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He was killed illegally and you expect me to believe republican forms of government are superior when they don't even respect the rights of individuals, most importantly a king, either?
>king doesn't respect his subjects
>literally tries to raise an army against them
>not once, but twice because he gets btfo'd
>it's le bad when they kill him
Why are monarchfags such massive cuckolds?
It was illegal
The civil war was an illegal uprising of upstarts from Parliament and it had no constitutional basis, in other words, an unrighteous, unjust rebellion
Furthermore the very act of regicide without the full consent of Parliament is tyranny in itself.
>raised an army against his own people, twice
And that part wasn't?

Seek mental help jfc
That's not the point, the point is: republicans think they're better than these supposed tyrants when they're just as tyrannical. The government whoever it maybe, is not to be trusted in the hands of anyone.
yes the humanists called themselves the first terrorists. The french branch of the humanist sect is very violent. They are the ones creating the Terror.

200 years later, the palestinan cannaanites are the one terrorizing the first terrorists. The student has become the master
Kings have the right to uphold the law and prosecute traitors
>is not to be trusted in the hands of anyone.
Did baby just find out what anarchism is?

And his subjects have every right to behead him when he tries to raise an army against them, gets btfo'd and then learns nothing and tries it again
The very foundation of the English constitution, the Magna Carta, was rooted in rebellion against the king. That wasn’t even the last time. There was fair precedent in rebelling against the king to make him listen to and redress the grievances of his subjects. The Earl of Essex led Parliament’s forces along with other prominent nobles as well, and the sons of prominent nobles who stood to inherit well, so you can hardly call them all upstarts.
Not if those particular subjects are traitors, which they were.
It isn't traitorous behavior if the King started it, tard. He owes his power to the people that finance his NEET lifestyle not the other way around
He didn't start it though.
Yes he did
Why would he raise an army against loyal subjects?
>Why would he raise an army against loyal subjects?
Because he was a bad king.
Nta but Charles was the one who marched an army into Scotland and was the first one to raise his standard against parliament when parliament was still just expressing distrust of the King’s Catholic and Laudian courtiers and trying to get the king to listen to their grievances.
Because he was a retard who thought he could just forcefully impose his will upon his countrymen
>erm sorry you hecking chuds but this has been debunked, you're all my slaves so I can't commit trea -ACK
>muh law and order
A tyrant is no monarch.
No, he raised an army because the entire parliament showed that they were traitors when they prevented him from arresting the 5 members who had already commited treason.
The five members hardly committed treason and parliament didn’t resist any arrest. Those members fled before the king could bumble his way into a legal session of parliament with armed men.
>a person who dislikes all types of government means they're an anarchist
>Ill just automatically assume this person's political views with the scant amount of evidence because uh.. I can!

You're an idiot
>a person who dislikes all types of government
Definition of anarchism
What's your solution then, tard?
>On Saturday 27 January 1649, the parliamentarian High Court of Justice had declared Charles guilty of attempting to "uphold in himself an unlimited and tyrannical power to rule according to his will, and to overthrow the rights and liberties of the people" and sentenced him to death by beheading.[2]

how was it illegal nona
Not here to debate my political views, at any rate, the Parliamentarians were just as tyrannical after the king was unceremoniously decapitated, without legal support mind you.
It was illegal because he was not given the same rights and liberties as any other Englishman.
Based on what? He was not "any other Englishman," he had been the King. Back then Lords and Commons were very different social classes.
A king cannot commit treason against himself
A king can also cause unspeakable ruin to the country thru his actions.
As can a parliament, which is what happened.
No, what happened is that the King fucked up the country and despoiled it, running roughshod over the rights of Englishmen as he did so.
No, it was the parliament that ran roughshod over the rights of the King.
>>king doesn't respect his subjects
>>literally tries to raise an army against them
People raised an army against themselves?
>>not once, but twice because he gets btfo'd
Because oligarchs tried to turn him into a puppet and murdered his allies
>>it's le bad when they kill him
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Individuals cannot hold sovereignty over other individuals, much less so the entirety of the people. The social compact is one that, by its very nature, must be upheld through a generalized agreement amongst all in order to prevent a war of all against all, as would eventually be under the natural state of independence. The purpose of preventing such a war is, inherently, to maximize the number of liberties enjoyed by all, without descending into complete chaos.

Tyranny is the rejection of these liberties to uphold order for order's sake. A king may not necessarily inherently be a tyrant, but it's far more likely for a king to become a tyrant, or for a royal line to descend into tyranny, than it is for a body of a republic to do so, especially if that republic enumerates the liberties it plans to uphold. Charles was a tyrant, and he deserved the beheading. The only shame is that Cromwell also deserved the same fate.
>starts a civil war because the parliament doesn't give him an allowanceto take part in dumb military campaigns to pad his own ego
>lose and get rightfully punished
Opinion disregarded
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>No argument
Utterly destroyed monartard. Another win for republichads.
you will pay the ship money
you will worship the Pope
you will let Spain take over the country
and you will be happy
>you will pay the ship money
Taxes are needed to pay for the defence of England, yes.
>you will worship the Pope
>you will let Spain take over the country
Roundhead lies.
Vae victis

The conquered endure what the conquerer will dish out
>Taxes are needed to pay for the defence of England, yes.
It was for the king's private war; since the parliament told him to fuck off
Are monarchtards actual bug men with no conception of right and wrong beyond legal/illegal? How demoralized do you have to be to adopt this paradigm?
>ndividuals cannot hold sovereignty over other individuals, much less so the entirety of the people.
They can if the law says so. Law is above all.
The King had no rights and was deposed.
Fuck him.
Based on precedent of the country's laws, I don't really care how you view this. It seems to me however you're looking at it from the lens of a socialist with your preference for class.

Be that as it may he was not given a fair trial at all.

Yes but we are talking about legality here.

I am aware of other perspectives on this but the legality of it was wrong.

He had as much a right to a fair trial as every Englishman during that period, and he was not tried fairly even by the best lawmen of the land, a certain Judge Bradshaw.
If it was an actual fair trial the case would have been immediately dismissed as a king could not really be charged with anything, least of all treason.
If the House of Lords was there, it's possible he could've been executed.
It is possible that he could have been executed as he was infact executed, but there was no way at all that he could have been given a legal death sentence.
>It was illegal
So was Henry VII claiming the throne of England which he had no blood right to.
England is kind of a mess really, legally speaking. However knowing Parliament could do whatever it wanted after the King died is also a tyrannical extreme that shouldn't be allowed.
I think a republic is well within it's rights to kill a king that fought two civil wars and lost against them. His death speech was kino tho
If someone tries to kill you twice there is no legal issue with giving them the death penalty
Who had a blood right to it?
>bug men with no conception of right and wrong beyond legal/illegal
that's the partisans for republics
Don’t listen to him. Henry VII did have a blood right to the throne by being Edward III’s 3xgreat grandson. Even if it wasn’t the strongest, he was a blood descendant of a king.
Yes BUT the title of "Lord Protector" is badass. I love republican dictatorships
Based aesthetics prioritizer
His great grandfather was a bastard though, a legitimized bastard, but still a bastard. He was only really a legitimate king through his marriage with Elizabeth of York.

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