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Across all cultures through history, the only two male ideals were to be youthfully beautiful or ruggedly masculine, both with a slant towards intellectualism. Why is there such a consistency?
further proof that ottermode is the way to go
The dude on the right is a fucking gorilla! Who the fuck can find that attractive?
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>gays be like: dominant top to the left & uwu bottom to the right
Anyway, to answer your question: women like men who look like they could defend them (and their offspring) like the rugged bearded individual of your pic and healthy looking men (looking youthful is a common indicator of health) like the twink you also posted.
>Both fuck men
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>t. pajeet
>women like men who look like they could defend them (and their offspring) like the rugged bearded individual of your pic
I can understand why some people say we look through the world through the male gaze. Women don't like massive hairy men. They like tall youthful men with beautiful faces and smooth skin. Just think why women love KPOP or Boy Bands so much. The guy on the left in OP's pic is Bjorn Anderson and he had women chasing after him left and right. In fact he literally became THE MODEL for shonen protagonists.
>>t. pajeet
lmao what?
Always has been
You're just a deluded homosexual male. Go outside.
>>t. pajeet
It's always some sissy nordicist faggot who's a nazi openly declaring other races should be destroyed or subjugated one moment, then espousing transgender rhetoric the next lmfao.
god forgive me for what I’d do if my son looked like this
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Just lift bro.
Female selection is irrelevant to historical discussion as it didn’t exist ever until recently, the reason the dynamic exists is because men admire beauty but they also admire strength and ruggedness, in antiquity beauty was noted but one still had to have strength for instance in the Iliad Paris was noted as being far more beautiful than Achilles himself but commanded far less soldiers and therefore was considered inferior to Achilles who was beautiful but also strong on the battlefield. Handsomeness was noted and contributed to charismatic command of soldiers but there needed to be cunning and strength as well.
but men literally lust after twinks, that was how it was in ancient greece and rome, you did not see gross bear on bear shit
kek at the guy calling it a DBZ pose and another guy speaking in spanish, womanoids will never understand DBZ
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>decently in shape and bit of a dad bod but when it really starts getting popular
>piles of hair down to my ass that made my face look even younger
gods i was hot back in those days
bear on bear is a consequence of a lack of mainstream masculinity, influencing some to go to the opposite extreme
The ideal male looks like left in his youth then becomes the man on the right
>They like tall youthful men with beautiful faces and smooth skin. Just think why women love KPOP or Boy Bands so much
This is teenage girls or women with the brains of teenage girls
Am I reading this wrong or does it mean that in most cases gays are most attracted to men with the same body type as them?
Correct, "twinning" is well known in the gay community.
The ones that don't twin are things like chubber chasers going after fatties.
>Why is there such a consistency?

Rugged men are sexually attractive to women only insofar as they display the qualities that would make them suitable providers for women, and more importantly, protect them from predators/other men (rape). Aborigines are objectively the roughest and most masculine looking men on the planet and it's probably due to the fact their biggest historical sexual selection pressure was the man's ability to rape women and kill other men for access to women.

Youthful beautiful men on the other hand are attractive to basically everyone: they appear healthy, sophisticated, gracile, intelligent, and give off an approachable and endearing disposition that both men and women find less confrontational. Fundamentally, we're a species that has (mostly) aggressively sexually selected for androgyny, femininity, and female sexual selection, and this has vastly advantaged us over other sub-species/species of hominid who didn't simply because we weren't constantly murdering each other over pussy.
This can kind of be seen in gorillas vs chimps: gorillas form harems, whereas chimps form complicated social hierarchies with gradually declining female access. The chimps system is obviously not 'ideal', but compared to gorillas it's superior because the chimps can manage far bigger populations, defend more land, and the males can cooperate on hunts.
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For me it's Perseus
It's fucking over.
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>Across all cultures through history, the only two male ideals were to be youthfully beautiful or ruggedly masculine
Incorrect, paedo-autogynephilic "gay" male, that's just how your fetishistic, sexual predator kind cope:
>fuck the "prime" "twink" on the left (who was a 14 year kid at the time by the way)
>bottom for the ugly bastard on the right because he's so hairy your autogynephilic mind probably makes you feel feminine when getting dominated by the bastard

In terms of physical features, the ideal dude will always be some masculine-leaning, but still conventionally handsome dude like the Albanian-Turk actor on the left.

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