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>The most popular Fetishes amongst Women

>50 cis women were asked about what sexual fetishes they had which were added to a list of fetishes alongside a description of the fetish. Then 500 cis women ticked boxes on what fetishes they had. Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

>The following are the top fetishes amongst women, how many women have it and the description of the fetish:

>1. Financial Domination 98% "I get turned on when I take money from men or men buy me gifts."

>2. Loving Myself 97% "I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act."

>3. Feminist Cuckolding 85% "I want to sleep with other men when I have a partner but the men I sleep with are beneath me and serve me sexually they are not degrading me."

>4. Teasing 78% "I want to flirt with men I won't have sex with so I feel sexy and they give me attention."

>5. Queen and her Knight 63% "I want to date a successful masculine man who treats me like I am better than him and worships me as a queen."

>6. Rape 58% "I want to be raped by a man who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel sexy as he picked me."

>7. Female Cuckolding 50% "I want to corrupt and seduce a man who is dating an attractive woman so he dates me instead."

>8. Woman's World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other women to make the world better for women even at the expense of men."

>9. Gangbang 34% "I want to have sex with more than 3 guys at once."

>10. Dogs 28% "I get turned on by dogs but not in a weird way."
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>6. Rape 58% "I want to be raped by a man who is extremely attractive who will give me great sex and make me feel sexy as he picked me
This statistics are bigger than that.

>The nature of women's rape fantasies: an analysis of prevalence, frequency, and contents

>This study evaluated the rape fantasies of female undergraduates (N = 355) using a fantasy checklist that reflected the legal definition of rape and a sexual fantasy log that included systematic prompts and self-ratings. Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates. For women who have had rape fantasies, the median frequency of these fantasies was about 4 times per year, with 14% of participants reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week. In contrast to previous research, which suggested that rape fantasies were either entirely aversive or entirely erotic, rape fantasies were found to exist on an erotic-aversive continuum, with 9% completely aversive, 45% completely erotic, and 46% both erotic and aversive
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TL;DR The idea of being raped by a handsome man is the ultimate proof for women that they're so desirable that the highest status men will break the ultimate societal taboo to have them. Of course women love that shit. And no, it doesn't mean that they want to be raped by you, the basement dwelling incel reading this.
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>but not in a weird way.
they needed this to be said otherwise they wouldnt have answered
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>And no, it doesn't mean that they want to be raped by you
Well, it's not up to them to decide...
>Cis female scientists were used as women tend to lie to male scientists about their sexuality

So no attractive women were surveyed?
>>8. Woman's World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other women to make the world better for women even at the expense of men."
Feminist demonstrations or whatever makes their vaggies tingle?
women are fucking retarded and this is not the redpill it seems to be
If they "want it" it's not rape.
what they want is spontaneous casual sex with an alpha male.
When chudjak tries this it's actually rape because he's not an alpha male.
>I romantically love myself, I get turned on by how I look and act

This line alone makes me OP is full of shit. No offence
Is this girl AI generated? I don't care, she's super hot.
Extreme Narcism
>8. Woman's World 49% "I get turned on by the thought of working with other women to make the world better for women even at the expense of men."
So feminism is just a fetish? Suffragettes fought so future generations could get off on lording over men?
Always has been
>Yes, yes, we'll let this vote and have rights.
Narcissism is a defence mechanism. It's not something that turns you on.
Other people turn you on, nobody is self-sexual
>cis women

They’re just called women retard
98% of women knowing what findom is should tell you this is OP making up a study to masturbate to. He's got that strain of autism where you play pretend and jerk off to charts and graphs saying women want 16 inch penises because you have a humiliation fetish.
Jews, Indians, Chinese,and non-slavic people that were in the USSR aren't like this even though they thrive in capitalist societies, they use capitalism to further their own interests communally. Whites like Germans and Turks however regularly screw each other over to get ahead, and their girls regularly engage in this kind of stuff because financial worth is what their society values the most.
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0/10 b8 but (you) got a response
They're part of Europe and their society is the same as those of whites. Everything about them is white and I'm not gonna pretend that it isn't on some retarded note about their ancestry or their brown skin. Whites welcome them as equals.
I think the dog thing is that they just want to be fucked hard and without regard...the way a dog would fuck they just don't understand themselves enough to know that. IOT they want to be pounded good and hard and not have some dude asking how they feel or if it feels good or any of that other faggotry.
Bad book
What kind of midwit lumps Turks and Germans together as the same group?
the first one tells me you made all this shit up in your head even if some have merit.
Its deeply intrenched in consciousness. Gorillas are technically a cuckolding species where the alpha male has the full breeding rights for all females in the troop. Captive chimpanzees were also taught the value of currency in the form of items they could redeem for special food and the males immediately gave the money to the females and then fucked them.
>men claims to be the logical sex
>instantly believes anything on the internet because it makes their dick hard
Germans and Turks have a long close history. Germans were subservient to Turks. Loyal allies to Atilla, loyal friends of the Ottomans. You're the same, whether you like it or not.
Black shota built
Gooning rn.
OP is a liar. The study says no such thing.

Move along people
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here is what it actually says
Women cannot be asexual. Women love sex and love to desire sex. It's why most books targeting women are about sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.
You have never talked to a woman.
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>I get turned on by dogs
>but not in a weird way.
i bet you could get women to admit to the most heinous shit imaginable if you just tack on "but not in a weird way" and make them feel it is socially acceptable to say

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