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Malcom X was entirely correct and MLK kneecapped any chance his people had for true independence and dignity
Why do revolutionaries think that if some leader had said something differwnt or just not been the masses would have rushed to their cause instead
That's Thomas Sowell.
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Booker T. tried that shit back when the negro still stood a chance but everybody sucks DuBois's dick to this fucking day
Du Bois was right on eugenics, having elite group to control the negro masses. It just hard to do so when White society actively prevent any sort of thing.
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>true independence and dignity
They didn't want independence or dignity, they wanted perpetual victim status and free handouts. We tried to give them true independence and dignity, in the form of Liberia, but they didn't all go because they would rather be hated in the civilization of white men than have to live among their own people according to their own capabilities.
Imagine being born at the end of Andrew Johnson's presidency and dying the same year as JFK
Reminder that you destroyed Liberia vie coup in 1980.
All I know about Malcolm X is that he was a radical anti white until he went to Mecca and saw “white” and black people together and then changed up his entire philosophy and then he got killed.
I can’t respect a man that talked with so much conviction but didn’t know there were places outside of the US were black and white people lived in non segregated communities, for better or for worse.
Thomas Sowell I respect, however.
The main thing Malcolm X was correct about, he ended up recanting: Yakub.
>the country becomes the battleground of factions
>cia works with one of the warlords
>therefore cia is responsible for the country becoming a battleground of factions
yeah, leftist 'thinking'. mandatory reading: 'Allah n'est pas obligè' by Ahmadou Kourouma (there's an English translation) to see how hopeless it is to bring stability to an african country. Kourouma seems to think this is because tribal loyalties are in conflict with the requirements of a modern state, and the ex-slaves returned from the USA to Liberia became just another tribe.
He got recruited into a weird pseudo-islam cult while he was in prison, like they thought God was this con man named Wallace Fard Muhammad. When Malcolm went to Mecca he realized that he should join the actual religion of Islam. Then he went home and preached against the cult and they recruited the first three crackheads on Earth to whack him.
His position in the civil rights movement was a militant counterpoint to King's rhetoric. Malcolm X used "Uncle Tom" as an insult meaning a traitor, because the character Uncle Tom believed that black people should forgive white people because Christ teaches forgiveness.
Malcolm thought that was horseshit and that the race war was already in progress and the side-choosing had been done for all of us already.

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