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ive been getting intro heraldic coat of arms and its history and i wanted your opinions on how it originates and if theres a connection between the jews and Europeans who use the symbol of the lion,i know at some point many "Israelites" migrated form the middle east to up north in Europe but alot of the memes get confusing
>comes to schizo board for answers
you can't make this shit up! hahaha
Most european symbols are isrealite in origin. Sometimes they correlate to the specific isrealite tribe but its been a long time since the migration to Europe so its pretty much random
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>Most european symbols are isrealite in origin
Other way around. The tribes are Europeans who invaded as the Sea Peoples.
op here well shit maybe i should ask /pol/ then
If the use of the lion as a heraldic symbol was inspired by the tribe Judah it's still more likely that Christians started it than one of the "lost tribes".
They dont like the idea of old testament jewery infleuncing the elites......fot obvious reasons.
>and if theres a connection between the jews and Europeans who use the symbol of the lion
Other than the fact they know Lions as a sign of power and strength. No.
>i know at some point many "Israelites" migrated form the middle east to up north in Europe
Jews were a segregated class of people in the Roman Empire and every post Roman state. They did not have the ability or power to work their way into the aristocracy.
We really have small "evidence" of the genetic orgin of most of those dynasties. We really dont know or ever will know really.
There are no lions native to Britain. All of these monarchies are Christian, which means they're ultimately Jewish in terms of their core mythos and symbolism. Go watch Charles's recent coronation, it's Jewy as can be and they even sing "Zadok the Priest" during the ceremony, with countless other OT references throughout.

Until these and other foreign, invasive, violently imposed religions are gone from Europe, she will never be free.
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forgot to mention that there a theory that "aryans"were in the middle east before 6000 years ago ,before Christianity was even a thing, is there more to this or am i looking in the wrong direction
Unless you are assuming Jews somehow became Germanic Kings who later migrated into the Roman Empire such an assumption is nonsensical
im saying where did the similar imagery of the lion come from if not from the Jews, someone or a group of people had to have come up with the idea and everyone else all agreed to make their coat of arms a resemblance to this one lion "including other animals"i also remember that many Europeans that would be considered aryan all have around at least 1% Ashkenazi jew in their dna even if they're 99% pure euro ,would that mean that at some point the jews travelled up north and infiltrated the nobility?
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Because Lions are depicted in literature as strong and powerful so they use it. It's the same reason eagles are a common representative of military and states across the ancient and medieval world. It doesn't need to be one specific ethnicity transmiting it through their own culture directly.

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