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There appears to be several small monasteries popping up in sub-saharan Africa. Uganda Buddhists center is in particular very active in their community, as is the Tibetan Buddhist community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
That's really cool
I mean the Buddha was Black (Bihari) so it's just retvrning to their roots.
Many Indian independence leaders were interested in spreading Indian religions to Africa, but things like the Ugandan expulsion nixed that. You still have independent sects, but they don't really get government support from the Indian Republic.
Imagine the fucking smell.
There are black people in Nepal?
It's only going to get bigger the more investment China funnels into Africa.
This is good news. Thank you OP.
China doesn't invest in Africa, they scam Africa
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Buddha is the enlightened one, the swag.
Buddha has reached nirvana, Gangsta's Paradise.
Buddha follows dharma, Gangsta's Law.
Buddha is with his sangha, that is, with his homies
Buddha composed mantras, the so-called raps.

Furthermore, Buddha developed the following precepts, systematizations and philosophies:
The Four Noble Thefts.
The Three Stolen Jewels.
The Noble Octopule Escape.

The center of Buddha's teachings is about black suffering.
His goal is to free himself from the cycle of Prison and Release.
If they were smart, they'd ban all foreign religions.
>Enlightenment Now
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Including Christianity. There's a fine line between practicing witchcraft and practicing the traditional religion.
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The good thing about Buddhism is that it is able to integrate local religions. Look at Thailand as an example.The pre-buddhist cult of spirits and ancestors are thriving side by side with Buddhism. Buddhism is able to protect local religion from the exclusivist religion of Islam and Christianity.
Ok is this an actual thing or is it some meme where you guys found some niche group that gets talked about and then you assumed it means there is a "rise". Also do even Buddhist even do missions nowdays?
You could look it up yourself retard
Just look it up. They are likely to decline a small amount from now to 2050. Someone post proof otherwise if they dont agree.
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Vajrayana Buddhism and Dzogchen and Bon Shamanism are the most advanced esoteric systems for obtaining development and knowledge out there. Even more than Hermeticism and Western Ritual Magick. There are certain other obscure traditions but Tibetan Buddhism is by far the best bet to actually find out what's really going on. Supplement Tibetan Buddhism with the most advanced mathematics, theoretical physics, biology/genetics, all of science. Basically combine Vajrayana with as good at math and physics as you can get.

Btw Vajrayana does not contradict and even supplements other systems like Hesychasm (esoteric Christianity), Eastern/Coptic Orthodox Christianity, Chaos Magick, Sufism/Illuminism, Neoplatonic Theurgy, Zen, Aboriginal Kalahari Shamanism, Amazonian Shamanism, Early African Hoodoo... whatever you can think of Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhism in general coheres with it and integrates with it, that's the best part about it. There's no contradiction between Vajrayana and a Christian conception of the Trinity, for example, depending on how your paradigm is constructed.

This is because Tibetan Buddhism is oddly enough one of the most Aryan religions due to being based on esoteric Tantra from middle aged India, and is influenced by Bonpo. Bonpo was the main religion in Tibet before Buddhism. Many mistake Bonpo as being a native folk religion that was supplanted by Buddhism, but according to their own historians the religion came from the Magi of Persia.


You know what, i dont know. Look more into it and who knows, population trends chnage all the time.


>Nigeria's population projection was lowered by 70 million people, from 546 million to 476 million,due to faster declines in fertility rate past decade. In 2012, UN forecasted a population of 914 million people(!!) for Nigeria by 2100, but massive recent declines in fertility have made them change their mind

>Africa is now projected to have 3.807 billion people by 2100, 117 million people fewer than predicted 2 years ago( again, birth rates falling much faster than expected)

Here are some stats about African population the UN changed this year, i think its really hard to predict this because you cant expect current political trends to just go on forever, or predict things like covid. For all we know 10 years from now China develops artificial wombs and just starts making more people and fixes their population numbers, who knows.
>The principle sources on Zoroaster’s teachings consist of the Avesta, the Zoroastrian scripture, which contains the Yasna, Visparad, Videvdat, and the Yashts, and a collection of later religious documents, such as the Bundahishn, Denkard, Zadspram, and many more. While the Avesta may retain a few of the features of the original teachings of Zoroaster, it is believed to have derived its authority from “faithfully preserved” older traditions. However, these sources were mostly compiled after the eighth century AD, and as Nigosian comments, “how much of its contents date from the earliest period, and how much of it was rewritten to make the past agree with the realities and beliefs of the time in which it was composed is, of course, open to question.” Therefore, a number of non-Zoroastrian ancient sources are important to an understanding of the early Zoroastrianism, mainly from Greek and Roman writers

>However, those ideas attributed to the Magi by the ancient Greeks and Romans, are not reflected in the Zoroastrian texts. This has puzzled scholars and led them to believe that the Greeks invented the ideas they attributed to the Magi. However, a perusal of their accounts shows that the ideas attributed to them were consistent. The problem was solved by Franz Cumont and Joseph Bidez, in Les Mages Hellenises, of “The Hellenized Magi”, but the work remains untranslated. Also useful is the world of RC Zaehner, Zurvan, A Zoroastrian Dilemma. Essentially, these scholars have discovered that those with whom the Greeks had become acquainted with were not orthodox Zoroastrians, but heretics, who had altered Zoroaster’s original teachings, and among whom we find the first indication of what would later comprise the teachings of the Kabbalah: a ritual of death and rebirth, a divine trinity associated with the Sun, Moon and Venus, dualism, pantheism, numerology, astrology, and the belief in reincarnation
>As Yamauchi describes, “the relationship of the Magi to Zoroaster and his teachings is a complex and controversial issue.” Ever since the early days of the Achaemenid empire, there had existed an antagonism with the proponents of true Zoroastrianism and the Magi. Essentially, when the Persians conquered Babylon, the Magi had come into contact with the Chaldeans, whose beliefs and teachings they introduced into their version of Zoroastrians. Therefore, as long as the Persian empire lasted, there was always a distinction between the Persian Magi, the official priestly caste, and the Babylonian Magi, who were often considered to be outright impostors. From the time of Xerxes however, they began to receive increasing favour at court, until the title of Magi eventually lost its heretical connotations. As the French Assyriologist Lenormant noted, “to their influence are to be ascribed nearly all the changes which, towards the end of the Achaemenid dynasty, corrupted deeply the Zoroastrian faith, so that it passed into idolatry.”

>From the fourth century BC on, the Magi were increasingly associated with the Chaldeans as sorcerers and astrologers. The Greek and Latin words for magic, mageia and magia was originally derived in reference to the supposed arts the Magi. As a reflection of this reputation, a Hippocratic treatise from the late fifth century BC, declares that the Magi are the sort of persons who “profess to know how to bring down the moon, to eclipse the sun, to make storm and sunshine, rain and drought, the sea impassable and the earth barren.” Through the association of Zoroastrianism with the Magi, Zoroaster became renowned as a great sage, and numerous pseudepigraphical books on religion, magic and astrology were ascribed to him. The Greeks saw in Zoroaster’s name the word “star,” and it was explained by Hermodorus, a pupil of Plato, as meaning “star worshipper.”
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I plan to combine this with Palo Mayombe.

Somewhat related: There’s an occultist whose work I’m very familiar with (not gonna namedrop cause this board would hate on him for being a libtard, but I unironically respect his knowledge regardless) who identifies as a Dzogchen Chaonimist. Yes, a combination of Dzogchen Buddhism, chaos magic and animism, and works with the deities of a variety of traditions, regarding them as all independently real and distinct unless proven otherwise. So he will use Ancient Greek prayers and practices when working with Hecate or Jupiter, Catholic prayers for Jesus and St. Cyprian, and Buddhist mantras for their deities, etc. Now, since most of the ancient pagan stuff is lost, a good portion of his pagan-based work is supplanted by “personal gnosis” i.e. dreams and signs that he’s been able to confirm externally. For example, a vision of four animal headed spirits attending Hecate, then later finding out that some old temple somewhere had been found where Hecate was depicted with those four animal heads around her.

Having some background knowledge of Tibetan mysticism and the tantric practices, what I noticed about a lot of his Hecate or Jupiter rituals is they are structured similarly to Buddhist practice having mantras, visualizations of the mandala temple, a main deity with four attending dakinis, etc. It seems that while it would be difficult to rediscover the magical systems of the Greeks, those spirits seem to be teaching a system very similar to Buddhist practice.
Based Broddha
I used to be more willing to defend Christianity, but unfortunately that is becoming more and more impossible every day.
I believe that Buddhism has an easier time with local folk religion, but not as something like Christianity.
Cool. I treat all sincere Dharma brothers as equal.
I consider both Theravada and Mahayana as valid.
I do not like Tibetan Buddhism.
They use sacrifice in their worship.
God sacrificed his own son, in an act of sacrifice.
Jews use the logic of sacrifice.
Same logic.
They are one and the same.
Anything to prevent them from having children.
I kid you the fuck not I read this as Negal
This fucking website man hahaha
Someone fucking save this shit
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>>Vajrayana Buddhism and Dzogchen and Bon Shamanism are the most advanced esoteric systems for obtaining development and knowledge out there
No, they don't have any insights and only buddhism can lead to nirvana.
>Buddhist practice having mantras, visualizations of the mandala temple, a main deity with four attending dakinis, etc.
none of those are buddhist, they are hindu
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Sidarta literally said that Dharma was just a raft and that the Vinaya could be changed after he died. His analogy of the raft is telling. He never said Buddhism was the only path (he actually said the opposite), or that you must follow its precepts to be liberated. The only claim the Buddha made was that the dharma was the most effective and efficient path towards liberation, and he urged people to figure out for themselves if he was right by putting into application what he taught. That's why he said there were Bodhisattvas before him.

>The Discourses describe Gautama’s period of self-mortification in great detail, though their accounts read more like a compendium of practices than a description of what a single individual actually did. At the end of Gautama’s life, one discourse relates, he was reminiscing with his disciple Shariputra about the intensity of his efforts as a young man. He says he went naked, rejecting conventions, ignoring other people and even hiding if need be. Rather than begging, he lived on food he could scavenge: “greens or millet or wild rice or hide-parings or moss, grass or cow dung… forest roots and fallen fruits.” He stopped washing and became so dirty that the dirt flaked off his skin; he slept outside in the winter and stayed in the sun in the blazing heat of the hot season. Sometimes he stood or squatted continuously, or slept on a mattress of spikes. On one occasion he was sleeping in a cremation ground with the bones of the dead for his pillow when some boys came across him. They spat at him, urinated on him and poked sticks in his ears, but, he says, “I do not recall that I felt any hatred, such was my equanimity.
Damn he get it, lol
This the monkeys need a spay.
>He never said Buddhism was the only path (he actually said the opposite),
that's false. he said the path he followed an taught and the path followed by all the arahants was the same as all the previous fully enlightened people.

>Vinaya could be changed after he died.
no, he said some minor rules could be changed at best
>>Sidarta literally said that Dharma was just a raft
which doesn't justify the change of the doctrine
They're extremely low IQ and low IQ correlates with being a nigger so yeah pretty much
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The Pali canon was written down 500 years (closer to a thousand if you follow the REAL chronology) and 1000 miles away from Buddha. The Buddha probably didn't have more than 10 or 20 disciples. Most of his discourses were false memories made up by Ananda, Shariputra and Upali. The Buddha gave personalized advice suited to the individual, then the disciples decided to make it all doctrine. The Buddha didn't say you had to become a mendicant, he was only a mendicant because that was already convenient for him. Almost all the meditation techniques in the Pali canon are made up, the original Buddha only taught meditation on death and the disgustingness of your body. He never taught mindfulness of breathing. The Dhyanas aren't meditation, they are just names for four different kinds of mystical experiences the Buddha himself happened to have. You are supposed to reside in them permanently and they are the result of meditation, not meditation. The Buddha never taught that there was anything beyond the five skandhas. He never taught that Nirvana was unconditioned. The Buddha only proselytized to get people to stop following the sramana sects, not because he wanted them to follow his own sect. The Buddha didn't teach that suffering could be completely ended. He also never claimed to remember his past lives or to have any of the magical powers attributed to him. The Buddha didn't actually care that much about ending suffering either, he just realized that the ascetic practices people were doing were retarded. Mahayana buddhism is actually closer to Buddha's original teaching. But nearly all the forms of meditation they do are worthless and historical artifacts. Buddha never taught anything as inane as "just sitting." The Buddha only taught Karma because he didn't want his friends to buy into the unhelpful Ajivika bullshit.

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