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File: Greece.png (369 KB, 1080x953)
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Fun fact: "Greece" used to be mostly Muslim before the Westerners invaded it and appointed a Bavarian as the king of Greeks
That map shows Greece is minority Muslim in every single province.
Were those Turks or Romioi converts.
I remember reading that after WW1 there was a forced population exchange between Greece and Turkey. All of Greece’s Muslims were sent to Turkey in exchange for their Christians. But this meant that many ethnically Greek, Greek-speaking Muslims ended up in Turkey, and many ethnically Turkish, Turkish-speaking Christians ended up in Greece. They defined “ethnicity” solely by religion so nobody saw this as wrong. Which would be seen as ludicrous by todays standards.
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>used to be mostly Muslim

You couldnt find a source to back this up even if your pathetic life depended on it.

Fun fact: Iceland used to be mostly muslim before westerners invaded.
Source: Trust me bro. /Thread
Fun Fact: Charles III here and you're a bunch of faggots
You read wrong retard
no way this post was not made by a bot
Macedonia wuz Muzzie, Alexander wuz a wog Muzzie
Are you implying that muslims can read?
Turks aren't the brightest of people
Above 30% includes 100%
there's a Greek dialect in northeastern Anatolia that's now spoken entirely by Muslims

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