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How do Marxists (modern and historical) who support the Soviet Union justify its blatant imperialist actions against the people and nations of Eastern Europe?
They just call it Liberation, it is not much different than the British claiming to uplift Africans.
except for, you know, africans being some of the most backwards retards on the planet
I wish the Marxists were more honest (or less retarded), at least on anonymous forums. Ethnic cleansing and the brutal occupation of foreign nations or dystopic police state and totalitarianism was, at the end of the day, put in place to protect and further the world-influence of the "only worker's state". This can be viewed from realpolitik and teleological perspectives but instead we get lazy low-energy denials. Or are they not ready for these sorts of discussions?
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>Imperialism is when capitalism
Soviets caused the people they occupied to become poorer, the British left the nogs 10 times wealthier and left intact political systems for them that persist to this day
They had it coming (aside from Finland)
They deserved Eastern Europe because they won
>ethnic cleansing
liberal politicians collaborated in that (i.e. the Benes decrees) everyone wanted Germans gone.
>brutal occupation
doesn't seem that brutal to me. They set up pro-worker governments and deposed them when they went counter-revolutionary, the horror!
The problem was that the flaws in the Soviet system meant that not only did a couple of them go counter-revolutionary, but the USSR's own party was not immune to the trends which led to this, and no one could prevent a Gorbachev or a Yeltsin from amassing power in Soviet politics. 1956 and 1968 should've been giant flashing warning signs.
The USSR was a progressive state and everything it did was for the better.
MLs are pussies that have to moralize everything
Yugoslavia was never the Soviet Union's "satellite".
Not only Germans but also Poles, Balts, Tatars, Turks, Finns etc.
They were liberating them from the capitalist dogs
This anon answered it:>>16893986

A lot of Marxists exist in a kind of permanent state of denial where they’re incapable of processing that anything a communist regime ever did was morally bad. They tend towards very black and white thinking (Marxist=good, anything else=bad), so have to go through extremely tortured mental gymnastics to explain why a Marxist nation engaged in aggressive ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and forcing people to bow to a totalitarian regime against their wishes. They cope with one of two methods: 1) this was all justified and a good thing actually because [random nonsense reason]; or 2) that wasn’t “real communism” actually and therefore doesn’t count
The answer is because a lot have not read enough theory to be able to justify it both to themselves and other Marxists in a dialectical method, or why such methods were seen as necessary in their historical context. Trying to moralize actions taken by the USSR in its early days as a Marxist is a sign that a person has no idea what they are talking about.
with projection

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