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File: I_Met_God_Shes_Black.jpg (25 KB, 550x550)
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What if it turned out this whole time that God was not some old white/jewish bearded dude in a robe and was actually a sassy black woman? How would we know for sure?
God isn't a human, nor has a visible form. He understands Jewish men and black women both and could absolutely manifest an avatar in those forms, but it's clear from the Torah that that's not the plan.
>Therefore watch yourselves carefully; for you saw no kind of form on the day that the LORD spoke to you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire.
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Why did God manifest his son as some random Jew and then subsequently as a Lamb?
Why do you presume God sent him? Maybe the son initiated a
2,000 year power struggle.
John 17:3
>And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
>quote from book written by pro-son propagandists means that the son is authorized to rule on Earth
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I mean all I'm saying is that it's a fair presumption to make if we're strictly talking about the son himself. Why move the goalpost?
Sure, you're right. I think the big problem is that what the son says and does doesn't line up with pop's message.
Well considering how ugly and repulsive a sheboon is even by the metrics of other Blacks, and especially how she treats other ape females on par or worse than other races. I can believe why Blacks are the most hideous and hated race, if God was sheboon.
if God was a sassy black woman creation would have taken 9 days on account off needing to have her hair did every 3 days

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