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india is one country, why shouldn't west africa be one country?
India is already borderline ungovernable and that's after the mass expulsion of Muslims and a fairly successful adoption of a shared identity after it was forced on them externally.

West Africa is even more ethnically and culturally diverse and does not have a shared identity. That isn't even touching on the constant military coups in the region or the extremely prevalent terrorist cells. ECOWAS is far short of a unified state and even it is falling apart.
Too manymuslims
West Africa wasn't owned by a single colonial power and besides a vague sense of "pan-Africanism" there's really nothing to unite the people there.
Muslims would immediately start acting apes and ruin it
Because India shouldn’t be one country. Also, it’s not. It’s 5. The Indo-Aryans and Dravidians, who we would collectively refer to as “South Asians” or “natives of the Indian Subcontinent”, with few exceptions, span across Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Even as 5 countries, it’s still not stable. The borders need to be reworked in certain areas, and new states created. The subcontinent would do better as an EU-like confederacy of even as an ethnic federation than in its current state. Or just a few completely separate countries. It shouldn’t be based solely on religion either
Divided or united it will always be a shithole
Yup, any mega West African state is doomed to Christian/Muslim in fighting.
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Always felt French West Africa had kino borders. It makes me feel like a version of the real Mali-Mali empire .
The caste system in India creates a specialised hierarchy that allows a nation as diverse as India to function without the multiple different caste subgroups killing each other over tribal inanity.

No such thing exists in Africa, which was why the colonial powers had to split it up with arbitrary borders because in one big West African nation, the Wolofs and the Yoruba would start duking it out for control, and then whoever wins would go Hotel Rwanda on literally every other Bantu one gene slightly removed from the main group.
Well there were technically various moments in history where most of the whole land area was united under one hegemonic power so it's not totally unreasonable to think it would work. West Africa is considerably different because it was never a united entity and is even religiously split between Christian and Muslim.
>colonial powers had to split it up with arbitrary borders
Never happened. The borders of Africa were defined based on who was already there and simultaneously who could militarily control it. Since colonization began as deals with local tribes ,Blacks indirectly had some input in the borders, too, although not deliberately.
Nigeria already has this, Sudan had it too until they finally broke in two along religious lines
tell them to unite and see what happens, lmao
Literally this.

Islam is much older in the region, Christcuckery only spread with colonialism

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