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Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was. You could walk for kilometers on footpaths in major cities, next to roads that had minimal traffic. Everywhere you could see green fields below clear blue skies. It would be difficult to find a single piece of trash anywhere in a city
Imagine if Britain had actually colonized India. Sending millions of Bongs there to settle the land, marry local women, and establish Anglican Christianity as the majority religion of the subcontinent. India might be a half-decent country today.
That's because the villages were even bigger hellholes than they are today. If you go to normal sized cities outside the shithole quarter of Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and Calcutta it's actually quite pleasant and clean in most cities outside of the cow belt exclusion zone.
The last time they tried that half their army rebelled. Read Dalrymple's The Last Mughal.
The people who feel that way were pretty far removed from things like pic related.

Any Indian who visits the UK today would rather live under Rahul Gandhi than any joker running Parliament these days. Thatcher and Blair were the only PMs of note out of Britain l, and they largely made things worse. Them in charge of India, let alone people like Heath or Johnson, would have disastrous for India.
>Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was
Never happened
We all agree that it would be great if White people could replace and repopulate India, but that was never demographically possible.

white people
>can't breed
>can't go out into the sun
>can't eat spicy food
Are they even human?
At the very least, India didn't get reduced to golems for the "fellow whites" who were always a separate caste in India kept at the periphery.

Had the British not stuck their nose up at the natives, they might have ruled longer, or they might've formed a larger Anglo-Indian caste and there would be pockets of English culture scattered across the continent like the Parsis.

As it stands, it's as if Europe never even touched India. The whole Belle Epoque is a distant memory and a non event now in the Indian consciousness.
I'm an American and let me tell you why that doesn't work out in the long run
>At the very least, India didn't get reduced to golems for the "fellow whites"
The are second only to Africans in being good golems, that's why the are preferenced for temporarily resettling the Jewish economic zone on formerly Aryan lands until the large African wave arrives.
The fuck yall thought decolonization meant? Essays? Pooping in designated locations with plumbing?
The first good golems are Evangelical Americans. Then Brits. Then Basketball Americans. Then the rest of Western Europe.

Africans are behind Indians who are behind Chinese in the championship of "golems who went rogue". Full support, saar, memes aside, India recognises and provides aid to Palestine, none of the Indian upper classes have married into Jews and political corruption is so normal that it's impossible to blackmail them.

Indians are even more endogamous than Jews, and man to man, Gujaratis alone outjew Jews. The current scenario is a circulation of elites where Jews, degenerated and high on their beliefs of superiority to the goyim, are being displaced by Indians.
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Would never work, now if the bongs implemented mass sterilization and promoted gibs to pajeetas who took British semen and raised the bastards themselves, you could see an alternate india where they all look like Persians and Syrians instead of the things they look like now

I played a Victoria 2 game where I larped this scenario as an independant East India Company that would limit jeets to 1 child and allow pajeetas to get welfare if they produced 3 half breed children with prime Euro stock, mostly the Anglo ruling elite
All this time, the huw*te man was worried about the """Hebraic menace""" while the Indian man has been fighting steadfastly for millennia against the true ancestors and masters of the Israeli people - those malefactors who have held the Levantines in their grasp like puppets since the dawn of humanity and degenerated 1.4 billion people without blinking an eye - the Gujjew.
The British population was 10 million, The Indian population was at least 150 million, it's a pipe dream and that's not even getting into the other stuff you mentioned
Why doesn't it? I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
>Old people in india get nostalgic about how blissful british india was
If that's true, why would anyone in India ever rebel against it?
The elderly Indians I know have nostalgia for the 50s, not the 40s or earlier. And even that's only if they were already wealthy.
The infamous slums and chawls of Bombay and Delhi were literally created under British rule
Pajeets breed like rats and it's somehow the bongs fault? Cant house or feed yourself? Dont breed lmao
How many mods did it take to reach that level of autism?
You did not address any of my points anon
>clean cities
>clear skies
>green fields
is this just pre-industrialization nostalgia? ala Tolkien in Britain itself
Unironically yes. Even in the 50s and 60s, India had barely any industry, the country was also less urbanized too.
This is why Indian boomers are nostalgic for those decades. India didn't start properly industrializing until liberalisation in the 90s
Who told you this? They definitely don’t
how the fuck did you do this
Where there's a will, there's a way. All it takes is a few hours of boredom and already having plenty of victoria 2 modding knowledge. Remove the assimilation block on Indian state cores and then add some immigration modifies and a negative birth modifier and you got a base to larp. I like to imagine this based coporate state is once which would promote both European immigration and would have a weird form of christianity that would promote the cleansing of the jeet race in favor of a "Christian oriented" race which obvious has to be the current bulk of Christianity of the time, in Europe. Where Christian males would be swayed to immigrate and be subsidized to have families and contribute to the cause by getting a dozen jeeta wives ontop of a half breed one to perpetuate the cleansing.

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