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Can someone with a deeper knowledge of British and Russian history enlighten me?

Why did homosexuality turn the British into a highly effective fighting force, yet is not doing the same for

Many key British figures in both world wars were homosexuals such as TE Lawrence and Alan Turing. Winston Churchill himself declared that the traditions of the Royal Navy, the force responsible for Britain's global power projection, and the force responsible for maintaining the empire for centuries, were "rum, sodomy, and the lash."(drunken homosexual BDSM)

Yet for some reason dedovshchina does did not appear to be have the same impact in Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, or modern Russia.
Dedovschina doesn't predate the Soviet Union, The Soviets steamrolled the Nazis and the Russians are now steamrolling the hohols
The “rum, sodomy, and the lash” statement from Churchill was, like a lot of what he said, nonsense and false.
Meanwhile, in the Articles of War...
>28. If any person in the fleet shall commit the unnatural and detestable sin of buggery and sodomy with man or beast, he shall be punished with death by the sentence of a court martial.
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its because in Russia sodomy is used to buck break recruits and is abused by churkas and criminal elements, its punishment or/and sadism
in UK pederasty was used in ancient Greece style and mostly by educated higher class, was more controlled and civilized
There is a webm of a Russian butt raping a recruit who flops in agony on a dirty floor mattress. Face of pure misery as a guy with a phone laughs at him and says "that is how he is celebrating his 30 th birthday lmao". I hope that explains why afterwards that is not a good infantryman.
>bro the royal navy is not gay I swear
No one’s falling for your lies bong, we all know your Navy is homo af.
Anti-sodomy laws had been in effect since its inception and there are many instances of fags being marooned on an island and thrown overboard. There’s no evidence of sodomy being common or permitted. If you want to shit on bongs for something, shit on them for the fag shit they did in boarding schools around the 1700s and 1800s.
It is more socially acceptable to be gay than straight in BRITAIN.

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