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Is this mf trustworthy? I been seen lots of scammy things like he sells courses, books and even merch.
idk he must be a fraud
Does he require that people purchase courses and books in order to attain "hidden knowledge" or is he providing the things he's already teaching in different formats?
Idk I just see him in a lot of podcasts, shorts and most of the stuff he appears looks extremely architected. He does sell this shit but idk if he preaches that brings enlightment.
I personally don't think he's a fraud. From what I've heard from him, it's really nothing that I haven't heard before to be honest. I think what makes him different is that he's captured the attention of the Anglosphere, mainly because he speaks English well.
I've seen some YouTube videos with him, but I never looked into it much to see if he's doing anything scammy on the side. My impression at the moment (subject to change) is that he's no different than the average person who fails to think critically with rigorous judgment. Not quite schizophrenic but vulnerable to superstition and believing claims without evidence. So I would expect him to occasionally give Joe Rogan-tier advice.

There really is something to Qigong though. I know from firsthand experience, but just because I understand that much doesn't mean I believe silly things like those martial arts masters who pretend to send people flying with with Qi. (I don't think the guy in the OP does either, does he?)
He probably knows his Qigong well and its effects on the body. There are certain areas of knowledge where it's worth listening either to him or to another Qigong practitioner because they have experience.
If you can get someone to teach you how to perform the involuntary movements some Qigong practitioners perform, it's worthwhile.
Talking about Qigong, do you know where I can learn that? Any good links perhaps?
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>Does he require that people purchase courses and books in order to attain "hidden knowledge"
That's how I feel about Transcendental Meditation. Some few inductees "leak" the secret every so often that TM is just repeating the same mantra in your head over and over while you're in a good headspace, and seven billion angry initiates show up to shout them down with NO, TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION MUST BE PRACTICED WITH A LICENSED GURU YOU'RE GIVING HIM BAD ADVICE AND HE'LL BE OCCUPIED BY THE SPIRIT DEMONS NOW
No trigram lack of spirit
I don't know. I learned what little I know by myself and a friend who gave some some brief advice. I figured out how to do "involuntary movements" which is apparently something often taught in secret, I think partly because it looks weird and it's too cringe to do in the presence of others. This practice apparently exists in both Qigong and Yoga circles. There's very little on the Internet which documents exactly what it looks like (you would be embarrassed to be recorded while doing it) but I once came across a Russian acupuncturist on YouTube with very few subscribers or views who was apparently putting acupuncture needles in particular locations in order to initiate the movements (not something I did).
I recommend this because it was a HUGE physical relief the evening I did it, and the very next day I was overflowing with energy. I felt like a new man. After you learn it, it's a skill you can use at anytime to fix certain problems.

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