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We have to import infinity blacks from Africa to pick them for us. There can't possibly be any long term ramifications of importing infinity blacks to pick cotton, right?
Thanks britain
Had they not invented gloves back then yet?
>long term ramifications
Like the average person cares in the face of short term gain. It took burgers a century between widespread nog presence and civil war, two centuries till nogs got properly weaponized. How many generations of american landowners enjoyed their wealth in the meantime?
Bongs imported nogs because it was fuck hard to convince people to go be farmhands when they could just go be homesteaders.
Of course not, whites needed to steal that invention from Africa, like all their technology.
White "people" can't stand in sunlight for long extended periods of time.
you're welcome
Only few hundred thousand nogs were imported into continental USA. Once cotton refining got improved slave trade had already been ended by the British so Americans could only breed more slaves internally.
Americans ended the slave trade like 30 years before the British
Why did you AI-generate an image of cotton rather than just... using a photograph?
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Reminder that they were consider more hard working and intelligent than British.
Irish, my bad
god damn what a midwit interpretation of an uncited source. you should feel ashamed
the problem wasn't that we imported them.. it's that we imported them for a purpose and then we invented machinery to replace them but didn't give them any other meaningful purpose or pursuit in life that they were adequately adapted to. Fucking brainlet. Western civilization is shooting itself in the foot and blaming everyone but themselves and the real source of the problem
Even today, African immigrants to the USA from Africa tend to be hard working and as prone to violent criminality. Whatever happened to "afro-Americans' was truly a degeneration. I understand some big fucking nog was parade around to have sex with black slave women to produce tall big offspring so they could pick more cotton or something insignificant. He must have been a real scumbag with bad genes, in my opinion. Why else did black americans come out the way they did?
Not as prone to criminality, I mean.
like i said here>>16894808
we brought them over for a purpose, to which they were perfectly suited and often quite happy to fulfill when treated with respect and dignity.. but then we invented machinery and replaced them, corralled them into cities and expected them all to fit nicely into the mold that society created.. Which MOST people aren't really tolerating regardless of race.
I'm not gonna take to some lecturing from crackers that unironically took works from the NOI as verify sources and gospel cause it mention Jew involvement in slavery.
>Reminder that they were consider more hard working and intelligent than British.
it doesn't say anything about them being more hardworking or intelligent, it just says the irish rebelled and caused problems.. they rebelled from SLAVERY lmao
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>Even today, African immigrants to the USA from Africa tend to be hard working and as prone to violent criminality.

Not even true

Black americans are being denied jobs and loans regardless of qualification. They're purposely ethnically diluted and replace politically and economically.
It legit said the their earlier colonies wouldn't have survive without Black slavery and that they were more hard working and intelligent than the Irish.
>Black americans are being denied jobs and loans regardless of qualification.
It’s actually the opposite. Affirmative Action and DEI gives these things to unqualified blacks at the expense of Whites and Asians.
>Black americans are being denied jobs and loans regardless of qualification. They're purposely ethnically diluted and replace politically and economically.

why do people say shit without any citation to support them and expect to be respected at all?
it doesn't say anything at all about intelligence. It says the africans were suited to the region because they had skills that were in high demand and were adapted to the conditions. The Irish weren't mentioned until the last paragraph and it doesn't say anything about how hard working or intelligent they were it just says they weren't tolerant of slavery. That book considers tolerance of slavery to be a virtue of civilization.. so it's hilarious if you're actually black and using that as a reference lmao



https://finance.yahoo.com/news/over-76-chief diversity-officer-185454530.html

Black americans didn't benefited from either DEI or AA. majority of jobs when to Caribs and Apefricans in Black section.

>Additionally, when Black entrepreneurs had LLC, S corps or C corps, the racial bias was reversed: 75% of Black owners had loans approved, as opposed to 42% of White owners.

this is obviously not very good science, not very powerful(as in small sample sizes) and not easy to control, etc
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Anglos made a mistake
Meme shit. Black Americans come from a Dalit caste in Africa. Compare an Irish traveler to an Irish Catholic family in the US. That’s the fucking difference. High caste blacks in Africa are also just 100 ish IQ on average .
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In another (better) timeline...
What does Panam have to do with blacks? She's Native American.
Neither can blacks. Plus they smell like burning garbage if left in the sun too long.
>smell like burning garbage if left in the sun too long.
before the company i work for used mexicans it was white crackheads. The smell of crack/heroin sweat on the top of a roof in 110 freedom units down in the south is an experience
at first i wondered why madagascar, then somalia, but all of it really except egypt for sentimental reasons i guess
My guess is because North Africa is Amazigh and Arab, the Horn of Africa is closer to Caucasoids, and Madagascar is Malayic. Basically all the non-Congoid/Bantoid countries.
Africans from Africa and the Caribbean that come to the US are almost always doctors, nurses, or businessmen whose fathers and mothers harshly disciplined them as children so they didn’t grow up to be hoodlums.
>oh we actually respected the nig- I mean blacks!
>yeah, they had hitherto unheard of methods of picking cotton!
>we couldn't have survived without throwing them in chains and making them work 14 hours a day while we whipped them!
>And those Africans, much more docile than the Irish as you know.
This reads like tongue-in-cheek Confederate propaganda.
Strange things going on in the internet.
>>Additionally, when Black entrepreneurs had LLC, S corps or C corps, the racial bias was reversed: 75% of Black owners had loans approved, as opposed to 42% of White owners.

That doesn't mean it was due to racial bias, and also as we stated they even when approve for said loans and services it was inferior compare to White.

>this is obviously not very good science, not very powerful(as in small sample sizes) and not easy to control, etc

>I disagree with the study cause it's against my victimization narrative, so I will say that method of it was bad.

>Dalit caste

Just us?

Also I never thought see the day when an White supremacist will literally defend a fucking bush monkey and even hype up the "muh educated Niggerian myth" to say they have 100 iq giga brains to out putting us down. God damn.

So now you disagree with confederates, when they say how integral Black slaves and labor were to America?
In a better timeline Europe gets erased.
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You really want to be Stone Age hunter gatherer right now that bad?
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lol this is the easiest job in the world, black people weren't "oppressed" at all
I already disagreed with the Confederates, so yeah, I also disagree with the argument that blacks were considered some kind of technical professionals and that there was any kind of respect towards blacks coming from the people shipping them like property en masse. It reads like a cartoonish Lost Causer argument.
would probably be more fun desu

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