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Suffering is proof of existence. This is why world religions come up with fictions that make suffering noble or its cessation to be the ultimate goal.
world religions start with the fantasy of heaven and god, which is a fantasy from their copium that their suffering is meaningful somehow
God is real. That doesn't mean our suffering has a purpose, however. By treating it that way we make the intolerable tolerable. It promotes injustice and resignation. Something like terminal cancer is unavoidable and instead of pointing fingers we can just say "well shit!" God is real, but maybe He wants us to act like He isn't all while being moral and making the world a better place for other people. That's my thought anyway.
>ignoring religions that lack a heaven/afterlife/spiritual reward
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
Sumerian religion's afterlife is a bleak barren wasteland where people only eat ashes and dust
>raised in middle class comfort
From the perspective that life has its ups and downs, suffering seems tolerable and even has a "divine" purpose.

If suffering is being a "problem" for you, we have Buddhism, but if you think that's just the way life is and it's all good for you, then fine, get on with your life.

From an absolute point of view our suffering is insignificant, but we have a personal point of view and that shows that our suffering matters a lot.

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