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File: Job.jpg (125 KB, 736x938)
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>Pre-emptively destroys the problem of evil a thousand years before man degenerated to the point of asking that question
It's literally just a shitty cope of god onions screaming at him and refusing to actually address the issue
i solve the problem of evil by saying that YAHWEH just love to torture humans
That god is the evil?
There was nothing "pre-emptive" about it, the author was plainly addressing the problem of evil as such.

FPBP. Christians have been making the same mistake for 2,000 years of only reading the Bible and Christian scholarship, so they're far too impressed with Job. It's an emperor's new clothes situation - Bible scholars have always enthused over Job because it's like the one Pentateuchal pericope that is a little intellectual and poetic, and it makes them feel like they learned Hebrew for a reason. People always assume there really must be something to it since everyone has always said so, but when you look closely, it expresses two main theological ideas that are really laughable:
1. Bad things happen to good people because God is testing them
...and what, are we supposed to believe that for every righteous Christian who gets cancer, Satan once again is coming to God and saying "Yahweh, this time your servant will surely curse you when we do the exact same thing for the ten billionth time, as many have" and Yahweh is like, "Accuser, there is really no way to know until you go ruin their life, get to it"? Even if we charitably suppose this is a folktale way of saying God tests all of us through less contrived scenarios, is the God in view not omniscient? To have real theodicean value, the book should justify the creation of something that must suffer to be tested, and may fail the test.
The thing is, even teenagers can tell this is actually untrue. Suffering is very apparently stochastic - lots of people grow up completely spoiled, lots of others die painfully as children before they can understand what is happening, much less reflect and stay faithful.
2. God will redress the righteous in their lifetime.
...which we all know was ret-conned as early as 1 Enoch, and replaced in Christian soteriology with heaven and hell. Amusingly to make this point, the author treated wives and children as totally fungible, which comes off as completely barbaric today.
Doesn't destroy or answer anything. The end is "God" yelling: "How dare you question mah authority! I can fish the Leviathan with a hook! I Created a monster that spits fire! I am powerful! The Leviathan is so cool! Can your voice thunder like mine? I sound like a big powerful thunder, I am so strong! I created the big monster Behemoth too!

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