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This accusation never really made much sense to me.
Who are "the Jews"? The Pharisees and their followers? The Sadducees? The Sanhedrin? All ethnic Jews?
I don't deny that Jesus was put to death at the insistence of the Sanhedrin, most urging of which came from the Pharisees. But the Pharisees were not "the Jews"; they were a rival sect of "the Jews", which included the Sadducees and the Essenes, the latter of which was Jesus's (supposed) sect. "The Jews killed Jesus." Of course they did! It was a Jewish internal conflict. The Pharisees, Jesus, his disciples, many early Christians... They were all Jews!
But, more than just laying out the facts, I also don't believe the justification for the accusation. There seems to be a Christian misunderstanding of what Judaism is, and why they hate Christianity. Christians have this sense that Jews *uniquely* hate Christ, which, they might, but if so only as an internal rival. It seems more than anything they see Christianity as a goy religion, and that's the source of their ire. I never see this pointed out.
>the atheists claiming to be Jews killed Jesus
Now it makes sense.
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>This accusation never really made much sense to me.
>a handful of Jews from one sect in one city condemned one man
>therefore they all shelter the blame forever
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>they all shelter the blame forever
It is as they themselves desired.
>It is as they themselves desired.
It is as one nobody said out loud. Every Jew outside of that building had nothing to do with it.
Shouldn't we forgive them for it then?
What? No, it makes even less sense.
>John 1:11 - "He came unto his own, and his own received him not."
Does that clarify things for you?
Is this not just them saying "Yes, yes, we want him dead"?
Nah, that's for Christians. Plus, how else would we explain the terrible behavior of the Jews, except that they rejected Jesus? Certainly, these traits that people disliked about them wouldn't've existed before Jesus...
The only way to the father is through the son and all who would deny him are damned according to the original condemnation of the fall.
>and all who would deny him are damned according to the original condemnation of the fall
So... all non-Christians are going to Hell? I was told Christianity just made it easier to get into Heaven.
Nah. Only an atheist/wrongdoer would think of killing or causing the death of the Son of God.
You actually buy that a whole crowd of people shouted "His blood be on us and on our children"? Don't be stupid.
Why do Christians think atheists care so much about jesus as to want to kill him? The biggest opponents of jesus are other religions
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Was it the jews that made Romans sadistically torture and humiliate a man they were apparently executing against their will?
Any Hebrew who did not think Jesus was the Messiah, wanted him dead.
Jews were living under the rule of Rome and did not have the authority to murder anyone for their religious dogmas so they had to go to the Governor for permission and in order to maintain the peace the Governor allowed the will of the jews to be carried out upon the Christ.
I'll also add that, yes, the Romans do deserve blame for scoring and mutilating Jesus as they did, but that was also the MO for the Romans. That was what they did. It kept peace in the empire.
I think it's also plausible to say that Jesus was not a friend of the Roman Empire, and that he went to his death willingly in order to spite the Pharisees and the Romans, which he succeeded in doing in creating Christianity.
>Romans do deserve blame
They share none of the blame (Matthew 27:24-25).
Pontius Pilot:
>this man is innocent
>centurions, torture him!
So should the Romans not be doubly damned for willfully carrying out an evil act?
>They share none of the blame (Matthew 27:24-25).
Christian antisemitism has always been retarded. The jews killing Jesus is literally the catalyst for your entire religion. It's what gave you eternal salvation from sin. So if the jews hadn't killed him, then what? You're still making burnt offerings of lambs to Yahweh and living by the Old Covenant?(which btw exclude you for being goyim)
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>Christian antisemitism
Jesus Christ is Lord.
That verse is literally exactly what I said
How does him ignoring and letting an evil happen under his authority, which he have the power to stop and refuses to, make him innocent?
>but then the jews would rebel
>okay but then fucking SON OF GOD would still rightfully be saved from persecution
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The blame is upon the Jews because they wanted the blame for themselves.
>which he have the power to
Indian brother please stop defending the devil worshippers
The majority view in serious scholarship is that goyish Christians began to emphasize the Jewish role (realistically this could not have been more than simply telling the Romans the truth about Jesus, that he was pretending or "pretending" to be the Messiah, i.e., the rightful ruler of Israel) and deemphasize the Roman role in Jesus's death. Christianity fairly quickly became a goy religion, and Christians became resentful of Jews for not converting like they were supposed to, and went from fearing the Roman elites to proselytizing them, to owning them.
They even turned Pilate and Longinus into outright righteous Christians in traditions outside the New Testament.
Pilate slaughtered kikes by the thousands, Josephus depicts him as unflinchingly brutal without exception. The NT presents him as a sensitive man with Christian instincts, who was somehow forced by the Jews to execute Jesus. It's absurd.
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>enemies of the whole human race
verse for reference
Thank you
Nope. God allowed the destruction of the second temple to punish those who rejected his son as a sign to the world that those who oppose him are damned.
Why did they reject his son?
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envy (Matthew 27:18)

None of this actually happened by the way.
Why were they envious?
Other translations have it as jealousy and that is it because he went about declaring things like lost branches of God's tree were a part of those who belong to God's kingdom and that not only ethnic Jews are of the spirit. That was infuriating for the Pharisees and the primary cause for their condemnation of him.
why do people struggle with the fact that the inside of the canaanite group is not interesting to non-canaanites?

Why would non-canaanites even care about distinguishing between Pharisees and Sadducees and so on?
okay but the jew YHWH isn't real
>Only an atheist/wrongdoer would think of killing or causing the death of the Son of God
>"Only people who don't follow my religion would be interested in killing the principle character of my religion (because of who he is in my religion)."
How by chance did you hit upon this incredibly circular logic?
>"I'm gonna tard antisemitism even harder now."
>Who are the Jews
>surely they can't be the organized hierarchy which has authority over those who call themselves Jews
>this doesn't represent Jewish people
Fuckin Romans are the ones that nailed him up, and they were the ruling occupation that had already proven themselves quite capable of suppressing unrest. The final choice came to them, and nothing the Pharisees could throw at them would have been able to truly force their hand.
Given what the average jew says now? Yeah. If anything, the demand for Jesus' blood is pretty tame for them.
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>I committed a terrible crime, but you kind of benefited from it so you should be thanking me!
Do Jews really think this?
The tribe of psychopaths that had psy-opped their own children into genuinely believing divine appointment of salvation was exclusively theirs, were told to stfu and get in line with everyone else. Gee, I can't imagine why they had a meltdown and decided to kill Jesus instead.
The Scribes of Pharisees = The Talmud

Any Jew that follows the Talmud is a descendent of the Pharisees whether spiritually (Khazars) or genetically.
>you kind of benefitted from it
It was arguably the single greatest thing to ever happen to mankind.
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Yes. They sentenced him to death dumbass. Jesus forgave them though at the cross because he knew that the crucifixion was at the hand of the Jews and not the Romans.

The Talmud states that a Jew can get away with indirect murder and not be liable and sentenced for it. For example, a Jew can starve out a goy (like they did with the holodomor and other famines) and be free of murder. Likewise, they also believe that they are not responsible for committing deicide because they pressured the Romans to do it on their behalf.

Matthew 27:25

Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

Jews are eternally damned to hell.
>Romans literally kill Jesus
>they didn't because.... jews are evil, okay?!
Literally no one told the Romans to nail a crown of thorns to Jesus head increasing his agony as a means to humiliate him. You're telling me Jesus forgave this unique and evil act of cruelty but the wandering jew is cursed to forever walk the earth til judgement day for spitting on him? Christian antisemitism is so profoundly retarded it beggars belief.
> You're telling me Jesus forgave this unique and evil act of cruelty but the wandering jew is cursed to forever walk the earth til judgement day for spitting on him?

Yea, it’s simple cause and effect you retarded Jew. The Jew also sought to murder Christ before the crucifixion through stoning (John 10:31)

The Romans had no desire to kill Christ. Pontus Pilate tried to avoid the crucifixion of Christ by offering the Jews to have either the murderer Barrabas released in exchange of executing Christ. The Jew felt sympathetic towards the murderer and had him released instead. No surprising though because they proved what Christ said previously, and that the Jews are descendent of Cain, the first murdere (John 8:44).

God knows what’s in your heart, Jew. There’s no escape.

You can respond like a redditor and make onions induce responses like “Christian antisemitism is so retarded” all you want. Antisemitism was a made up word that was created in 1879 and has no place in this discourse.
>you're telling me that jesus forgave people who repented and converted but not people who persist in their error and enmity?
Yes. Let's not pretend anyone argues Jesus wouldn't immediately forgive genuine jewish converts.
>The Romans had no desire to kill Christ.
But THEY DID. You keep trying to ignore this. Not only did they kill him, but they tortured him and killed him gruesomely. Once again, Pilot just throwing his hands up and closing his eyes to the situation makes him an accomplice. He was the only person with the authority to kill Jesus, jews henpecking him means nothing. Are you just to allow evil to take place under your direct supervision?

It's like talking to a fucking wall.
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>This accusation never really made much sense to me
1. New Testament: Jews killed Jesus.
2. Talmud: We killed Jesus.
>Who are "the Jews"? The Pharisees and their followers? The Sadducees? The Sanhedrin? All ethnic Jews?
Some Pharisees (Judean and Gentile) who rejected Christs teachings, even after the Temple was destroyed.

After Jesus there were FIVE sects:
1. Pharisees
2. Sadducees
3. Essence
4. Zealots
5. Follower of The Way (Christians)

After the Temple was destroyed:
1. Pharisees split off, where one half converted to Christianity, and the other half created Rabbinical Judaism.
2. Sadducees became extinct.
3. Essence converted to Christianity.
4. Zealots split off, whdre one half converted to Christianity, and the other half killed themselves fighting the Romans.
5. Follows of The Way converted the Greeks and Romans.

You are your race and your race is you. This isn't that hard to grasp. If lions killed someone you love you would say "lions killed my friend".
>you are your race
>jesus is jewish
...and Christ's words were, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." But you ignore those words. Instead, you follow the words of the hateful crowd, and hold their words to be the Truth instead. In doing so, you are not a Christian. You are a Phariseean, because their words are the ones that you hold to.

They didn’t retard. The Romans gave the Jews multiple chances to overturn their decision to execute Jesus. Pontus Pilate caved into pressure because he did not want an uprising
According to the canonical gospels, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judaea, ordered the crucifixion of Jesus:

Arrest and trial: Jewish authorities charged Jesus with blasphemy and arrested him, but lacked the authority to execute him.

Sentence: They brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate, who sentenced him to be scourged and crucified.

Execution: Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross
>They didn’t
>Pontus Pilate caved into pressure
Have you been lobotomized?
God allowed the destruction of all of Byzantine (Christian) Afro-Asia to punish those who rejected his prophet as a sign to the world that those who oppose him are damned.
See how narrativizing history is completely unfalsifiable? Kike
sounds like someone netanyajuj says and they repeat by heart
>Matthew 27:25

The Sadducees and in turn the Romans they had to keep appeased probably did hate Jesus and wanted him dead. Most Pharisees and mystics however likely sympathized with Jesus to some extent.
>Most Pharisees and mystics however likely sympathized with Jesus to some extent.
I've never heard this before. Where did you pick this up?
Wouldn't that make them the good guys though? Since without them Jesus couldn't have died and come back from the dead?
Just so we're clear, Christians don't believe that Jews killed Jesus, they believe that the Romans did. This is literally the Apostle's Creed. If you affirm that "Jews killed Jesus" you are literally not a Christian.
yeah atheists don't read
they just kvetch
sage, hide, move along.
also, op, unfuck yourself. nobody likes a pseud
read the church fathers idiot
No but obviously you did retard. Learn what desire means and come back when you’re older than 18.
the church fathers are the ones who made what he said doctrine anon
>I didn't want to kill him
>I did it anyway
>but I didn't want to
You think that'll hold up in court?
>You think that'll hold up in court?
The Romans literally were the court, dummy.
If anything, the Romans are guilty of manslaughter. They did kill him--but the Pharisees had said to the Romans that he was a rebel, and that either Jesus would cause unrest, or they would, were he not punished. Either would've threatened the security of the state... which is what the Romans were there to enforce. So... it wasn't really meditated or self-interested. It was impersonal, and the Gospels really do attempt to put blame on the Pharisees, the disciples being an early rival faction to them.
Now... are the Pharisees "the Jews"? No, I don't think that stands up at all. Everyone in the New Testament was a Jew, except for the Romans, who were just... there. So there's no sense in saying "The Jews killed Christ." They were all Jews.
Who told you that?

There will be plenty of non-Christians in heaven by the way. The bible lists many. But no one who ignores/rejects Christ will be.
>But no one who ignores/rejects Christ will be.
So... doesn't that say that you can only get into Heaven as a non-Christian if you've never heard of Christianity? Been given the chance to become a Christian?

I seriously dislike you Edomites.

I've decided to come out of lurking just to put your face in some intellectual shit:

Might I remind you why jesus kicked out the pharasee's LARPING as judaen high priests (to which those roles were stolen during the time of high priest John hyrcanus after edom was conquered, but spared under the admittance of of conversion to the faith of Israel, to which they stole the name judaen by driving out the upper caste priests and seizing the positions for themselves in a few short years before murdering all true born israelite blood that posed. Threat to this coup de ta, hense the stolen name 'jew'daen)?

It's because they were grubby merchants that prioritised resource capture (a nice quick way slavery or slavery lite (indentured servitude on compound interest or by abusing sabbath laws in conjunction to this to squeeze out financial freedoms) to, as was pointed out by a previous anon; create a artifical famine to purge the targeted population and be 'free of wrong' because the elite priests say its okay under the 'babylonian oral law'.

The merchant priest class extortionate nature in regards to financial ability to create riots was well noted, otherwise people like hadrian would never have but fucked you pricks into oblivion (deservedly so).

Jews (again, stolen name. It's like a black saying he's British because he's born on England. While his passport may say so, his genes say otherwise.) directly played their hand because he threatened their larp and attempted murder of the line of jacob, to re-inherit the birthrite of Abraham being the last line standing.

That's why you edomite pricks flood our nations and try to push race mixing so hard (it's failing), because you're yet again trying to loophole God.

Christ admitted you're of Abraham, but not of jacob, for you are of esau, the line of cain. Regardless of your recent admixture with us by gene theft, your spiritual nature is still of cain.
Christ preaches to the unevangelized after death.
Evend if they did; wasn't it the plan?
But anyway, the Romans tortured and executed Jesus with the knowledge that he was an innocent man.
Edomites Mixed with the jews there tho and thus became also your choose pepole so no they werent larping
And you have no proof that all these pepole were edomites you are just making that up
Free will + predestination
> "The Jews killed Jesus." Of course they did! It was a Jewish internal conflict.
That's the point.

"The brick the builder's rejected will become the cornerstone"

Jesus it is like you don't understand the religion at all.

If the Jews didn't kill Jesus as an internal Jewish conflict then Christianity would theologically make sense
You have to repent in order to be forgiven.
The Sanhedrin literally had no juristiction over capital punishment, they were only allowed to try religious cases and were very limited in what punishments they could enforce. They may well have thought Jesus was a blasphemer, but the Romans wouldn't have given a shit about that. What got the Romans' attention was that his followers claimed he was king of the Jews, i.e. not recognising Roman rule which made him a rebel and guilty of sedition. If you read Josephus, his account of this period has lots of rebels, bandits, and preachers who caught Rome's attention due to causing disturbances. For example, there was a Samaritan preacher who gathered a large following and was going to lead them to Mount Gerizim where he said God would unearth the instruments of their temple (which had been destroyed about 100 years earlier). The Romans sent troops to block the crowd's path and ended up violently disbursing them, killing their preacher in the process.

If the gospels are broadly correct, the Sanhedrin would have informed the Roman authorities that Jesus was claiming to be king and was causing a ruckus with his crowds of followers. He'd have been executed like all the other leaders who were rebels in Rome's eyes. But that made Jesus seem quite subversive, so the role of the Romans is diminished (Matthew has him literally wash his hands of the situation) and the role of the Jews is magnified.
But shouldnt Christians actually be happy that jews killed him i mean just because of his death can they be saved so arent judas and these jews based ?
Should you as a Jew be happy Adam and Eve rejected what God gave them?
Roman soldiers killed Jesus.
Don't forget to pay your taxes BTW, God's wills it.
Well it was all according to your gods plan right?so there is nothing wrong with it just as some Baby dying of cancer is according to your gods plan all for his glory
>Jews are eternally damned to hell.

That bit in Revelations about them being the synagogue of satan rings a bell. I think they know they're condemned. That's why they're attempting to drag as many people (goyim + especially negros) down to hell with them through the entertainment industry and the media. And are cocky as fuck about it too.
You are mentally ill.
Jesus knows everything so he predicted that Christians will blame his fellow jews, so Jesus is indirectly responsible for the holocaust in a sense.
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Romans are the police, the Pharisees are like a white karen calling the police to have their neighbor arrested for having a cookout and gleefully celebrating when he gets shot by the police. The Romans murdered him, the Pharisees and Sadducees snitched.
You are a self projecting Jew.


Matthew 23
33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

Apparently this nigger has a hard time understanding cause and effect and chain of events.
>Christ's words were, "Father, forgive them
And you know they have to die to meet the father to get that forgivness.
Retarded /pol/tranny
No, he forgave the Romans, not the jews who rejected him and their only salvation. The Bible is clear, jews are damned because they reject the son and only through the son does anyone come to the father.
Nice dodging of the blame. They wanted him dead because he threatened their power over the israelites via oral law and restriction of sef education on the matter. Christ ended that with the sabbath being observed everyday waking moment.

He is the law of moses.

After the capture and exile of the few short years in babylonian captivity, those Edomites mixed in with babylonian semite blood and produced the pharasee's christ fought against.

The talmud, which is your oral law written on paper and options to circumvent loopholes in the torah to your benefit (dismissing the entire purpose of the laws, you kikes do in the modern day with anything they touch).

You think an israelite cannot sin? A roman under pontius pilate, a known 'gentile' ws said to have more faith than any that of his flock had showed.

Even gods children can sin and fall from grace.
However, you Edomites are of sinful nature as a default. It is the mark of cain.

Christ said it ws about saving his people and then gentiles from the fate of spiritual death, which even 2000 years later, people like you have not figured it out and have dismissed this very point. This is because you're not of his flock.

Also, your argument of ancient or modern likes having admixture collapses on itself since philestines are more related to ancient israelites, especially Christian ones. Why would an israelite under the same roof of God wish to destroy one of his shared flock?

They wouldn't, because you Edomites are not genetically but more importantly spiritually of the fathers flock.

>you have no proof that these people were Edomites

I do and I mentioned it. The ruling class of high priests were replaced after being murdered or exiled by filthy Edomites that came into the lands of Judea under falsified conversion.

They later seized power with murder over the ruling family lines a few generations before one of the biggest fraudulent Edomites of the time came to power: Herod the Edomite.
That meme is not accurate.
People who claim to be Jews, but are not Jews, are satanic.
Jews themselves are not satanic.
The synagogue of Satan is hypocrisy and lies, not "jews". Satan is the opposite of a Jew.

The people who crucified Jesus where the "chief priests and officers". That means, people in power who care about their own self interest and are willing to destroy the truth to stay in power. The way, the truth, and the life was challenging their "authority".
>The Bible is clear, jews are damned because they reject the son and only through the son does anyone come to the father.
Except for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Phinehas, Eli, Samuel, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Ezra, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. etc.
>The Bible is clear, jews are damned because they reject the son and only through the son does anyone come to the father.
John 4:22, "You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS".

Now. The question is. Who is a JEW? Because, the anti-christ is lord of the synogogue of Satan, which is made up of false Jews (people who claim to be Jews, but are not Jews).
>Who is a JEW?
The so-called African Americans and Native Americans
>people who claim to be Jews, but are not Jews
The so-called Jews who are children of Edom (red skinned from burning in the sun)
>we know what we worship, for SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS
Lol this is like a star wars lore nut saying they have a better shot at catching the callback references than someone who never saw the og trilogy. True and also all the more reason why jews who reject the son are completely damned, they more than anyone should know better.
Jew just means praised.
It's a general term.
Muhammad claims to be a jew, because his name means "praisworthy".
No one should really be calling themselves a jew, because all glory should be going to God.
There is really only one Jew, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, and resurrected on the third day, and ascended to heaven. Everyone should be praising him, and not themselves.
>John 4:22, "You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for SALVATION IS OF THE JEWS".

The Jews were in turmoil under Roman occupation and they were divided. Some of them wanted to rebel against the Romans, and others wanted to remain to be subjects of Romans and not cause issues. Whatever the case was, the Jews lost their ways to connect with God. Jesus came and offered them a third solution and that was to bring them salvation. John 4 was before Jesus arrived to the temple and witnessed what the Pharisees were doing. When he saw that the Pharisees rejected his divinity, then that's when they were on the path of destruction. They solidified their eternal damnation when they committed deicide and manipulated the Romans into executing him. That's when the salvation to the Jews who rejected Christ came to an end.
But anyway, Jesus knew this as he witnessed Pontus Pilate trying to carry out the execution of Barabbas instead of him. Jesus knew that the Romans had the knowledge that he was an innocent man, which is exactly why he forgave them at the cross.
Yes. Salvation is from the praised.
What is the etymology if praise?
Price / Value

Salvation is from things with actual value. It's a comment about merit. All these posers who just want to be the boss for the sake of power and hubris can go pound sand. Any one who calls themselves a "praiseworthy" is a narcissist. The Lord determines who is to be exalted, not some spec of dust mortal who thinks it's her turn to rule the world.

Christ is King!
Just a reminder to anyone looking at this thread that anyone who blames the Jews for Jesus' death 100% percent believes that Samuel the jewish guy who lives three houses down is trying to rape every child in the neighborhood, is trying to steal your money, and carries a blood debt from 2000 years ago.

You can be a Christian without resorting to schizo conspiracy theories.

Also, I beg for someone to explain why we sidestep the Romans killing Jesus? The romans were the government. They didn't have to do shit that the jews wanted.
>anyone who blames the Jews for Jesus' death 100% percent believes schizo conspiracy theories
Lol, no.
Jews asked that jews be blamed for his death, read the Bible. >>17045889
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>Just a reminder to anyone looking at this thread that anyone who blames the Jews for Jesus' death 100% percent believes that Samuel the jewish guy who lives three houses down is trying to rape every child in the neighborhood, is trying to steal your money, and carries a blood debt from 2000 years ago.

Nice schizo conspiracy theory.

>You can be a Christian without resorting to schizo conspiracy theories.

The "government" is just a machine of the egregore. It's like blaming a gun for shooting someone. The spiritual leaders are the ones moving the gun around. It's like being mad at the government for forcing the covid immunity booster, and lying about it, and pretending it was a vaccination, when it was just an immunity booster. The government is being controlled by the pharmaceutical companies. They are the ones pushing their agenda. The government doesn't care. It's just a stupid machine.

Also, it was not the "jews" who said "crucify" the way, the truth, and the life. It was, "chief priests and their officials". In otherwords, the people in power. People in positions of power, whonare in charge of the zeitgeist, kill the way, the truth, and the life, and release their own hubris, and self interest onto the world.
It's very simple anon; the jews and judaism is the continuation of what that guy in your pic and his ideology represented. The others you are referring to, are not. They might have been ethnically jews, but broke away as christians from the stand of your pic related, which is the stand of modern jews and judaism.

In a way, you could say that Christianity is the true fulfillment of ancient judaism, and that "judaism" after Christ is just a word to designate the deeply butthurted ones that rejected Christ as the Messiah.
Name one (1) other time we take a group of people saying "blame us and our children" and still follow that 2000 years later.
Do you think that the Jews joined the communist party because they were discriminated against?
Ifs nice that you recognize that the Jewish leadership wanted jesus dead but the romans still killed him. Pilate didn't have to do anything.
>Name one (1) other time we take a group of people saying "blame us and our children" and still follow that 2000 years later.
Why? I don't see how that is relevant.
Why the hell should some random jewish person today be subject to hate and vitriol for something that was said 2000 years ago?
>Why the hell should some random jewish person today be subject to hate and vitriol for something that was said 2000 years ago?
They aren't. It's just a fact of theology that they're damned unless they accept the salvation of the son.
I thought everyone was damned unless they accepted Jesus. Why harp on the Jews then?
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>Do you think that the Jews joined the communist party because they were discriminated against?

No because as top American Rabbi Stephen Wise put it in 1935, Marxism is Judaism. I love your response though. Being “discriminated against” justifies the killings of tens of millions of non-Jews who very likely had nothing to do with muh discrimination because of their narcissistic belief that they are chosen by Moloch.
>Why harp on the Jews then?

Because Jesus Christ specifically stated that he came for the lost tribes of Israel (Matthew 15:24). After the crucifixion took place and Jesus resurrected, he told his disciples to preach to all nations (gentiles) (Matthew 28:17) because Jews betrayed Christ and have set themselves up for eternal damnation (unless they repent). Are you dumb, an atheist who doesn’t understand basic Christian theology, or a Jew?
>Pilate didn't have to do anything.
The government is a puppet of the spirit.
The spiritual leaders and officials wanted the Chist dead, and they stirred up the crowd.

Then it says, "All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

Not just jews.

ALL the people.
The government isn't going to go against the leaders, and the crowd. It's just a tool. That's like saying it's a sword's fault for cutting someone, and then pardoning the guy swinging the sword.

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