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Christian history is filled with violence, intolerance, war, elitism, cultural destruction, and all sorts of wrongdoings. Which is really shocking considering that Jesus was the complete opposite of these things. He was a simple carpenter who preached peace, unity, love, and forgiveness. He hung out with “degenerates of society” like beggars and prostitutes to show that everyone should be treated with love and care. Most of the gospels is Jesus decrying the Pharisee clergy for their corruption and he himself was executed on grounds of heresy. And a lot of Early Christians followed Jesus example and they gave up their wealth, established charities, refused military service, and some were even vegetarian. On paper Christianity sounds really good, but unfortunately it ended up being one of the most brutal and bigoted religions to engulf this world.
>Most of the gospels is Jesus decrying the Pharisee clergy for their corruption and he himself was executed on grounds of heresy.
Blasphemy actually. Jesus claimed He is God, and the Pharisees (now called Jews) didn't like that.

>On paper Christianity sounds really good, but unfortunately it ended up being one of the most brutal and bigoted religions to engulf this world.
Because Jews, laters Muslims, and then back to the Jews wanted to wipe them out.
The church entered bed with the Roman empire a few centuries after its inception.
>Blasphemy actually. Jesus claimed He is God, and the Pharisees (now called Jews) didn't like that.
Blasphemy or heresy, my point is that he rebelled against the clergy and paid the price for that.
>Because Jews, laters Muslims, and then back to the Jews wanted to wipe them out.
All the people in the New Testament are Jewish though! And the Christians started to persecute other religions into complete extinction once they got power in Rome.
Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.”
Dude the revision needs to be halted
If the existing clergy was lying, are you suggesting he had an obligation to lie?
>All the people in the New Testament are Jewish though!
t. Clearly hasnt read the New Testament
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Genuine question, has anyone on this board actually read the New Testament? Jesus wasn't some crusader waving a sword around screaming DEUS VULT!!!! He said to turn the other cheek, to bless those who persecute you, to love your enemies, to look at the speck in your own eye. Jesus saw what the clergy was doing and called them out saying they were serpents, hypocrites and what not.
Advertising by the Creator Devil Satan's promotions.
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>Jesus claimed He is God
He claimed to be the Son of God.
Christianity in a form that tries to follow the example of Jesus closely is not really very compatible with the standards that make society wealthy and powerful, so in order for it to become a true mass religion, it had to dilute first, become something less radically anti-materialist. Started with >>16894270, and has been done again and again after that, diluting it even more into mass religion model - less focus on individual tests of faith through hardship, more focus on rigid rituals.
>yesss GOYIMS, believe the pilpul!
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>This started wars but
Most Christians. Myself included. Believe that Jesus is both fully human and fully God.
We are *sons* of God. Jesus is God.
Jews don't believe he was the messiah because he didn't take back Judea and beat the Roman state. Jews have a list of prophecy rules for their messiah and Jesus didn't make the cut.

Some Christians would say it's because he turned the other cheek instead of abusing 'his' power.

Perhaps God tried to save the world with his two hands and got killed by his own creations. Killed by our sins. Died for our sins. Literally.
Rotten foundations or in biblical terms it springs from a rotten tree.

*Wrong image that's mormons
but Christians do believe the trinity is all one
>How did Christianity become what it is?

First there was a tribe of people who believed like many tribes do that their God will keep them alive if they do the things that are required.

That tribe existed in a place and time where the destruction of their people through race contamination and warfare was a very real possibility.

The tribe had a messiah who explained that their tribe was larger than just themselves, and included all people like them wherever they might be. The definition he provided is now contested but was originally not seriously questioned because it is self evident.

This messiah went on to explain that for their people to live forever they must believe they are one with God, and that they are more loved by God than any other people on earth, and that they must rule the earth only how the God of righteousness and glory would see fit. Thus their people would naturally be able to resist their own destruction, through God.

The people the messiah talked about as his own also lived in rome and faced the same problem, the deterioration and destruction of their people and their control through miscegenation and migration. So there they eventually adopted the beliefs of the messiah as their own and ushered in nearly two millennia of their dominion over the earth.

However at some point along the way someone got greedy, and decided that their own salvation was not enough and that other peoples should be brought under their control through the misappropriation of the ritual consumption of the flesh and blood of God. This went along for a time, relatively successfully, but then who the God's people are was suppressed so that the church leaders could treat all like the foreigners of lesser inherent status in God's kingdom.

This lead to the schism known as Protestantism, which partially reasserted the identity of God's people, but also eventually failed also and gave that up for clergy power.
Finally an actual response to my thread. But that begs the question, how the hell did Christianity managed to infiltrate the elite of Roman society. Early Christianity had a very egalitarian message and condemns the world harshly. If you read the New Testament you have this feeling Christians will be persecuted and hated forever...which obviously didn't happen and now you have a ton of internet LARPers rushing to it cause it's "trad and based". Picrel is a manuscript from Early Christian theologian Pelagius. How many people can really walk this path? To condemn the world, give up your wealth, and treat everyone who crosses your path with love and care? I'll always be surprised that something with such a wholesome message became a tool of power, abuse, fearmongering, and some of the worst evils imaginable.
>friendship with this world is enmity with God
>And so the Lord God took the man, and put him in the Garden of Eden, so that he would work it, and care for it.

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Jesus claimed to be God
the Green Goblin took Spiderman to the top of Osborn Manor and showed him all of New York City, and said “All these things will I give to you if you join the Sinister Six”
>First there was a tribe of people

Already off to a rocky start.

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