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He’s the only religious debater I’ve seen that really stands up for his beliefs shows no mercy toward his opponents. Apologists are all too often big betas, and Jay bucks the trend, he knows he’s right and will make you damn sure of it. Truly the Chris Hitchens of Orthodoxy.
Why are zoomers so obsessed with "debating" and streaming it like it's an e-sport or something.
ooga booga baboon mentality.
thinking in a human sense takes effort so no one does it.
>Truly the Chris Hitchens of Orthodoxy
You say this like it's a compliment
Jay knew he was right about reformed theology too
in fact, it was impossible for him to be wrong about that
wonder what else he can be wrong about?
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I like watching this cat
Willing to engage in Christian apologetics
A racialist
Doesn't cuss, much
Encyclopedic knowledge of Orthodox trivia

His following is an online incel thing, not a real cult leader

Actual real-life cult leader, taking over a small town as we speak
Christian nationalist, got tangible policies

Not authorized to engaged in Christian apologetics
Not a racialist
Cusses and uses foul language
Not as knowledgeable, still a catechumen
This should have ended his career lol, especially since he still uses the TAG.
Why does he believe a virgin gave birth to a magic flying jew?
TAG is based, stfu
I got no idea why no one is bullying about this
>shutting up the nonbeliever, instead of changing their mind about anything
Real Van Til hours
dyerbros...how do we recover from this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGXhMEtMUjs
>Not authorized to engaged in Christian apologetics

You don't know the first thing about Christianity if you thought this was a thing.
It's literally what Andrew told me
Fpbp. If you are actually interested in Orthodoxy then why aren't you hitting the books, learning about it deeply and coming to your own conclusions? And same question for people fixated on Catholic or Protestant or Muslim debaters. If you're just identifying with whatever religion you think is the most BASED without trying to understand it on a serious level and then following your debating team like you'd follow a sports team then how genuine can that be?
this skittles fuck doesn’t have the cojones to debate Jay face to face.
>doesn’t have the cojones to debate Jay face to face.
We’re trapped in our worldviews. There is no foundational knowledge, the given is a myth. You cannot refute this.
Sounds like you'd be a fan of Mohammed Hijab
wow, I worship judeocuck religion now, thanks OP
People change their worldviews so this is obviously not true.
Take it up with him
the fuck are you gonna read that makes you come to a "conclusion" about it being true that a man walked on water 2000 years ago
I'm not saying anyone should believe that. But if you're genuine about the belief then it seems you should be doing a lot more serious study and a lot less youtube watching. And a lot less of the BASED CHAD debater MERCILESSLY CRUSHES his opponent thing, that doesn't seem too christlike lol. I don't have as much of a problem with people who are sincerely deeply religious, these zoomers who are using it as entertainment and identity shopping are way more annoying.
Well, you're right about that. No amount of knowledge or strength or work is going to bring anyone to God. These are things only for those already on the path. Not to get on the path in the first place. Only God brings us to God. And if any of you are distant from him, even that wasn't your choice.
>“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day."-John 6:44
what's TAG?
Jake the Muslim Metaphysician defeated him
transcendental argument for God
Listening to this now and I refuse to believe there are more than like 5 people who watch this shit who've studied enough philosophy to know what's going.
Jake got bodied hard. Especially when the "uncreated foot" deabate started.
>allah is not like anything in this world
>allah has a foot
>but its not an actual foot, its a foot that befits allah and is not like any foot on earth (but its a foot)
>he also has a shin btw
Hes a crypto-protestant same with most “orthobros” every generatIon you have people who want to muh retvrn to tradition, and become primitive baptists or church of christ non-instrumental. This guy just chose a random religion for its aesthetic. Real christians dont divide the church and push people away from the faith.
>real christians don't divide the church
This argument states that christians don't divide the church while dividing the church between the real christians and the fake christians.
Couldn't have been more retarded lol.
>real christians worship my pedophile god king cult leader
that's really convincing.
You cited him as if you agreed. Why would you agree with that point of view?
He gets crushed whenever he steps outside of his tiny pilpul sophistry circle. He's not actually intelligent, he's just memorized a variety of rhetorical techniques and when to deploy them. The moment people don't open themselves up to him using these techniques however as he doesn't actually get, or really believe in, what he's talking about. This is really apparent with Platonism, where both Hellenistic and Christian Platonists have wiped the floor with him as he only has a sub-lay understanding fo Plato.
Good critical thinking but lacks the reading comprehension for what they were saying.
Exactly Anon. Why the fuck are people picking religions based on 'debates' instead of their own research and conclusions. Fucking sheep playing telephone. Think for yourself.
>hell is in the earth’s core
idiot, I now disregard everything he says
This is a philo-semitic board, we don’t care /pol/tard
Gay Liar didn't win a single debate in his career, he just acts like he is the winner and his dumb followers rejoice
>pros: racialist
>cons: antisemite

when he was he either and why do you consider one good but the other bad?
first i thought this was clever but now i cant unsee it.

>fallacy, fallcy, non sequitur, fallacy
>how do know, but how do you know, how do you know
>being circular is ok when i do it
>based chad

he is a fucking russia and snake oil shill
>use 50% discount code for choq. if you take choq you will become more masculine.
or this recent ai generated ad for another bullshit with all the trigger words like zoomer, chad, boomer
I mean in terms of their self-portrayal. There is really no difference between this niche convert debate scene and boomers watching Ben Shapiro DESTROY some college kid with facts and logic. You're not actually being presented with information and asked to think about it, weigh it or understand it. What is being sold is the experience of watching a based internet daddy rhetorically crush people who subscribe to a different political/identity brand than you.
I'm Jewish
Where did you get the idea that Jay is an antisemite anyway? He says positive shit about kabbalah quite a bit and never debates Jews.
May God destroy you, monster.
His "geopolitics"
Putin is part Jewish and until Ukraine had great relations with Israel and his country's top rabbis

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