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USSR was also able to make an unprecedented civilizational leap - it carried out industrialization, a scientific and technological revolution, reduced the share of the rural population, gave people universal free education, and free higher education, free medical care, kindergartens and even housing for everyone, built the strongest army in the world . The Bolsheviks, without a doubt, saved the country from dullness and vegetation, giving it light and the opportunity for national creativity.
>industrialization wouldn't have happened without Trotsky executing royalist POWs
Jews took over an expansionist Aryan racial empire, bled it dry and turned it into a mestizo backwater, just like they did with America
Yes somewhat.
What USSR did is that were able within 1-2 generations find and educate the brightest of their people to become new leaders, new geniuses, new scientists etc.
They picked the best white male kids, basically, for each niche and gave them free education.

Capitalists found this appaling and a wrong example that needed to be immediately destroyed.
The Capitalists didn't' want to educate the best and the brightest males, they want obedience and dumb consumers. USSR was a bad example to white males everywhere that you can form a leading country led by the people and not the oligarchs and their kids - that had to be destroyed.
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Industrialization was already being carried out before the revolution, the communists seized control in the middle of it.
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How about you translate everything instead of only the part that helps your shaky narrative?
The racial idea was popular at the time and Russians were aware of it, this author is merely toying with the topic.
The author is stating the what the policy of the Russian government was in Central Asia, which was to restore Aryan civilization by pushing the non-Aryan Turkic Mongoloids to marginal land and settling the valuable river valleys with Slavs and Germans, which is exactly what the Russian government did
How did they pay for it?
>USSR was also able to make an unprecedented civilizational leap - it carried out industrialization,

but thats not true? this is a fucking history board for christ sake

by the time the soviets inherited russia it was already the 4th largest industrial base e int he world and the number one fastest growing industrial base in the word. under Nicholas the the rail infrastructure doubled within a few years and production of coal, iron etc. doubled, trippled, sometimes more

the soviets inherited the most rapidly industrializing nation in the world and sped it up a little bit more with some totalitarian micromanaging, causing literally tens of millions of deaths in the process, only to collapse and leave behind a legacy of poverty and death lol

not exactly something worth bragging about
All of this actually applies to China but not the USSR funnily enough. Tankies have their wonder story but racism makws them look at the failed state of the USSR instead of the ever richer China
Where is this page from?
Aryan means evil, so good.
All of those could have been done by non-communists.
>causing literally tens of millions of deaths in the process
Christ, anon, for somebody who talks about "History" you should stop repeating made up nonsense.

At worst it was about 6 six million people. That's a small amount, but WAY less than the likes of the UK needed to industrialize.
It was eighty million by the most conservative of accounts. Question it and it will double again.
Can you prove your translation is correct?
Oh yeah? Then the USA killed 200 billion people.
Not real capitalism.
the world would have been better off with a menshevik-spartican revolution
The sad part is that most likely would have happened if they had just gotten out of the war.
it's industrialization was based on the work done by the czars and foreign investors
in the sciences they are known more for their failures than their succeses and those that did contribute where just as likely to get purged
their technology was always lagging behind hyper focusing on a very few, very unproductive fields of research dedicated to vanity projects or the military
the soivets might have gotten the first object in space but it was the west that managed to exploit satellites while the soviets where hamstrung by retards going against computers for ideological reasons
reduced rural population is kind of easy when you persecute and starve large parts of your rural population
free, universal and shitty if you didn't have the right party connection
the strongest army aside from a very brief period in the 50ies they did not have the strongest army and they always lacked the logistics to move their army beyond the railheads and those rails in the west are on a different gauge
if you worship communism you worship the inferior result gotten at a higher cost.
The legacy of which is now laid bare in russia's folly in Ukraine
I would love to see how menshy Russia would have ended up. It probably would have been fucked somehow by some unknown factor, but at least they didn’t have such inherently volatile ideology as bolsheviks.
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>6 six million people. That's a small amount

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