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What's so enjoyable about a war?
It's basically 99.999% hiking and random /out/ shit. Men with normal amounts of t like being outside and hanging with the bros, wouldnt expect a nerd to get it
You get to kill people legally. So cool.
Ok recruitment officer.
A lot of people in the army are controlled psychopaths. You ask a recruit about why they joined and theyll tell you its about serving your nation. Ask them after the school of infantry and all they actually want is to kill and fuck shit up.
Nothing the best about is are your comrades but there is a high chanche of losing them
You get paid to do grunt shit and go someplace tourists never go.

If you're really unlucky you get into combat and get to experience the adrenaline rush of being shot at and having other human beings trying to kill you with the best tools that industrialized society can make. If you're SUPER unlucky you get to do it all the time.

Then you have to go back home, and go back to having heterosexual sex. That's what breaks most of them.
Seems like a pain in the ass, historically speaking. You have to be away from home for months/years and you spend most of the time marching across the land to wherever you need to be while following some megalomaniacal leader who wants to conquer the world.

I understand why Alexander's troops got sick of that shit and told him they just wanted to go home and be /comfy/. Modern soldiers are spoiled, they can just take a plane ride or whatever over to whichever foreign country they want to pillage.

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