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Were past communist states actually as progressive and LGBTQ+ friendly as modern communists say they were?
No, homosexuals did not exist between the Fall of the Romans and the Enlightenment, after which they were slowly reintroduced. It took until the Collapse of the Soviet Union for the first gay people to be introduced in Russia and Eastern Europe. Before that, there were non-existant beyond a handful of accounts at best, so lawmaker did not bother.
All Muslim states were infamous for young boy sex slaves, from the nafri states to Afghanistan
No they did not. Maybe on the books they had gay marriage but it was only on paper, the societies hated gay people.

From Lenin
>"It seems to me that these flourishing sexual theories which are mainly hypothetical, and often quite arbitrary hypotheses, arise from the personal need to justify personal abnormality or hypertrophy in sexual life before bourgeois morality, and to entreat its patience. This masked respect for bourgeois morality seems to me just as repulsive as poking about in sexual matters."
>"Promiscuity in sexual matters is bourgeois. It is a sign of degeneration. The proletariat is a rising class. It does not need an intoxicant to stupefy or stimulate it, neither the intoxicant of sexual laxity or of alcohol."
No. The Commies (including Marx) considered homosexuality to be capitalist degeneracy.

Modern queers overlook this because it ruins the whole “egalitarian” idea.
No. And modern communists do not descend ideologically from the Marxist-Leninists who were in charge of actually-existing socialist states in the 20th century, but instead descend from the western "New Left" and from Trotskyists who opposed the USSR during the Cold War anyway.

The fall of the Eastern Bloc basically killed off all of the old school communists and now we are left only with their demented western cousins who support infinite mass immigration, "queer theory", and so on
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Gender equality and universal suffrage. The gay rights is a modern take.
You really should try to lose some weight.
Lenin would have these niggas hanged

Stalin would let the guards rape these niggas before killing them

Man the USSR used to be cool
my man likes fat brunettes
A straight trans woman? Incredibly rare these days. Especially on 4chan.
Under Lenin kinda, but obviously within the reasonable limits of the times (anywhere, not just within conmunist states). For example there's a 20's Soviet romcom called Bed and Sofa, which is basically about a threesome/poly relationship. It isn't really anymore suggestive than the American film Design for Living with a similar theme but there you go. For whatever it's worth it was directed by (((Abram Room))).
>party appeals to and rests its support on soldiery and manual laborers
What do you think retard?
Leftists hate mass immigration because it “exploits the poor of the global south”.

Liberals are pro mass migration because they only want profit and labor.

Conservatives are anti mass migration because DEY TOOK ER JERBS!

Reactionaries hate mass immigration because they think nonwhites should die
>Leftists hate mass immigration because it “exploits the poor of the global south”.
There are essentially no leftist political parties or movements of any note which oppose mass immigration.
Leftists believe in attacking the capitalist source of mass migration rather than the victims
Point me to one (1) western leftist political party, or even just one (1) politician, who proposes to drastically lower immigration numbers.
Basically, Soviet lawyers or law scientists based their laws on the laws of Russian Empire. They didn't fully copy them though, they scrutinized them on whether they contained unnecessary morals in them. For example, before 1917 killing your relative was a much harsher crime than just killing someone. Here's what they said on faggotry:
>While understanding the wrongness of the development of homosexuality, society cannot place the blame for it on the bearer of these characteristics

It wasn't until 1933 when Genrikh Yagoda pushed for the law against sodomy. He pushed it, because he allegedly uncovered the secret pederast society and its plot, which led to arrests and attacks on followers of Zinoviev and Trotsky, among other things
>As Yagoda pointed out in an explanatory note, homosexuals were engaged in “the creation of a network of salons, hotbeds, brothels, groups and other organized formations with the further transformation of these associations into direct espionage cells”.
>“The pederast activists, using the caste insularity of pederast circles for directly counter-revolutionary purposes, politically degraded various social strata of youth, particularly working youth, and also tried to penetrate the army and navy,” the report said.
This led to Stalin ordering Kaganovitch to introduce according laws and to make an example out of scoundrels.
This change put sodomites on the same level with trotskyites, white guard, British/Japanese spies and kulaks, i.e. enemies of the state.

This triggered the western commie reaction of Harry Whyte sending a letter to Stalin that inquired that he himself, being a homo, could surely serve as a fair example of a socially active honest communist. This was received as thorough nonsense and degeneracy. The only public response he got was from Gorky:
>"In a country where the proletariat is courageous and successful, homosexuality, which corrupts the youth, is recognized as socially criminal and punishable"
Only towards the end of their lifespan
Dutchfag here
Our Socialist Party is quite critical and hard on migration, but they barely get any votes and most "leftists" don't consider left wing anywau
>We have no sex, and we are strictly opposed to it!
Why don’t you ever mention modern Cuba where misgendering people is punishable by a fine and why don’t you mention Fidel Castro publicly acknowledging regret for his homophobic words during his later life, in these threads? Cuba and DPRK are the only real M-L states around and both are explicitly anti-bigotry.

What you are doing is like bringing up the crimes of Maximilian Robespierre and asking liberals why they support that?
I always found fucking hilarious how trannies are such devout followers of Marxism. I thought it would make more sense for them to be libertarians, but when you realize you are talking about suicidal mentally ill incel gay men, it all makes sense.
They put Homophobic people in camps in Norf Korea?
Modern socialism comes from school of Trotsky. Without stalin. Ussr will turned into gay lgbt nation and pure degenerates
The wiki page is very slanderous but even wiki admits it isn’t criminalized in nk to be lgbt nor is it anything besides slightly uncommon.

>Never criminalised

>Cross-dressing openly is also reported to exist, and is considered unusual but not illegal.[12][18][8]

The wiki page tries to make the human rights situation seem dire but even these few kernels of truth are added.
Russia is still so progressive, they have 3 genders in their language. Transgenderism comes from soviet union.
Modern communist parties of Russia and Greece are the only two to openly be homophobic and they received much criticism for that from all the other parties in the west. Also they don’t support criminalization of lgbt even but they merely are against lgbt adoption and raising kids.


This is while the same communist party of Greece supports criminalization of homophobic hate crimes. Even the most “bigoted” commie parties today are still farther left than most conservatives so OP’s post is just nonsense.
Dutch politics are a joke, and I'm saying that as a fellow klompentulpneuker
USSR in the Lenin years yes, kind of. There were legal rights but two factions in the party, a pro-LGBT one and an anti-LGBT one. One guess which one won.
East Germany late in the game yes, there was a gay protest movement and the government gave up on trying to repress it and handed gays way more rights than they had in the West at the time.
>anywhere else
Not until the Cold War was over and Western culture started to have an impact on some "AES" states like China and Cuba. For most of the Cold War you could say with a couple caveats that the capitalist world was a lot better to gay people than the "socialist" world was.
Yes, Lenin at least was before Stalin reversed his legalization of homosexuality. What do you think he was doing with Zinovyev in that shack the whole time?
yes, if Lenin were alive today he would troon out like every other communist
clocked without even opening the thumbnail, kill yourself you disgusting freak
It’s no surprise that Cuba cucked out on elements of their ideology post-1991 when they lost their main ally and are now under constant threat of attack from the US with no one to back them up.

Point is that if the USSR and the Eastern Bloc states had survived through the 1990s and were still governed by traditional Marxist-Leninists to this day, would they have liberalised on the issue of homosexuality? I find that extremely hard to believe.
>Modern communist parties
Yes because we live in the timeline where neoliberal progressivism decisively won the Cold War. So all communists have been forced to adapt to that and comply with the new international order where there is no meaningful opposition to American-style progressivism

In a world where the USSR never fell and where many international communist parties continued taking orders direct from Moscow, you might see Communist Parties, for instance, calling out transgenderism as a “bourgeois perversion”
>USSR in the Lenin years yes, kind of. There were legal rights but two factions in the party, a pro-LGBT one and an anti-LGBT one. One guess which one won.

I kinda view it as it was legal on paper but culturally people were still very much against it. Lenin himself viewed it as bad.
My understanding also was that it was only legal in Ukraine and Russia and heavily fought within the court system
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No. Communists have always hated faggots. The whole idea of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" is an anti-materialist anti-family bourgeois perversion.
This is the cope Stalinists use to avoid admitting that Stalin took Soviet cultural policy in a much more reactionary direction. Chicherin was gay and everyone knew but he had an important position anyway, that would have been unthinkable just a decade later. Or look at Kollontai or Trotsky who were both openly in favor of "sexual liberalism". It wasn't just a thing where some legal gaps existed so stuff was going on in private either, you had actual SRS being performed.

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