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It is commonly stated that civilians in the Baltics and in the Ukraine initially saw the Wehrmacht as liberators, but what was the grassroots reaction to their arrival in Belarus and Russia proper?
Were they distrustful from the get go?
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The reaction was positive until Jewish partisans started to terrorize and murder Russian collaborators
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>the partizans were actually the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ
let me guess, the 1 something million yugoslav partizans were secretly also jews and had menorahs in their vukojebina villages
I read somewhere that in Belarus specifically, people were unwilling to let go of collective farms and resume individual farming, despite pressure from the Reichskommissar.

Wikipedia vaguely mentions this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichskommissariat_Ostland#Policies
it mostly come from shitty german logistic that couldn't supply its invading army and was doing medieval style foraging to feed its army
its hard to be welcoming to guys who steal all your food and cows
these sort of foraging also lead to increase in resistance and brutal pacification
when german foraging unit rolled into village they taken all food and animals then killed peasants because if they left them hungry they would cause trouble, and if you killing them all then why no rape some girls?
similar situation was happening in china with imperial japan army although more brutal and on bigger scale

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