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How do you cope with happy people existing? Humanities.
you can't
I pretend they're not happy and they just feel momentary pleasure, also I call their ways immoral and I hate all kinds of sexual activity.
by tryng to be happy myself, after all that's what they're doing too
Get to know more people. Understand that whatever they upload to social media is fake. I've known some couples closely and they sometimes upload happy photos right after/during massive dramas and relationship crisis. Social media is all fake, actual happy people won't make you mad because they are happy, as they won't need to flaunt their happiness to others. Only fake happiness will make you mad because its purpose is enacting jealousy, giving themselves fake worth and validation.
Tell myself they will surely eventually suffer if I am correct about my assessment of the world, pending conclusion on this
I don't believe other people's conscious experiences are as intense as my own.
Loaded question. If they were happy, why would they feel the need to treat people like shit and exclude them from society?
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In my opinion, seething about other people being happy is a marker of you being evil, it reminds me of Elliot Rodger. I've led a miserable life but never have I seethed that someone else is happy. Like, what, you see a child playing with his toys and laughing and you feel anger/hatred/jealousy toward him? Well then, you are a scumbag and you deserve your suffering. You should feel the opposite, seeing people happy should make you happy. Something's very wrong with your outlook on life if it makes you mad to see a happy kid or healthy couple. Jealousy has totally consumed you and rotted you inside. Do some introspection and figure out why you are thinking evil thoughts. Because evil thoughts often manifest in evil actions. Get it?
good for them, happiness is the best drug bar none
>I call their ways immoral


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