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Why does Southern Italy have so much more non-European admixture than the North? If it's from the Romans replacing themselves why did they only do so in the South? Also in this model -- the Davidski standard model -- what's the difference between TUR_Tepecik_Ciftlik_N and TUR_Barcin_N?
>If it's from the Romans replacing themselves why did they only do so in the South?
All of Italy was replaced, but Northern Italy received substantial Germanic migration which shifted it back towards Europe
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Here is one using the G25 Ultimate Deep World Ancestry model here
That doesn't explain the total lack of non-European ancestry in the North
> Why does Southern Italy have so much more non-European admixture than the North?
Read at least the history of Italy on wikipedia
>total lack of non-European ancestry in the North
I'm not seeing a total lack, it's there at low levels
Just look at a fucking map. Sicily and Southern Italy are much closer to Africa and Egypt than the north. People have been crossing the med back and forth for many centuries.
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It seems that Greek migrants preferred to migrate to Greek cities and Semitic migrants preferred Phoenician cities. For example, western Sicily has the largest levantine admixture, which had Phoenician colonies.
Phoenician had colonies in Sardinia too and they don’t have significant Levantine blood
No it's not that simple; Spain is far closer to North Africa than Southern Italy yet they have much less non-European admixture.
>Spain is far closer to North Africa than Southern Italy yet they have much less non-European admixture.
I don’t think that’s true. Post proof, please.
Sardinians have some levantine dna iirc.
Idk how else to explain it.
goated meme
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>All of Italy was replaced, but Northern Italy received substantial Germanic migration
Northern Italy haplos are r1b u152 Ev-13 and J2a. Even though it did happen in recent years I doubt germanic women were mass migrating in the middle ages
Barcin is an anatolian hunter gatherer site who were admixed with WHG upwards of 60%

Meaning sardinians are a nearly perfect representation of EEF

Tepecik is a copper age sample after there was significantly more admixture from the middle east

meaning sicilians are bronze age turks
>Just look at a map. Sicily and Southern Italy are much closer to Africa and Egypt than the north.
>People have been crossing the med back and forth for many centuries.
This, OP got the answer .
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Why are Shitberians negroid-admixed goblinos like Shitcilians? Could it have something to do with Moor rape?
>Spain is far closer to North Africa than Southern Italy yet they have much less non-European admixture.
It's unclear what happened let's say 300-400 years ago. What could be is that the whole Mediterranean have been white europeans.
And it could have been that... let's say ancient Atlantis could have been outside of Portugal and Africa - remains are Azores islands.
This would mean that some catastrophe - let's just say... tsunami... destroyed a bunch of people, moved some ocean sand over Africa and created Sahara.
This would be a picture close to modern times.

This still would mean that Sicily is still closer - by boats - to Egypt and Middle East, for example. Than any other way to get to non white people.
Or this map , Sicily is fairly close to Tunisia.
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It's because of Moor rape. Sicilians and Iberians lacked kangz genes before.
What's that Turkey Hellenistic sample?
>Egypt and Middle East
Also used to be white people. Before they became replaced by Arabs.
i blame the fact that i'm a dyslexic college dropout on my italian father.
1 Geography. 2 Lines on map with modern militaries guarding them are new. 3 Southern Italy was always mostly ethnically Greek (with probably large numbers of native slaves who were probably less Italicized southern natives). The Greek settlers came during the Archaic Greek population overflow period, most were from the Peloponnese apparently but a huge number of them were coming in from Anatolian Greece. Anatolian Greeks were probably quite a bit less "Greek" ethnically than the mainland Greeks we have samples of. And then over the course of thousands of pre-trains and cars years other peoples traveling by way of the Mediterranean came in including the people mentioned in this brand new paper https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.240436
Republican Italy has 0% non-European admixture though. Or do you suppose that only means Central Italians?
Because it's south of Europe next to non europeans
That's probably what it means. Central Italians as a whole probably did have some eastern Greek ancestry at the time but it might've just been slight.
>Republican Italy has 0% non-European admixture
Not true there's many outliers
>Continuing at the scale of Eurasia and North Africa, we also evaluated these groups' affinity to Iron Age Sicani individuals from Sicily [20], finding the Christian individuals overlapped the PCA-space occupied by the ancient Sicilian Iron Age individuals
It's over

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