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>Nordjeet 'civilization'
Posted it again reward
Terrible image. I don't know what it represents, but it does not show ancient Norse housing. As it is commonly known we built our homes with wood, not with stone.
>Mfw germanic barbarism defeated med civilization
Lesson in there.
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Nordic thrall dwelling vs Roman "citizen" commune
imagine you sleep on the highest floor and the building casually collapses
remove the livestock and that's hella cozy
why did you post a picture of a bolivian slum in this thread
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This make the thing even worst
>be god
>big dick
Should be all there is to it ngl.
The centroid of civilization is always, always calculated from the population distribution of white people across a geographic range. You want to know why it moved from southern europe to the north west? Because non-whites migrated into southern europe and ruined things there.
Ah... Mine forfædre :-)
Is every thread on /his/ just people getting angry at other people for existing?
>poor people across the world lived in small cramped areas
Wow, do you guys want an award for that one?
the powers that be don't want people capable of having civil peaceful constructive conversations so the bots that start all these threads use rage bait to drive engagement
Back to work wagie scum
>gaius caecilius gets drunk and starts a fire at the taberna 3 streets over
>"time to die, I guess"
Fuck off, kike.
It's pretty clever actually and different from african mudhuts

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