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>killed millions of europeans
>formed alliances with arabs, japanese, and indians
>stole swastika from persians
>hated other europeans more than africans

how was he a "based" white nationalist?
He was a racial SOCIALIST.
You are kidding, dumb fool?
There's swastika around basically ALL globe lol
Not only in the iran and india.
We have even in some africans country.
Another /his/ moment
>captured numerous members of the Rothschild family and let every single one go, except the gentile woman who had married in and was going to ask for a divorce
>ensures Jews sit out the war far away from the fighting and bombing, in luxury vacation resorts with every kind of comfort and protection provided by his own personal bodyguard
I'm baffled by how people call him a white supremacist or whatever. He cared about the German race, not the white race
It's almost exclusively American anons doing this, or pajeets seething about the Britain.

Every European with a brain knows what Hitlers agenda was and isnt trying to project social issues from 2024 onto him.
>about the Britain.
Meant to write 'the British empire'
One day 4chan will have quick
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neo nazism is an anti white movement
So Nazis weren't even good at being antisemitic? Bloody losers were less competent than starving Hutus with sharp machetes.
>how was he a "based" white nationalist?
he wasn’t, “white” is an american term, there is no “white” nation
He wasn’t a white nationalist. Whites fucking hate each other.
>how was he a "based" white nationalist?
Larping as a Nazi is simply a "fuck you" to the system. It's not a well-thought out political program based on deep historical analysis.
Francis E. Dec? I thought you were dead.
>stole swastika from the persians
no he stole it from the indian culture
Indian culture comes from white aryan conquerors so.
He also opposed the Jewish genocide of Palestinians, he was a total cuck
White means evil. There is nothing else to it, and trying to give it any other meaning. Therefore, to be a white nationalist means to be a nationalist for evil. Hitler was a nationalist for evil, as in he sought to create a state of evil.
Maybe read Mein Kampf before you talk nonsense.
>>There's swastika around basically ALL globe lol
yeah and weirdly enough no european culture had it.

hitler was a piece of shit socialist who tried to subsume the european culture into globohomo crap
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He was plainly wrong about slavs. Still, given his brave opposition to certain elements, overall, he was a force for good. The countries that sided against him and embraced jewry, bolshevism and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of german kids with firebombs are getting everything they bargained for.
>He was plainly wrong about slavs
Some slavs. I feel that the current events have fully vindicated his opinions on russians.
Swastika is an energy symbol. It's a rotating energy.
western and eastern europe and russia all have those.
It's basically like a wifi antenna - different regions had different free energy tech and used different wifi / wireless routers to connect.
I simply can't understand how people think that all of today's problems wouldn't be replaced by different problems if some bit of history changed.
What makes you so sure that a victorious Germany and its sphere wouldn't suffer a similar fate to a victorious USSR with central Europe being a 2nd world shithole in the 21st century?
>>stole swastika from persians
Oh, it's no longer Hindus now? This swastika seems to be travelling
>>stole swastika from persians
honorary retard award: granted
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>If you don't accept Nazi fascism that means you accept Paki rape gangs
It's real
Have you read it? There's tons of shit in Mein Kampf that makes it clear Hitler thought Slavs were inferior and was already planning to conquer eastwards in the 20s. It totally destroys the idea of Hitler as a Pan-Europeanist who loved everyone with white skin and all the Victor Suvorov nonsense about how he wanted peace with the USSR but Stalin forced his hand.
Viktor Suvorov had little respect for Hitler, he definitely liked Stalin more. At the very least, that's his position in his most famous book
Fair enough. I should probably actually read Suvorov especially when I'm complaining about other people not reading books they talk about. I've mostly seen him used by Nazis to argue that Barbarossa was defensive though, which even if it had been clearly would not have been because of any desire on Hitler's part for permanent peace with the Soviets or Slavs in general.
Hitler definitely talked multiple times about the white race, the thing is that he rightfully didn't consider slavniggers white
Because "European" is already too general a term. There are tons of ethnic groups within Europe and the whole of them are not inherently better. Your definition of "white" is too broad as well.
He had a vague idea of a broader Aryan race inherited from 19th century racial theorists but it's not central to Mein Kampf whatsoever compared to German nationalism.
yes, precisely
>make bolshevik animals your allies
>celebrate the "heroic" bomber crews that burned scores of german kids alive
I can see rot and fertile grounds for marxism. After this, in my mind, you letting jews and leftists take over completely was just a matter of time. Besides, the immiediate aftermath of the conflict was disastrous for you. If you'd accepted hitler's peace overtures, you'd have kept your colonies.
I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume you said that by mistake
>there'd be far, far more of them
I'm pretty sure declining birth rates are a feature of almost any developed nation
>they'd have created a much better world for whites
What a stupid comment. From a development point of view, ussr's major handicap was its communist economy. There was hardly any incentive in the system for citizens. Nothing much motivated people to excell since you wouldn't get to keep much of what you what created. The germans, despite also being socialist, weren't nearly so far gone and actually understood the merits of a free economy and citizenry. It wasn't a totaltiarian hellhole. The germans would have gone on to create, discover and build, just as they do nowadays, except there'd be far, far more of them. No niggers or subversives either. Simply and obviously, they'd have created a much better world for whites.
>no european culture had it
Yes they did, it was a well known symbol the germanic tribes used all throughout the bronze age and the middle ages, it was etched on swords, runestones, combs, grave urns and other artifacts
I remember reading that Hitler held Native Americans in high regard (or at least had some respect for them), anyone know if this is true?
>I'm pretty sure declining birth rates are a feature of almost any developed nation
There are ways to counteract this. Hitler, even in those days, was aware of the problem. There were extensive plans and projects to limit german women's access to education and city-life. Desu, with a victorious germany that was allowed to expand into eastern europe, I think there'd be hundreds of milliions of them.
>only le germans
They were only really murderous and ruthless with slavs, which was regretable. Anyway, I'd prefer a german mildly treading on me over the kind of kicking and abuse that my race receives from niggers and jews nowadays.
>bronze age
Nope. Mostly Iron Age. It seem to spread with Urnfield. I actually don't think there are any NBA swastikas.
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He basically chimped out just because some Germans were living in different countries.

Most of them blame goes to the Brits, mostly Churchil and (((The Focus))).

But leading the whole continent to conflict for Danzig is also not the brightest idea.
>He was plainly wrong about slavs.
How so? He believed that Slavs are retarded peasants that aren't fit to rule themselves and would require a German ruling class to make them functional. You can say that this is a harsh opinion, but you can't honestly say that he was wrong.
The Swastika was an important sun symbol for Hittites, and they were descended a very early branch of proto-Yamnaya, so the swastika actually predates even the first expansion of the classical Yamnaya
the swastika was on the wall in the church in lambach, austria where hitler was a choir boy. it was also used by friekorps and other nationalist organizations in the early 20th century
Europeans had been killing each other by the "millions" for centuries. Nothing special there.

Nips are a great and noble people with a beautiful, aesthetic warrior culture making them very similar to Germanics (even the Brits). These ties are stronger than ever DESPITE having been at war so recently.

The Swastika is "Native" to Europe and there are countless other depictions of it the world over throughout all of History.

Tried to avoid war dozens of times, but the """Brithish""" insisted on fighting, then they got their ass whipped and had to cry for help from, their former Colonies......literally. LOL!
He wasn't a white nationalist. He was a German Supremacist.
He can do no wrong in the eyes of certain people, many of them white and even slavic. He is like their ideal ubermensch. It's disgusting and makes no sense.
Don’t care
Luv Hitler
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>>stole swastika from persians
Why the fuck you lyin, why you always lyin?
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Mmm oh my god, STOP FUCKIN LYIN
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Always lying to me, (((you))) lyin so much!

You're makin it hard for me~
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(((Imma))) keep on lyin to you!

Until you think its the (((truth))), ooo~oooh!
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I love when (((you))) lyin like dat dat dat dat

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