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30 years ago it seemed like a more than just cause, but in retrospect, now that SA is one of the most dangerous shitholes in the world, was it really the best way to handle things?
The ANC should have been broken up into different parties after the end of apartheid. Having a single party run the goverment for 30+ years it's obviously going to end up in corruption, nepotism, stagnation and inequality regardless of how much they kept milking mandela.
If you have separate competitive parties, then they would forced to offer actual policies to remain relevant
Is there a single African country that bettered it's standard of living and got more prosperous through decolonization?
>As of 2024, Botswana is the third least corrupt country in Africa
>Since then, it has been a parliamentary republic with a consistent record of uninterrupted democratic elections
>The economy is dominated by mining and tourism

I didn't know this. I guess their advantage is small country with lots of diamonds and low ethnic conflict.
South Africa is better today in terms of
>crime rates
>unemployment rates
>poverty rates
>life expectancy
So now tell me how apartheid ending hurt South Africa?
>I didn't know this. I guess their advantage is small country with lots of diamonds and low ethnic conflict
Botswana forcing their Khoisan population off their hunting grounds and putting them into 're-location' camps' also helped.
It's a /thread.
>Having a single party run the goverment for 30+ years it's obviously going to end up in corruption, nepotism, stagnation and inequality regardless of how much they kept milking mandela.
I've got one word for you, just one.
All of them? Most of their living standards are through the roof compared to when they were colonies.

> was it really the best way to handle things?

They should have wiped out the entire white population.
Yeah, it was pretty much set up to become shit. Mandela might have been a good man, but it was inevitable that having such a powerful party would become a magnet for all kinds of crooks.
>The ANC should have been broken up into different parties after the end of apartheid. Having a single party run the goverment for 30+ years
South Africa has local elections(similar to the US mid-term elections) where voters are able to choose different political parties and politicians from different political parties to run their cities,towns and provinces.
That the ANC was still able to obtain the most votes for nearly 30 years says more of the poor quality of opposition parties that were on offer and their lack of grassroots organizational skills.
and today Japan is the most stagnant country in the world, having gone from 2nd largest economy to the 4th/5th
Commies literally enacted mass immigration of non-native blacks into SA.
Before this, you had an equilibrium between Boers, British, and sanctioned native black tribes.
These immigrants vying for power is why to this day sanctioned tribes make political alliances with Boers. Also the commies left. All that remains in SA is the ruins of civilization, so pretense of historical revenge is being dropped.
>comparing a country that was effectively bankrolled by the US to be their bulwark against communism in Asia and becoming an economic giant due to said bankrolling to a country that was effectively starting from scratch after the disaster that was Apartheid.

kill yourself
>Commies literally enacted mass immigration of non-native blacks into SA.
Source:Bro Trust Me

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