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>Mass. has Boston harbor, prospers
>New York has the Hudson, prospers
>South Carolina has the Ashley and Cooper, prospers
>Penn. has the Alleghany and Monongahela, prospers
>Maryland has the Chesapeake, prospers
>Virginia has Norfolk, the York, the James, AND the Elizabeth rivers with a front door to the Atlantic, wallows in poverty as the nigger-importing and then nigger-breeding capitol of the colonies; capitol is still a backwater shithole on a hill in 1781 and gets wrecked by Arnold after he turns his coat
Historically speaking, what the actual fuck was wrong with them?
>Muh nigger breeding
Hey remember when the north filled the Georgia Congress with a bunch of crony federalists so they would sell Mississippi and Alabama to them for pennies an acre because the way everyone including the state made money was land speculation? Remember when Georgia burned all the documents and nullified the sale so the federalist supreme Court ruled not giving the land to the palm wringing merchants in Boston was unconstitutional? And then passed the 11th amendment to demand Georgia cede its territory to the crony federalists? Then Hamilton concocted a commissary not scam and printed hundreds of millions of dollars to give to these merchants to keep them happy and northern aligned?
Remember when one of the companies that bought territory illegally were actually agents of spain and were planning on giving the coast to Spain?
Remember when Jefferson in a state of desperation pushed Washington to recognize the national sovereignty of the natives there to prevent the Spanish from taking over there?
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>hey remember when Washington and the boys started a war over King George saying hands off all that land you've been speculating over and settling west of the Appalachias?
This is now a thread about the politics of land speculation
Please continue /his/bros I've been dying to see a good thread on this shitole board for once
Remember when the federalists, their profiteering attempts foiled in the south, then refused to remove natives expeditiously from Georgia for 30 years until the election of Andrew Jackson? Who was then painted as a genocidal maniac?
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>not so fast Andy-ACK!
>Who was then painted as a genocidal maniac?
he was a genocidal maniac. He stole Florida for us by going on a war conquest through Spanish owned Florida to kill natives.
Remember when the US government was employing a Spanish double agent who was planning to give the Louisiana territory back to the Spanish?

Remember when the Spanish invaded the US during the war of 1812 to try and prevent them from accessing the Mississippi river by capturing US forts to the east of the river?
Mmm I haven't delved into the issue completely but I'm willing to bet the Spanish were instigating native raids into georgia
Uh... no? Tell me more/his/bro
>James Wilkinson (March 24, 1757 – December 28, 1825) was an American soldier, politician, and Spanish secret agent #13, who was associated with several scandals and controversies. He served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, but he was twice compelled to resign.
>1st Governor of Louisiana Territory
>United States Envoy to Mexico
>hey guys, what's happening in here
Kino thread. The role of France and Spain in the Southeast after the Revolution is never given enough attention, whish is a fucking shame considering how many kino figures get slept on in favor of authors writing the millionth book about a handful of 18th century figures
No shit. Who was he in league with in Congress though? How much did Jefferson know? Is that why he fought so hard to get Burr hanged?
Burr was a free agent, Im not an expert on his goals but I think he was also trying to create a break away state. There was at least another faction I am completely ignorant of to talk informatively on burr's connections

But yes the agent was trying to create a rump state for Spain or multiple rump states. Kind of like what Texas was supposed to be. The federalists were going to sell a rump state to the Spanish out of the prime cotton territory the south would later colonize. Were they knowingly doing this? Yeah probably, that's how much they hated the south
>The federalists
Can you name names? Pinckney was a Federalist but from S. Carolina for instance, who exactly was in on this?
>were going to sell a rump state to the Spanish out of the prime cotton territory the south would later colonize.
Were they knowingly doing this? Yeah probably, that's how much they hated the south
What do you mean by "the south"? Everything south of Penn? A lot of Virginians migrated west into Tennesee or north into the Ohio Valley. The "south", as in N. Carolina and below was historically a battleground between Spanish and English freebooters enslaving Indians. It's hardly any wonder that Northeast Chads didn't want anything to do with those nigger-drivers, they had a civilization to build
Attempting to hamstring southern expansion by illegally taking over the Georgia Congress and then unknowingly or not selling large swaths of Mississippi and Alabama to Spanish aligned agents (who tried to get the natives there to pledge loyalty to spain and fight for them) is what caused the civil war
>by illegally taking over the Georgia Congress
Who nigger? Who???
>is what caused the civil war
Than why was it South Carolina that chimped out first
South Carolina paid all the taxes (tariffs) because they were the main port for exporting southern produce like cotton. Tariffs were originally imagined as an alternative to war with foreign nations, it didn't take long for federalists to use them against its own countrymen
>nnnooooo you can't just tax my mono-crop while I import/breed all these slaves and insist you let me spread them across the rest of the Southern hemphisere rreeee
I laugh everytime I'm reminded how the South chimped out over the North trying to drag them into the Enlightenment while they insisted on larping as feudal land barons overseeing their vast nigger farms
The south displayed more qualities of the enlightenment than the north
damn that's weird i knew about a few of those oddities but didn't mow massachussetts had anything to the west of new york poor pennsylvania lol
Land claims in the early US were so weird. They didn't really have a concept of new statehood, so they just kept making colonies out of western US land. That strip of Connecticut land (once called the Western Reserve) still has minor historical repercussions, where there's a university in northern Ohio called Case Western Reserve University
How so
Massachusetts, the seat of federalism and the aggressor of the civil war, was a backwards theocracy
English King's were wilding with their charters. Thanks to King Charless 2.0 at one point there was a guy, I forget his name, and he never stepped foot in the colonies anyways, who was chartered everything that is Georgia on that map as being South Carolina, or the southern half of the Carolinas, and all of the Mississippi Valley. Meanwhile Spain had claim to the better half of Florida and France was just claiming the lower half of the Mississippi under Iberville (see >>16894364 for picrel)
I assume you're referring to Puritanism? As if that was the only religion in Mass.?
Meanwhile the South is literally breeding human chattel lmao
You must not understand the buzzwords you're using if you think "nigger cattle" has anything to do with enlightenment
I was implying it was against it you tard. What made the South so "enlightened" in your eyes?
do you even know what the enlightenment was?
Answer the question faggot
I already stated the enemies of the south were founded as a theocracy and were loyalists to the british kind of the opposite of enlightenment ideas
Retarded take
>I don't know what enlightenment is and want to screech about niggers
Then explain what it is
what is actually wrong with you?
Virginia was wealthy tho
Not their fault they kept your sacred cow as movable property
Remember when you completely ignored the topic of the thread to go on an unrelated rant about land speculation in the deep south

If you were truly a scholar of the enlightenment, you would have already read some of Rousseau’s most seminal works like, “The Virtues of Nigger Breeding” and “Why Farmwork is Too Stressful for the Fragile Anglo-Saxon.”
Harbors and bays are a lot more convenient for centers of industry because of their enclosed positions
>>Virginia has Norfolk, the York, the James, AND the Elizabeth rivers with a front door to the Atlantic
No they don't, there are huge ass sandbars out beyond the shores stretching up and down the coast that'll fuck up ships navigating through them
>I don't know what enlightenment is and want to screech about niggers

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