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Unironically how was the figure of 6 million calculated?

From what I know Nazi records were fairly limited because a lot of the documentation was destroyed. What was the methodology employed to reach this number and what would be a realistic margin of error?
Have you actually tried to look up the historical method, or is this another weak bait thread?
It was meant to be a round ballpark figure. There can't be an exact accounting because of the sheer number of people who were killed by the Nazis.
Modern estimates have it between 4.5 and 6 million Jews ALONE, discounting all the other millions of people the Nazis killed.


4.7 million Jews have been definitively listed.

IBM gave them the equipment.
Morrir es vivir
cojelo cojelo cojelo
I tried but honestly I still don't understand how it was done, I just never paid much attention to history
Thanks anon, I'll look into the books mentioned in that article
>What was the methodology employed to reach this number and what would be a realistic margin of error?
Demographic data (e.g. census numbers before and after the war, corrected for migration), tax data, schooling numbers, ebbs and flows in economic activity, etc. Usually it's a good idea to "follow the money", for example if an area suddenly lost 50000 taxpayers in two years, schools in that area recorded 15000 less students, the area was occupied by an enemy army for those years, and no neighbouring area saw a sudden increase in economic activity, it's a sign that something special was going on.
Mass death events aren't easy to quantify, especially if they happened a shitload of years ago like the An Lushan rebellion, but it's easier to set lower and upper bounds for genocides in the 20th and 21st centuries thanks to better gathering of information. It's still not perfect, especially for very poor countries with no means to collect good data. For example nobody knows how many people died in the Second Congo War or the Darfur genocide, but the exact number of victims from the massacre of Srebrenica were identified to the last man:
(and being able to do this is very rare)
Si! Quiero matar
>for example if an area suddenly lost 50000 taxpayers in two years, schools in that area recorded 15000 less students, the area was occupied by an enemy army for those years, and no neighbouring area saw a sudden increase in economic activity, it's a sign that something special was going on.
But how do you know that they didn't scatter all over the world? It's easy for a few mil of people to just dissipate around the world, legally or illegally. How do you realistically keep track of that?
>It's easy for a few mil of people to just dissipate around the world
In a country under military occupation, when no country wants anyone with your passport, in an age before cheap flights, when your own authorities are looking for you to force-conscript you? No, it was very, very hard to leave your country in WW1 and WW2 Europe. Remember that scene from Casablanca with the Bulgarian refugees? That movie was filmed during the war. Being able to flee was an exception.
200-300k is the best I can do.
They died of starvation, fatigue and typhus
>From what I know Nazi records were fairly limited because a lot of the documentation was destroyed
In fact we don't have a single document indicated that even one Jew was gassed, we literally have nothing other than the testimonies of Jews and confessions extracted through torture
>200-300k is the best I can do.
That's the death toll in Sobibór alone, disregarding everywhere else.
>They died of starvation, fatigue and typhus
So it was murder according to the Hague and Geneva conventions that Germany had ratified.

Historians have ways to uncover these things. That's why it requires 5 years at the academy to become a historian.
They are essentially detectives that needs to reconstruct events with traces of events and make logical conclusion in the he-said-she-said scenarios by considering both parties and finding out which one is lying, a seminar at a institution is similar to a courtroom and a jury.

The traces doesnt stop dead in their tracks because there are no documentation. States did not even begin documentation until the mid-19th century so 90% of what we know happened has been concluded through millions of side-studies and debates which has pieced the puzzles togheter.
Lets for example claim that ethnic Germans were genocided in Poland prior to the outbreak of ww2.
A historian would first ask himself "did this happen" and "how can we find out".
So while there is no outright document because they've been destroyed or no visable bones because the bodies has been removed, a historian will begin to look at for example state food distribution to that local town and see if the quota has changed during the years involved since less people = less purchasing, or records of property sales or assets. Anything that might insinuates that there has been a population reduction in this area and then continue from there.

And trust me, a historian WANTS to find these things because anything that can challenge the consensus, and proved by providing all tracing steps to your colleagues so they can recreate your research, is a good thing, for everybody because it gives prestige to your work and likely capital to your publications.

Just because anons dont understand how historian work doesnt make it so. It's a dicipline that requires multiple years of training specifically because there is a lot of things to consider before you can make credible research and be able to work in a institution.
Damn, I guess Hilter must have loved all those Jews and wanted to protect them while White Aryan Germans died in mudholes to protect them.
Why should anyone think Hitler did anything good again if he couldn't even kill what were supposed to be his racial enemies?
Why do you leftypol sois dildo the anal nigger?
>listen to the pilpul!
>believe the pilpul!
You are just projecting your genocidal Jewish thinking onto Aryans, it is actually only Jews that take pleasure in randomly killing the children of people distantly related to their political and military opponents, in fact such policies are written directly into Jewish religious doctrine.
so what happened to the roma then
we have Mengele and his crew's docs about how they medically tortured them
why did the ARYAN decide to medically torture roma to death for experimentation?
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It was calculated using gematria for Jewish prophecy purposes.

Just don’t ask what happened to the bodies or how long it takes to incinerate that many bodies or why the only German admissions came from tortured prisoners or why auschwitz tattoos had 4 or 5 digits on different body parts if it was a tracking system for millions of people or why many auschwitz jews didn’t have any tattoos at all or why the only alleged death camps were the ones controlled by the soviet union after the war whose leadership just so happened to be over 80% jewish or how the prison guards starved alongside the prisoners and shared their limited food with them or why aushwitz had a swimming pool and a drama club and a brothel or how the original death count by the soviets was 3,000,000 changed to 1,500,000 yet the 6,000,000 number stayed the same or why the prisoners were given currency for labor of they were just going to die or why Germany would help resettle Jews in Judea Palestine if they just wanted to kill all of them or why they would bother with deportations at all or how every single camp inspected by the red cross was found to not be a death camp but only a labor camp and that dozens of jews lied about the camps in the west prior to these investigations or why there’s a holocaust museum in every US state despite us not having been involved in any aspect of the alleged killings not even in their alleged rescue since the only alleged death camps were under soviet control or why it’s illegal to even question any of this in almost every european state.

Just don’t ask any of the above questions anons. All is as it seems. They’re our closest ally.
Are you the guy who had a schizo breakdown because "Jews" sent "niggos" to rape your pet dog?
I can see your huge nose from here
Demographic data. Well, it's at least 3 million o so. You can count that many using documents alone. Einsatzgruppen reports, Hofle telegram, some railroad data from Auschwitz would probably reach this number.
Where can I find this data? Especially the railroad stuff. I know about Arolsen archive. Yad Vashem is too reliant on testimonies which I would like to skip.
>Yad Vashem is too reliant on testimonies
I don't think you have looked into Yad Vashem close enough. They do serious research.
By the way, Yas Vashem is functionalist. I have seen some /pol/tards claim here that functionalism is considered Holocaust denial.
6 million - 200, it's still a tragedy
Modern analysis actually shows that the death toll of jews alone was higher then traditionally thought. Potentially as many as 10 million were systematically exerminated
lol, no.

6 million
6 zeros
6 years

Literally satanic magic they tried to use to take over the world.
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>>16892909 >>16893337 >>16893349 >>16893623 >>16893630 >>16893667 >>16894008 >>16894786
The following is from one of the ~10,000 Holocaust denial /pol/shit threads this board has been host to.

Along with the mountainous evidence proving the genocide known as the Holocaust (note that a lot of this is material evidence or directly includes material evidence):
We have David Irving, who explicitly states the Nazis murdered millions ( >>16890249 ), and we have the words of high ranking command in the NSDAP, like Hitler and Goebbels themselves, who were pretty darn open about what they were doing, speaking publicly on their supposed motivations and intentions:
Notice how their motivations shift, and how the vocabulary changes, depending on the intended audience. It is much like how the stormfaggot shifts their tactics.

This is because the stormfaggot has no evidence of their own, so when faced with real evidence, they must rely on red herrings, strawmen, and all manner of deflection. It's sad TBQH, and I would feel pity for them if they weren't so adamant about their lies. Don't fall for subliterate stormnigger bullshit.
"where did the six million figure come form holocaust"
>Holocaust Facts: Where Does the Figure of 6 Million Victims Come From?
>In November 1945, Hoettl testified for the prosecution in the Nuremberg trials of accused Nazi war criminals.

>Wilhelm Höttl
>In 1944 Höttl became the Ausland-SD's acting head of Intelligence and Counter Espionage in Central and South East Europe.

>The CO here states that he received a report foam his organization that if it were known that Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl is employed by an American Agency "it would be incomprehensible to all decent Germans and Austrians".:
>Hoettl was illegally involved in money transactions, that he was a high ranking member of RSHA, and that he gave .1 information to the "Flying Court Martial" which led to execution of Count von RITTBERG. The CO asks if Hoettl should not be utilized..
>Hoettl is, in fact, identical with person employed by OSS in 45.
>we have Mengele and his crew's docs about how they medically tortured them
Sure, just like we have evidence of gassed jews and 40 beheaded babies
Please, just one piece of actual evidence of one Jew being gassed, just one
"6" (and to a lesser extent "4") is the number of the Jews and is used in all their significant events, dates, reckonings and symbols. You can 4/6 (and their various iterations) all over the news today. It's their little way of telling their buddies that they're in on the bean counting and "crafting the narrative". Just like """Masons""" who depict the same numbers as 13 (1+3=4) and 33 (3+3=6). When was Sabbatai T'zvi doing his Satanic "reforms"....1666. When do Rabbit start to study the Talmud? 40. How many years/days in the wilderness? 40. How many points on a "Star of David? 6.....on and on it goes. Once you know what to look for, you'll see it everywhere.
No one knew how many "Jews" were in Europe before the war, much less how many died during, and 4.5 is 25% less than 6. This also assumes there were even 6 million Jews in the world at this time. Not to mention the fact that if so many really were killed then how did the populations seemingly rebound so quickly? None of it adds up and nobody has physical proof of even 1/2 as many as claimed. There should be mass graves and ash piles as tall as buildings, instead, we've found basically nothing and now it's illegal to even ask, or look in the places it's alleged to have happened. Gee, I wonder why?
"""Historians""" can't do simple arithmetic that's why they became "Historians" in the first place. All they can offer are pil pul and "obvious conclusion", but never any physical evidence. You'll also never be allowed to become a "successful Historia" (i.e. employed by an Academic institution) unless you carry the party line, which crates "consensus" among the "experts" that can never be questioned using the Scientific Method. As such, "Historians" should be seen as little more than Propagandists. Unlike hard sciences, there's nothing they do that you can't do just as well. They simply gain their validity from the State which pays their bills.
Unironically this. Numbers are magical to Jews and they're never used arbitrarily. If you see "an official Jewish figure", it's always got some kooky Kabalistic/Gematria shit going on beneath the surface.
"""Modern analysis"....."potentially10 Bazillion".....potentially.

Show me 10 bazillon skulls.
Correct. "6" is the number of the Jews and they try to use it, and it's variants, to show that they're in on the project. Go ahead, look at various "significant dates" in "Jewish History"....lots of 6's keep popping up. It's also a "perfect number" because it's divisors (1, 2, 3) add up to 6. It's their way of saying they're "perfect" and running whatever con happens to be displaying this figure,
Cerebros, cerebros, cerebros...
>never any physical evidence
As demonstrated by a shitpost on aryantradition1488.blogspot.com? Because mass graves of Nazi genocide victims are still being found in the 21st century. That's how barbaric the Nazis were.
Same way they calculated the 40 behaded babies and other bullshit atrocity propaganda they make up.

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