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I really want to be neutral to Xtians as a Turkish male but the fact that Europeans declared crusades on us (not only one but more than a dozen) and the fact that Vatican, which apologized to Greece, is yet to apologize to Turkey really makes it hard for me to do. Crusades were completely unjustified and the amount of oppression in our own native homeland by the crusaders and their lackeys Byzantines we faced makes my blood boil.
You can see the same crusader mentality existing even among non-religious Europeans as well. When they see a Turk online they say "go back to Mongolia" or how "Constantinople" is a part of Greece even though 90% of it was built by the Turks. Same story in EU admission as well where Turks are rejected on the grounds of not converting to xtianity.
Turks were a military threat and JPII apologized for whatever atrocities happened in crusades anyways.
?? This is like Germany apologizing for what it did to Soviet Union but not condemning the war they started first.
Is this a troll? The crusades were initially a defensive army launched to retake Byzantine territory that had been conquered by Turks in the past few decades.

Like, Turkey as a nation is literally founded on Christian land conquered in wars of aggression. Are you retarded?
>The crusades were initially a defensive army
Explain to me how the French, Germans, English and Italians somehow had a country in Anatolia and Turks supposedly invaded it.
>Like, Turkey as a nation is literally founded on Christian land
Xtian lands are founded on someone else's lands. Xtians waged wars of aggressions against non xtians and eventually won.

The Northern Crusades were completely uncalled for, but the ones against Islam were not. The Crusader States were retaking land that had stolen from the Byzantines in a completely unprovoked attack by Muslims to begin with.
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>invade and conquer every christian country in the balkans
>occupy their territory for hundreds of years
>oppress christians
>kidnap christian children and raise them as slaves
>christians declare war on you to stop these atrocities

Why are Musloids like this.
1- Devshirme was extremely limited
2- Turks are native to Balkans
I see, you're a troll. Good day
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>2- Turks are native to Balkans
Yeah but don't forget the european peasants have the intellectual controlled by canaannites. it's been this way for 2000 years.
intellectual life

ie what they think is just the product of the european elites infatuated with canaanite priests

It's fucking nuts Turks don't realize they're the brutish aggressors.
It's really a misinterpreted pseudo history fabricated by Greeks.
None of those lands were conquered by the Turks. Your argument is like how in the past Christians conquered Baltic countries and India attacking Italy over it.
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The effective attitude of Muslims is that once they control a plot of land, it's theirs in perpetuity and in fact always has been.

It's why they still seethe over Spain, the Balkans and India, because the natives "stole" the lands back from Muslim imperialism
Is there a book or source I could read about orphanages or how orphans were taken care of during medieval times?
Enough opium for one day
>*invades europe for the 70th time*
>Pope: we should defend our christian brethren against these turkish invaders
The Northern Crusades were completely called for, Wendish and Baltic pirates and bandits were raiding their Christian neighbours non-stop just like the Muslims were in the Mediterranean.
Go back 1000 years and 80% of the average Turk's living ancestors were already living in Anatolia. Calling them brutish aggressors overlooks the reality that they're far closer genetically to the people who were invaded than the people doing the invading.
I am a Turk from northern Bulgaria and we did not come with the Ottomans but have always been here.
Turks were in the Balkans long before the Slavs. Huns, Avars, Bulgars, Cumans, Pechenegs, Tartars and many more. Before them there were Scythians and Cimmerians of unknown origin (Turkish tribes were definitely among them) in the Balkans.
The "Turks" who invaded the middle east weren't the "Turks" who live in Anatolia today; they were central Asian steppe peoples who later conquered Turkey and gave it's name and assimilated the Anatolians.
Commit sudoku turk
Turks did not assimilate the population but mixed with the local population. Today, Turks have around 30% Central Asian DNA. That is about as much as the British have Anglo-Saxon DNA, the Germans have Germanic DNA and the Greeks have Hellenic (Mycenaean) DNA.
There are no pure peoples. All peoples and all Turkic peoples are mixed.
The instituted a great campaign of Turkifiying and Islamismising central Anatolia. There's more assimilation than genetics autism.
How do you think Islam spread?
That's bullshit. Then why weren't the Balkans, North Africa or the Middle East Turkified? Anatolia demonstrably had the largest Turkish immigration.
Turks from Turkey have on average DNA results like picrel
Damn, this is almost "Protestants are the real native Irish," tier.
What exactly are you trying to argue?
That Turks aren’t assimilated Anatolians but a mix of Anatolians and Turkic tribes.
That they are mixed like every other ethnicity
Yes, and how does that disagree with what I said? This mixing occurred after the crusades, so the "Turks" that were being fought during the Crusade were central asian steppeniggers with no relationship to the Anatolians.
We have DNA results from the early Ottoman period and they are identical to today's Turkish population. This shows that the ethnogenesis of the Turks was already complete in the 14-15th century
So, several hundred years after the great crusades, the ones that actually get seethed about?
They hadn't actually invaded Christian territory, and it didn't justify extirpation and slavery of the natives on the grounds of being pagan. The Prussians were basically exterminated. It wasn't at all like the other crusades which were at least defensive and about reclaiming stolen territory
>my people invade :)
>my people got invaded :(
Lol no. The reason crusade exist is to unite European from fighting each other. Pope is just tired of them. European feudalism is crazy at the the time. Million of region fighting small scales war 24 hours. So to stop fighting pope gave them mission. One to Jerusalem and one to pagan north
Ottoman Empire was also targeted by the crusades until 1683

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