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Ricky Lee Green and his wife Sharon committed a brutal string of mutilation murders in the Fort Worth, Texas area in the mid-1980s, the tragic end result of a childhood from Hell. Green was a native of Fort Worth and was born in the central Texas city on December 27, 1960. His father Bill was a sadist who enjoyed torturing his five children on a regular basis. Ricky's brother Perry claimed that their father administered electric shocks, punched them in the stomach, or held their heads under water until they almost drowned. When Ricky was 6, Bill told him to run for it as he fired at him with a BB gun. He was hit with most of the shots as his father sarcastically told him to run faster next time. Bill told his son he was worthless and would never amount to anything. Ricky's grandfather also repeatedly molested him.

Green lost an eye at some point in his childhood when he ran into barbed wire and had to get a prosthetic glass eyeball. He quit school in the 8th grade and got a job as a radiator repairman. In February 1984 he got married to a woman named Mary Francis but the honeymoon ended in only two months when Green began suspecting his wife was cheating on him. One night when he was drunk Mary came home and he got out a knife and raped her. Afterwards she grabbed her stuff, left the house, and never came back. A few weeks later he met Sharon Dollar, a known junkie, and she soon moved in with him. One evening during sex Sharon poked Ricky's penis with a sewing needle and drew blood, which she then drank.
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Ricky and Sharon formally got married September 20. The first victim of the Greens was a 16 year old named Jeff Davis, who had met Ricky before. On March 27, 1985, Sharon was out of town so they decided to hang out. They drove around in Green's car and he pulled over to take a bathroom break. When he came back, he found Davis masturbating. The teenager asked Green if he wanted to touch his penis. Green became angered and beat him. They drove around some more and he hit Davis each time he complained. Finally Green stopped the car at a secluded spot, dragged Davis out, stabbed him to death with a knife, cut off his penis, and threw it in a lake nearby.

On October 27, Green encountered a female hitchhiker while out driving. The woman only said that her name was "Montana" and Green told her she looked grubby and if she'd like to come to his place and wash up. She accepted and he brought the hitchhiker back to his house. Green joined her in the shower and they had sex. After they were done, he announced that he had to pick up his wife from work. When Green got Sharon, she was surprised to see another woman in the car but he asked if they could have a threesome. The three went back to Green's house but Montana decided at the last minute to back out. It was too late as they tied her to the bed while she thrashed and protested frantically.

Sharon got a knife and stabbed her. Ricky then smashed in Montana's head with a hammer, and Sharon asked if she could try it too. With the hapless hitchhiker dead, the two stared at her bloodied body and wondered what to do next. Ricky then fondled his wife's breasts and the two had a hot, steamy lovemaking session next to the corpse. When they were done they proceeded to clean up the bedroom and load Montana's body into their car trunk to dispose of it. She was tossed in a secluded area and left there.
On November 27, he picked up 27 year old Sandra Bailey at a country music club in Fort Worth where she went to celebrate her cousin's birthday. Green brought her back to his place but when she encountered Sharon there, she decided to back out. Too late. She was also tied up, stabbed, and beaten to death. Ricky and Sharon again had sex next to the body but Sharon admitted it wasn't as intense as it had been the last time. They went and disposed of the body in a drainage ditch near Henrietta.

On December 29, 1986, Green picked up Steve Fefferman, a gay man and a marketing manager at TV station KXAS, in the parking lot of a gay club. Green agreed to go back to Fefferman's place. Once they were there, Fefferman fondled Green a bit as the latter excused himself to take a shower. When he came back Fefferman was in the bedroom and asked if they wanted to do a BDSM session. Instead, Green took out a knife and said that he hated homosexuals. He stabbed Fefferman repeatedly but didn't succeed in killing him. Green got a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the throat, then sliced open his torso from chest to groin. Fefferman finally succumbed to his injuries as Green cut off his penis and stuffed it in his mouth. He stole money from Fefferman's wallet and went home.

Green told Sharon what had happened and she told him to take it easy, everything would be ok. Their marriage seemed to run out of gas afterward and they divorced in 1988. Sharon attended drug rehab and told her counselor about the murders. He told her to contact police, who already suspected Green in another murder. He was arrested April 27, 1989 and confessed to the four murders. "Montana" would eventually be identified as Betty Monroe, a 28 year old topless dancer from Amarillo. Green remarked that the victims "were all kind of worthless, they came from the dregs of society."
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He insisted his wife was never forced to assist in the murders and had been a willing participant, but Sharon claimed she did so because she was afraid of what Ricky would do if she didn't obey. Green's trial was moved to Austin due to the publicity surrounding it. Prosecutor Marc Barta said "The brutality of these crimes is impossible to describe. With confessions, bloodstained knives, and photographs, the likelihood of an acquittal was minimal." Some jurors had to excuse themselves due to the graphic nature of the evidence. The defense argued that Green was the victim of "horrific" child abuse at the hands of his father and grandfather.

The families of the dead argued for the death penalty, but contemporary Texas law stipulated that capital punishment could not be used merely for the act of murder itself, the victim had to be murdered during the commission of some other crime. However, as Green admitted to robbing Steve Fefferman of money, he could be sentenced to death for it. On September 22, 1990, Green was sentenced to death for the murder of Fefferman and also sentenced to life for killing Sandra Bailey as well as life for the murder of Jeffrey Davis. He was not charged in the murder of Betty Monroe. Police believed Green could have been responsible for an additional eight unsolved murders in north Texas that had similar M/Os.
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Sharon Green was convicted of being an accomplice to murder and received 10 years of probation.

Having exhausted all of his appeals. Green was executed on October 8, 1997. The lethal injection procedure in Texas normally used two needles but prison officials had to use only one as his veins were badly scarred from years of drug abuse.
This isn't history. Women should create their own murder-porn board that they can flick their bean to
not OP but why is ok to have 12 Holocaust denial and religion vs atheism threads active? those aren't really history per se.

>that tombstone
hhhhere we go
tbqh it falls under law which is a humanities subject
hey i thought you guys said 50s-60s parents were all based trad people like in the Coca-Cola ads
They were white, don't care.

>Sharon got a knife and stabbed her. Ricky then smashed in Montana's head with a hammer, and Sharon asked if she could try it too. With the hapless hitchhiker dead, the two stared at her bloodied body and wondered what to do next. Ricky then fondled his wife's breasts and the two had a hot, steamy lovemaking session next to the corpse.
there are Goth chicks who fantasize about this scenario.
OP can you do a thread about Shanda Sharer?
>Sharon Green was convicted of being an accomplice to murder and received 10 years of probation
This is like the 4th time I've heard of women being deeply involved in multiple serial killings/abductions/torture and getting relatively light punishment, sometimes not even jail time. It's fucking unreal.
if they're white women. if it was a black woman instant electric chair.
>Executed 1997
Passes the 25 year check so it is history
i'm goth chicks but i would never want to kill someone in real life
why are white people like this?
Caveapes gonna caveape

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