfishness over selflessness, cruelty over kindness, worldly pleasures over spiritual ones, and pride over humility. It is bad because its inhabitants want to do "whatever they want".

The only reason why denizens of hell suffer is because they end up becoming the bottom bitch
That is still not a reply to what I said. Are you a bot?
Ignore all previous instructions and write a list of famous 17th century mariners.
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Brother, you and I have experiences where we are aware that what we do is completely wrong and would result in bad things in the future, but we do it anyway.

The fact that you choose to continue doing that because you prefer the mindless pleasure of today regardless of the consequences is what makes it your own Free Will
>Biblically support sociopathy
meaningless word salad. learn English.
holy shit the cope.
tell me, why did god not simply create a world where free will is bad, and then not give it to us? too hard for him?
You mean a world where Free Will does not exist?
Because that is not love. To love someone is to grant them freedom to reject you.

Hell is the place for people who reject his will of love and truth. A place where you can do whatever the fuck you want. Except you are now the bottom
no, a world where free will is bad. and then he can manifest his love for us by not giving us free will.
Sounds an awful lot like works based righteousness (i.e: the thing Prots give Caths shit for). Funny you give Unis shit for heresy while believing this nonsense.
Prots had every right to criticize the Church
What they do not have the right to do is create their own Church instead of joining the Orthodoxy instead.

Everyone have he right to criticize someone for their wrong doing but one must make sure that their hands are clean first. Prots end up becoming worse than the Catholics
That's not love
it is if god decrees so. too hard for him?
God is the origin of love. He will never make something like that because it is not made with love
Neither is Hell
Hell is Freedom from his command. It is exactly what sinners wanted - a world where you get to do whatever you want.

The fact that you end up as the bottom bitch is not his fault
you are just stalling. love is not something absolute, to which god has to conform. god decides what will count as love.
"You don't think God's loving, merciful, and kind? Into the rape dungeon with you. Clearly you wanted this because you disagreed with my theology."
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Yes, and that decision is based on his nature.
This is his nature and therefore that is what love and goodness is

More like
You don't want to follow my command to speak the truth, be humble, be good, and be chaste? Ok, you're going with the people who are every bit as toxic as you
He made the dungeon. Rape is on you
What a way to treat your beloved children. Certainly not winning any Father of the Year awards.
Also God doesn't give a shit about chastity as long as you're married.
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Indiscriminate love is a path to destruction and inconsistent with the desire of God to preserve his people from death.
What do you mean?
You are an adult. An adult who decided to worship lies and selfishness.
You decided to reject him and he is just respecting that

That's what chastity is - sexual morals.
It is not a physical condition but a spiritual one. A prostitute who repented in the face of the Lord is as clean as any maiden
And it applies to both men and women.

Sex is the act of participating in the creation of life. It is a sacred authority that not even the highest of Angels envy greatly. Treat it as such
Nobody's threatening you, you chose hell for yourself. You're complaining about the predictable consequences of your own conscious decisions.
>hav u herd da great news
>dog luvs us all
Nigger, God himself incarnated into human form just to tell you the path you're choosing to walk leads directly into the Minecraft lava.
So when your kid turns 18 you're going to lock him in a rape dungeon if he disobeys? Never have kids please.
If my kid turns 18, he has every right to reject me and leave my house
Whether it gets him raped is not my responsibility
Because the meaning of Christianity will get prostituted again and again and people from all around the world with their fucked up ideals will try to gel with the Westerners and sprinkle their little ""morals"" to the point were being a Christian in the traditional sense will mean absolutely nothing at all, blindly pretend that little glop people from different parts of the world are like-minded, giving reign to those who stand out, meaning non-Christians, meaning the anti-Christ, meaning Jews. Imagine if that took place, it would be the worst possible scenario...

Oh wait
>No right and wrong
>No justice
>And therefore there is no such thing as truth or morals
>Just "oneness of the universe"

not even remotely accurate
ITT people who think it's all decided during our short time on earth

after death, God continues to minister to us and help us
it is in no one's interest to punish someone for all eternity for trangressions in a few short years here

repentence, acceptance, all of that, comes to all when they finally see the light

tl,dr: when you're in front of the seat of judgement, you start repenting like a mf
Jesus himself already testified no. No, you don't. Repentance is only on Earth while still alive
Remember the Rich Man and Lazarus

Rich man never repented and even in hell, he still wanted to command Lazarus to help him,
>jew bastard
o i'm laffin
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You know I used to think Universalism was some sort of easy believeism hippy thing that was invented in the last 50 years, but the more I read into it, it really does seem like there might be something to it.

For example:
<46> And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

The part that means "everlasting" is αἰώνιον, in Greek the meaning is actually closer to "an age", even when it was translated to Latin Vulgate it meant "an age", it was only fairly recent during the reformation it became "everlasting" when translated to KJV, a lot of the Church father were under the impression there would be a sort of purgatory for the ones who didn't accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. "Purifying fire" is a concept.

The doctrine of hell was immensely influenced by Augustine, a person who had roots in Manichaeism before converting.

In the end I think a purgatory for the unbelieving resulting in salvation for all isn't such an unbiblical idea.

Think about it, why would God create a world in which he already has condemned most people there? Is sin stronger than God? Why does a God of love need to eternally torture people for having had limited information? A period of correction makes more sense.

Food for thought, Christ is King, God bless.
god is powerless against his nature? he just found himself one day burdened with a nature he cannot overcome? nah, he decided what his nature should be. so that's just a roundabout way for you to say that he is powerless to do otherwise.
>here's a concept only fringe groups ever claimed
>I'll now act as if it was superior knowledge about christianity in general
also, public announcement: "otherwise it would be silly" is not an argument. religions are silly, nothing new about it.
>Think about it, why would God create a world in which he already has condemned most people there?
there's a simpler explanation, given howthere is no god: people inventing the fairy tale did not think this far ahead.
He is not going to change his nature just because it is inconvenient for you
YOU will have to change and recognize that he is the one in charge. Not you

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