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>makes /his/ seethe uncontrollably
How do they do it?
>le monks saved le civilization during le dark ages
Because this board is filled to the brim with coping bongshats that’s why.
Go and make a post about how Haig was just as retarded as Joffre and see what happens.
lmao you don't post here often do you
Just tiring seeing endless threads about how they are simultaneously these weak pathetic victims, but also totally badass and defied the evil empire and saved the world
You see just that a bong already got offended.
>You see just that
good morning saar
>surrounded by water
>cannot fish
any other civilization suffer from this problem? even sentinelese get food from the sea and theyre literal cavemen
The Britishers banned it, they were powerless
They're the whitest white people in an unspoken contest for who is whitest and therefore most loved by God.
Reminder all papists are satanists. It is easier for a Muslim to enter heaven than a papist
arent the irish like overwhelmingly genetically identical to the british
It's like 3 guys who endlessly make the same threads every week and seethe at Ireland every thread they are in.
It's hilarious to see Brits lose any sympathy with foreigners by calluously gloating about Bobby Sands' death.
It's like hoholinos thinking gloating about eating Russian flesh will make the rest of the world more like to side with them
But Ukies are being invaded, so it's ok
Yes and for some reason it drives the British to do bizarre things like identify with Bronze Age hebrews and wage wars of annihilation against their ostensible kin in Germany and North America.
There is no name for this mental illness but it’s common to the animals of England.
>panchito uses the irish as a vehicle to seethe about the anglos
I see 9 posts from weird “Celtic nationalists” for every negative Irish post so not really getting what your issue is
the only things about them that makes me seethe is that shitass border and that it's a beautiful country they're shitting up without british help so what was the point
>beautiful country

It has worse weather than England, a country known for its shitty weather

I always find the “X country is beautiful” claim made about every single country. Seems meaningless
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Why couldn't you afford 10,000 trucks?
1,000,000 Jews died because of your avarice
Maybe you should have listened to your moral superiors?
this board has a handful of extremely obsessive discord dwelling britbongs who hate Ireland and the Irish and make the same threads constantly.

it's just constant slop followed by
>yeah well there are WAY MORE irish posters crying about britain
despite the fact that it just catgegorically isn't true, except for the extremely obvious bait that coincidentally only seems to get posted in anti-irish threads
point them out, anon.
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Here you go, anon:
go kill yourself, bud

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