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Why did a Turkish/Ottoman symbol become the face of Islam instead of an actual Islamic symbol?
Because turks are the master race
Because they ruled over Islam for a thousand years straight
there's inverted swastikas on the alhambra, elavorate on that instead
Truly a strange development, it would be like the Fleur de Lis becoming the symbol of Christianity as a whole.
Muslims themselves don't actually use the star and crescent as a religious symbol though.
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Thats the star of venus, mark of Inanna, godess of war and fertility, the morning star aka Lucifer
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>Muslims put the star of Venus/Inanna/Lucifer above their mosques.

Wtf I love Islam now.
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Unironically, it's because Arabs are some serious bottom bitches. Their hatred for the Turks stems from the fact that the Turks don't want to leash them up and boss them around like they have in the past.
> Saaaaar abandon murtadaturk and retvrn to islam saar
> SAAAAR i will destabilize Paris for you saar please put me on the inflatable rafts that don't sink saar
> Saaar... I respectfully avert my gaze to your bootiful women.. but please teach them to cover appropraitely saar..
What makes this situation funnier is that it will never revert back, since muslims see the Ottoman Empire as their greatest caliphate and their golden age.
Islam belongs to the Turks. They have earned it. Over the last 1000 years, every major Islamic kingdom, empire, and civilisation was Turkic or had Turkic origins. The Turks protected Islam, its holy texts and cities, and ensured it remained unsullied from Western influence and subversion. Without the Turks, Islam would have ceased to exist centuries ago.
The Ottoman Emperor has claimed the title of caliph for 500 years.
No lol. No muslim consider the Ottoman Empire or the other steppenigger empires a Golden Age. The Golden Age ended with the sack of Baghdad way before the Ottomans were a thing

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