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Why did anti-semitism shift from being mainly religious ("Jews are bad because they reject Jesus") to being mainly ethnic ("Jews are bad because of their blood, regardless of what religion they follow")?
For no other reason than the fact that the West became increasingly more secular from 1789 onwards
people hated Jews for more complicated reasons than could easily be explained.
However, after most European nations became secular the old excuse became incoherent and the people therefor had to find a new reason to explain why they hated jews
Juif? What language is that in?
even in the Middle Ages Jews who converted to Christianity were often considered suspect especially in Spain
Jews are ethnocentric and typically xenophobic
I'm not sure, probably late 19th century racialism of the Gobineau type. But the common throughline of antisemitism is not just about the Jews per se but everything that is Jewish, or perceived as Jewish. Which boils down to all modern evil basically.

French I think.
The JEW niggers the goatse with soi to cuckold the anus of your dildo.

It's French
Because over time people tend to forget why they hate something or stereotype a certain group of people so they come up with new reasons that require less explanation and fit local stereotypes. I'm sure Romans had their own stereotypes of Jews that would not make any sense to us.
They did. The Roman stereotype of a Jew, at least in the late Republic, was basically Joe Pesci’s character in Goodfellas; a small guy with an anger problem ready to start a fight over any damn thing.
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Maybe we aren't so different after all
As society became more secular, so did prejudice. Jews were often forced into financial and other professional services in medieval times as punishment for “killing Jesus”. The real money back then was in land ownership or farming, so many Jews were quite poor and dependent on their noble benefactors.

This dynamic flipped with the development of modern banking financial services. Suddenly Jews were viewed as an elite caste of greedy pretenders who got their wealth from the common working man. Nevermind that the bulk of European Jews lived as poor artisans and low level bureaucrats in Eastern and Central Europe.
Probably the Spanish reconquista?
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Jews been for 4000 years-ish?
People like to blame them for problems
sometimes they cause problems
Being chosen by God gives some a chip on their shoulder but it's mostly that they fight states of power. Mainstream don't like that.
In Ancient Rome the “Greedy Schemer” stereotype was held about Greeks (except for the Spartans).

The Romans viewed Jews as “Crazed Brown Desert Religious Fanatics who will kill everyone for insulting their God”.

That’s right. The Jews were the Muslims of the Ancient Mediterranean.
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Bullshit kike apologetics kill yourself kike
This is off-topic. You aren't actually answering OP's question.
Because people lost faith in the false religion they created so naturally it lead to what it lead to.
That was a function of forcible conversion, or any conversion done to escape persecution. The Spanish Inquisition for example began as a result of mass forced conversions starting some decades earlier. It wasn't from a belief that Jews couldn't change their stripes akin to modern day racism.
>That’s right. The Jews were the Muslims of the Ancient Mediterranean.
Not surprising that Jews were the the Muslims of the Ancient Mediterranean seeing as how much Islam took from Jewish belief, law, and practices.
antisemitism predates christ
>This is off-topic.
It is.
>You aren't actually answering OP's question.
I am.
The Jews, especially Syrian Jews flourished in the slave trade and as merchants after the fall of Rome. Christianity was used as a tax farm bracket to control the herd that was let loose after the fall of Rome, new masters same bullshit but this time more oriental jewey in culture. The new rulers were bandits who seeked legitimacy by holding on to Romanism and Jewery but werent merchant minded men so you the situation that naturally developed. These rulers werent savy enpught to build "civilization" from the ground up, so they took the easy way out. Islam was Arabian jews trying to get a piece of the action. Two brothers Issac (Jupiter) and Ishamel (Venus) fighting each other while their jewish dad Abraham (Saturn) sits back and devours them whenever they try to challenge him.
Tax farm*
>In Ancient Rome the “Greedy Schemer” stereotype was held about Greeks (except for the Spartans).
>The Romans viewed Jews as “Crazed Brown Desert Religious Fanatics who will kill everyone for insulting their God”.

That's because ancient Jews weren't the same race as modern Jews. Modern Jews are a bunch of Greeks and Italians who started LARPing as Israelites in the late Roman period. That's why they fit the greedy schemer meme because they're really the Greeks they were talking about while the people of Palestine were the ancestor of modern Palestinians ie. a bunch of brown shitskin religious extremists who yell "Kill all the infidels!"
>''We find in Jews only an ignorant and barbarous race, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestible superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people who have tolerated and enriched them.''
- Voltaire

>''Jews are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be the least bit surprised if Jews some day become deadly to the entire human race.''

>''When we cast our eyes on the history of the Jews, we are forced to admit that these people are the blindest and the most obnoxious that ever appeared on Earth. The Jews distinguish themselves by inciting unjust wars, massacres, usurpations, and infamies.''
- Baron d'Holbach

>''The Jews cannot claim any true genius, any truly great man. All their talents and skills revolve around stratagems and low cunning. They are a nation of swindlers.''
- Immanuel Kant

>''Judaism excludes from its communion the entire human race, on the ground that Jews are a special people chosen by God himself. An exclusiveness which shows enmity toward all other peoples and which, therefore, evokes the enmity of all.''
- Immanuel Kant
>while the people of Palestine were the ancestor of modern Palestinians ie. a bunch of brown shitskin religious extremists who yell "Kill all the infidels!"
These people still exist, they're the religious fundamentalists who are growing in number and becoming increasingly powerful in Israeli politics
>"Jews are the most despicable of all mankind."
- Napoleon

>''The Yid and his bank are now reigning over everything; over Europe, education, civilization, socialism - especially socialism, for he will use it to uproot Christianity and destroy its civilization. And when nothing but anarchy remains, the Yid will be in command of everything. For while he goes about preaching socialism, he will stick together with his own, and after all the riches of Europe will have been wasted, the Yid's bank will still be there.''
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>''The Jews are the scum of the earth, but they are also great masters in lying.''
- Arthur Schopenhauer

>''The Jews live parasitically on the soil of other nations, but they are inspired with the greatest patriotism toward their own tribe. They stick firmly together. Thus, it is absurd to concede to them a share in the government or administration of any country.''
- Arthur Schopenhauer

>''The great tragedy of Jews can arouse neither terror nor pity; it can arouse horror alone. The fate of the Jews is the fate of Macbeth who stepped out of nature itself, clung to alien Beings, and so in their service had to trample and slay everything holy in human nature.''
- Georg Wilhelm Hegel

>''The Jews are the most catastrophic people of world history. They promote decadent instincts, because it is the power by which they prevail against the world.''
- Friedrich Nietzsche

>''Jews know how to adapt themselves. They are born actors, like the octopi of Theognis, who take on the color of the rock they stick to.''
- Friedrich Nietzsche

>''The youthful Jew of the stock exchange is the most repugnant invention of the whole human race.''
- Friedrich Nietzsche

>''Jews have a life-interest in making mankind sick, and inverting the concepts of 'good' and 'evil,' 'true' and 'false,' in a mortally dangerous and world-maligning sense.''
- Friedrich Nietzsche
yeah about Voltaire. he was super butthurt because he had a Jewish business partner and they conspired in an illegal bond trading scheme in Prussia that fell apart and they ended up ligitating against and wanting to kill each other.
I don't believe you kike.
The rise of race theory.
The term "anti-semitism" comes from race theory itself.
People believed that you can look to language groups to figure out the migrations of ancient races. Europeans who spoke the Indo-Aryan languages, were considered descendants of the Aryan race. Europeans who spoke a Semitic language (i.e. Ashkenazic Jews) were considered descendants of the old Semitic race, which were too divergent biologically, phrenologically and psychologically to live in a functioning society together with Aryan descendants.
"Anti-semite" means hatred of anyone that speaks the Semitic language group. So technically, hatred of Arabs can also be considered "ant-semitism"
>While visiting London, Voltaire carried letters of exchange on the London banker Medina, who went bankrupt owing him 20,000 francs. While in Berlin, he enlisted the help of Abraham Hirsch to purchase depreciated bonds in Saxony, illegally smuggle them into Prussia, and redeem them at 65% profit. The pair argued, went to court, and ended up hating each other.

>In "Essai sur les moeurs", Voltaire unleashed an anti-Semitic cannonade. He attacked the ancient Israelites as barbarous tribal savages who accomplished nothing in contrast to the great civilizations of antiquity ("a brigand people whose law was that of barbarism and blood-stained cruelties"). One Catholic priest called this a ridiculous and over-the-top indictment. A Portuguese Jew, Isaac Pinto, wrote in "Reflections" in 1762 a condemnation of these passages in "Dictionnaire philosophique." Voltaire admitted he'd been wrong to pin the shortcomings of a few on an entire race of people and promised to remove them in future editions but never got around to doing so. French writers were generally opposed to Voltaire on this matter; Rousseau had considerable sympathy for the Jews.
I don't believe you kike. I trust my eyes, not jewish words.
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Reminder that kikes literally suck their kikelet's mutilated penises right after mutilating them.
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Anti-Semitism is just bullshit kikes made up to make sure they can't be criticized or prosecuted when they do bad shit to the Goyim. It's not working anymore so they're trying to come up with something else.
I don't blame them. I sympathize.
They challenge the status quo and often make the powers at be look bad and undermine authority.
It does answer the question? Well sorta in response to the above post.
yes, shouldn't cast blame but actions lead to actions.
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>t. Parasite acting in bad faith
Ambiguous parenthood and race mixing are bad. Jews have a cheat code built into their genealogy where their Jew venom is passed down through the mother, so it doesn't matter how many times they get raped and pillaged.
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no. it is for their actions alone, their abuse of usury, their warmongering, and their spiteful jealousy
You are mentally ill
>Is just bullshit
No, it's literally medieval propaganda kept alive and anybody who engages it should be castrated on eugenic grounds.

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