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If, of all words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are, "It might have been,"
Thank fuck this did not happen. Chinese women are extremely ugly.
>10 million malnourished, 5 foot tall Chinese peasant girls with no tits or ass.
They’d wipe out the local dog, cat, and pigeon population overnight
>Mao doing a "women amirite?" joke
>the ameribugger first instinct is to make cuckoldry fantasy

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>Insisting about sending millions of women to another country at the highest level diplomatic talks possible, while your country has known overpopulation issues, is just a "woman, amirite" joke
Imagine… millions and miillions more hapandas…
HOLY SEETHING ROASTIES, BATMAN. On a side note, seeing Vance marrying an Indian girl made me realize how many millions of good men American woman just threw away because they weren't 6'8 or something. Now all those men are marrying Asians or Latinas or Slavs or pretty much anyone besides White western girls.
>inb4 this study is about old women
it's not, it's about the age 20-40 year old demographic.
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>Kissinger where the fuck are hiding!!! chinese women are not going to fuck themselves!!!
ricecel cope
Mao was a huge ladies man. He didn't give a fuck about anything because he was drowning in (only sometimes legal) pussy. I know it looks like the exact opposite, but that's what first hand accounts say.
Cope, you lost, BAC (Big ARYAN Cock) won eternally
Was Mao the last warlord statesman?

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