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at there richest the mughals were the richest and most powerful empire

so how did the maratha empier turn the tide from a handful of cities to an empire that was almost surpassed the mughals?
at there peak marathas had prepeared a massive expedition against the sultan of bengal which would for once have reunited almost the whole of india under a hindu empire

on the eve of this invasions british allied to bengal king and pincered marathas which was the undoing of an empire that could have rivalled europe. the destruction of marathas and rise of british led to stagnation when india was set to develop into the premier asian power once more
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india was always rivalling europe and middle east in terms of wealth and strenght of empires until the turkic and mongol invasions. many do not know the levels of islamic raids into india was surpassing that in europe in terms of devastation and size.
despite this the mongols could failed to conquer india as the indian defences had surpassed europe in this century

indias downfall had been muslim infighting in the north leaving the lands weakened and poor on the eve of british attacks

if british had been 20 years later a maratha juggernaut would have repelled them back to the sea
Kill all Indians , fucking niggers believe anything on whatsapp
Wealth breeds degeneracy. Hardship breeds strength.

The Mughals had it good for way too long. They also made the mistake of injuring but never killing their enemies, giving people like the Sikhs plenty of reasons to want them gone.

Then Aurangzeb decided his time was the best time to enact the final solution to the pajeet problem which resulted in every Indian with a spine wanting them dead and buried and the rest is history.
damn 200 Britishers really defeated both the Mughals and Hindu jeets??? I kneel, bongs
India did one better and got Britain to leave without firing a shot.
After looting it for 200 years, I kneel Bongs, you truly are the great protagonist in this world. All India and China can do is hope you lose interest, I kneel again
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>Builds up a colony for 200 years.

>Loses it all in less than 2 following your victory in WWII because of a pacifist lawyer from fucking Gujarat who caused Churchill nothing but endless cope and seethe

India, I kneel
Wait so is India poor because the bongs looted it, or is india as rich as it is now because the bongs built it up? Your claims range from being helpless children to the britishers, to being the wealthiest place of all time and you merely let the bongs rule over you. Make up your low iq mind
The British could have looted everything in India and salted the earth while they were at it and India would still come back to be on top of the world because that's how we roll.

Fact of the matter is that Britain expended men, money, time and bullets to make India a province of its empire, and Gandhi went LOL, nope, and sent them home empty handed, without even a war.
Then why arent you on top despite no looting then? And cope, the bongs only used a handful of men to pacify 300,000,000 jeets with ease
Son, we've bought out London. Tata Steel runs the steel industry in the UK and told the unions to get bent when they put 2800 out to pasture. 26 Indians are in the UK parliament, one was just PM. The US Dem candidate is half Indian, the Republican VP is married to an Indian, with a Hindu son.

Don't you get it? It's an Indian world now. India isn't a mere country anymore, but a civilisation that has gone global. Canada is practically an Indian colony, and places like Suriname, Trinidad and Mauritius are little Indias in everything but name.

You needed an army to subdue India. We didn't even need that to subdue the West.
Imagine bragging that your people flee to the west and then get rich. These rich then say fuck off to India and support government policies that limits economic outreach to india. Pajeets literally have the same "I got mine" mentality that blacks have here too. But sarrrr wow so cool, you're number 1 now wowww India super power 3020
Because baiting your government into using aid to avoid fiscal responsibility and fund foreign corporate operations in your country is good!
>get british to leave you
>still free access to england and english women
how the fuck did they win so hard after being colonised
Poojeets are even less desirable than South east Asians. lmao
Anglo should’ve established an even higher caste than the Brahmin…The Whytes.
This is like saying Africa is rich because niggers play basketball.
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That would involve not winning a war in such a way that you end up losing your empire less than 2 years later

The place is less important than the people in it. Blacks are largely rappers and entertainers, if they ever work at all. Indians in the West become business and political leaders

The opinions of women are of less relevance to me than my dog. India has the lowest divorce rate in the world bar none, so we're clearly better at keeping our marriages together than the west.

Those factoids are cool, but that doesn't change the fact that Indians are practically running the world industry

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