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Do christians believe jews are gods chosen people? Doesnt it say that in the old testament? Why is there 2 testaments?
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God's people are like five brothers that are together made king by God, but one brother denies the legitimacy of the other four and is continually punished for it.
But OP, you worship an elephant man with 50 arms and cannot into indoor plumbing. Take the beam out of your own eye.
So jews and non jews are on the same level according to god?
Fundamentally the reason Jesus was killed is because he would renounce his position that all of His people are part of the tree, not just Jews, but perhaps also not everyone.
>he would not* renounce
The doctrine you're looking for is "supersessionism." Catholic, orthodox, and mainline some mainline protestant hold that Jesus made a "New Covenant" that dissolved the "Old Covenant" made under Moses. The new chosen people are members of the Christian church. This is an old doctrine that goes back to the second century AD (100s).

Some protestant churches, particularly in the United States where Christian Zionism is strongest, hold other doctrines that maintain the Jews as the chosen. To what degree the old covenant applies and what the obligations of the Jews are to god varies from sect to sect.
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>Do christians believe jews are gods chosen people?
Depends entirely on the denomination and the person you're talking to. You either have
- Jews are God's chosen people and we should 100% support Israel and Zionism. Jews who uphold the law get a choice to accept Christ upon death.
- Jews were God's chosen people, but they're not anymore. We should still support Israel and Zionism because it's God's immutable law, and in order to fulfill end time prophecies and bring on the apocalypse.
- Jews were God's chosen people, but they're not anymore since they killed the Messiah. We should burn all the Jews, because they're collectively responsible and evil despite Jesus' death saving all of mankind.
- We wuz Jews 'n shit all along: Israelites were actually a heckin' wholesome inclusive multicultural tribal society and the white Jews including White Jesus were the real American Evangelical Christians, while other Jews became Satan-possessed blasphemers.
>Doesnt it say that in the old testament

If you follow the full OT chronologically it's a story of a chosen tribe falling from grace and becoming replaced by the broader masses. Jesus' job them comes to reform the errant masses of divinely spirited people into a new congregation. He's essentially a phoenix for divinity on Earth. The role of the original jews is carried through the Essenes, who are the Christians today. There are no Pharisees anymore they were wiped out in the 5th century AD.
Jesus was jews, so yeah. we know how that (((goes))). Otherwise they'd be retarded. But I guess that's not really surprising.
the summary: schizo jews raised by a cuck, not even once
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>Do christians believe jews are gods chosen people?
Catholics: "They are are lost, but we should not convert them, by the orders of the Pope."
Orthodox: "Unless they convert and be baptized, they are the Synagogue of Satan."

>Doesn't it say that in the old testament?

>Why is there two testaments?
Old Testament: The New Testament prophesied.
New Testament: The Old Testament fulfilled...repeat FULFILLED.

>Jesus was jews
Stop readying the Scholfield Bible Anon.
Anon what does the white box mean in picrel?
>Jesus wasn't Jewish
Imagine being antisemitic when your Lord and Savior was a semite
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He wasn't. But lets go and check off what He was on His time on Earth:
>He was a Semite? Yes, because He was descended from Shem.
>He was a Hebrew? Yes, because He descended from Abraham.
>He was an Israelite? Yes, because He descended from Israel (Jacob).
>He was from the tribe of Judah? Yes, because He was from the House of David.
>He was from the tribe of Ephraim? Yes, because He was from the House of David.
>He was from the Tribe of Levi? Yes, because He was a descended from Aaron.
>He was a Judea? Yes, He was born in Bethlehem, Judea; a province of the Roman Empire.
>He was a Nazarene? Yes, He was raised in Nazareth, Galilee; a province of the Roman Empire.
>He was a Jew? No, He was not a member of the Pharisee cult. He was very critical on their traditions that would become the Mishnah.
>He is YWHW? Yes, He was the foretold by Moses, and all the other prophets who saw Him as part of the Trinity.
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Lol! Okay Jew.
Thanks for providing me right. Never did I claim Jesus was a Pharisee (he wasn't). Your Lord and Savior had a Jewish mother (and father), taught Jewish scripture, and celebrated Jewish festivals.

Not Jewish, I denounce the Talmud.
>Your Lord and Savior had a Jewish mother (and father), taught Jewish scripture, and celebrated Jewish festivals.
He denounced the Talmud. That means He is not Jewish.
>That means He is not Jewish.
Wrong. That means he was not what you consider Jewish.
Oy gevalt!
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What is a Jew according to you?
>Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, page 474, "The Jewish religion, as it is today, traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.
Believing Jesus was a Jew, is believing he was a Pharisee.
During the time of Jesus? One who followed the Old Testament.

You can spam this, but I frankly don't give a fuck. Jews (today) hold the opinion (as fact) that they have the right to live in Israel without their messiah's arrival. The consensus of Jews (what you seem to only believe are Pharisees) during Jesus' time would not be that Jesus was one of them.
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>During the time of Jesus? One who followed the Old Testament.
The Old Testament didn't exist at that time. They only thing that was "canon" was the Pentateuch... and nothing else. Do you think that the Samaritans who will beat you up for calling them a Jew, are also Jews?

>Jews (today) hold the opinion (as fact) that they have the right to live in Israel without their messiah's arrival. >The consensus of Jews (what you seem to only believe are Pharisees) during Jesus' time would not be that Jesus was one of them.
And you believe them?
Only Evangelicals who have been fooled by the Scofield Bible believe the kikels who killed Jesus Christ are God's chosen people. Most Christians see kikels for what they are.
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Not even young Evangelicals support Israel anymore
>Grandma: “Jews are the synagogue of Satan. The Antichrist will obviously a Jew.”
>Me: “Jews are the synagogue of Satan. The Antichrist will obviously a Jew.”
Boomers are… special.

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