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If he's real why doesn't he show himself? Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
You're supposed to embrace the Christ within you.
Shut up tranny
Don't you have a job?
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A wicked and adulterous generation ask for a sign, but none will be given.
You are not worthy until you believe.
>Jewish mythology
Not so fast
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>Ay Toni, what's he doin' with his hand there?
>just embrace my mute and invisible god, alright!
Atheists really do be standing there with eyes closed telling us you can't see
So everyone who claims to see something is right, and everyone who claims not to see it is wrong?

Everyone who has hallucinations is seeing real things, then?
>Billions of people have been hallucinating for millennia
that's what my pastor said before he slipped it in
Jesus did show Himself to the following people:
>11 Apostles
>70-72 other disciples
>Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary, Martha, Joanna, Salome, and Susanna
Jesus will come for the final judgment.

>Why am I forced to believe in Jewish mythology?
You don't have to convert to Rabbinic Judaism OP.

That's is Rabbinic Judaism anon.
So why didn't he show himself to me, again?
Because Jesus is God and the last time he tried he got crucified. Probably try again later.
Yeshua can walk on water and heal but his weakness is crucifiction. Why didn’t god buff his son’s stats?

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