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File: r1b subclades.png (113 KB, 682x814)
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Were original DF27 Lusitani related and original L21 Pict related? Did they speak some proto-celtic branches?
all R1b spoke something Celtic
File: iberian1.gif (6 KB, 351x284)
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False, Iberia only began to speak Celtic languages right before the Roman conquest and it's occupation of the peninsula actually further spread the Celtic tongue to the Iberians
Germanic Bronze Age
Continental Celts (Iron Age)
Insular Celts (Iron Age?)
Lusitanians (Iron Age?)
Italics (Iron Age?)
What language did they speak before?
btw, BB is a proto-Celt, carried all R1b except Z2103, there was also a “Germanic” U106.
R1a lost in westen europe.
bell beaker is a horizon, not an ethnicity.
and we don't know their language
Ooga booga Basque-adjacent ones
they simply never lived in Western Europe, the first R1a invasion of the British Isles is associated with the Germanic expansion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UExxzJKkZsM
The Basques are very unique Neolithic aborigines in terms of their language.
all of them were subject to the founder effect by IE men.
we can say that Yamnaya is the horizon, Afanasievo and Andronovo too.
but in fact we will understand that Yamnaya and Afanasievo are very similar, and most likely spoke the same language, like Andronovo/Sintashta.
We have no evidence for this such claim
0/10 effort map

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