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What utility does homophobia and anti-transgenderism have?
There is evidence that gays and transvestites have existed for thousands of years, in spite of religious and cultural aversion to them, which means that religious and cultural aversion have had no effect on homophobia and transgenderism, they existed regardless for thousands of years. So what's the point?
Rapists, pedos, and killers have existed for thousands of years in spite of religious and cultural aversion to them.
True, but there is also actual utility in being anti-rapist/pedo/murderer
In my case it's because fags and troons have terrible politics. Nearly 1 out of every 5 trannies has HIV globally and fags aren't far behind. We just aren't biologically compatible to live near each other. I think if some of modern technology was out of the picture and financialization weren't a thing, we would go back to not caring or thinking about fags and trannies. Promiscuity broadly would necessarily decline. Families would operate in a more healthy way and in certain parts of the world we would tolerate such things because we used to.

But you can't turn the clock back, sadly. Now God hates you as do I.
Fags spread diseases. The entire AIDs epidemic in the US was spearheaded by fags. They literally have to take medicine just to keep living their degenerate lifestyle. Imagine how many diseases and shit they spread before modern medicine and proper hygiene.
>In my case it's because fags and troons have terrible politics.
Why do you think they have terrible politics? Who's fault is this?
In Britain a surprising number of women get HIV now. I'm assuming the data is manipulated. But they also mention race so, well, you know.
Do they also eat dogs and cats?
Any argument that can be made in favor of fags can also be made for non-rapist pedos.
>Nearly 1 out of every 5 trannies has HIV globally
So wait, you mean 4 out of 5 don't? So the issue here is for 20% of the population of an already-minority of people?
There is no excuse for pedophillia. Hebephillia and Ephebophilia maybe, but not pedophillia.
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>Jesus got high on kid cum
This goes against the teachings of God
>Who's fault is this
That's a good question. Where does responsibility begin? That's a tumble down the schizos rabbit hole for me. I don't really blame the gays and trolls in truth.

I more focus blame on the people actually pulling the levers, the agents of financialization. People like Larry Fink, who caused the mass shilling of IDpol after Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party type populist movements. Because they actually wanted to decouple the state from these financial institutions in their own retarded, unorganized way.

It all operates like this ouroboros of ruin. And the LGBT movement became a column that holds up this leviathan as Samuel Francis called it. BLM, mass migration, it's all part of the same system. Even environmentalism, things like cap and trade are functionally a means of manufacturing (tangible assets) and financial consolidation. Meanwhile rhetoric about overpopulation, the devaluation of labor, natural resources, clean air, all or most of that has been eliminated or altered to better suit the interests of financial institutions and the mass migration and printing they require.
That's just a terrible argument anon. Imagine if like 1 out of every 5 Jewish person or redheaded person had HIV. Life would become miserable for them and everyone associated with them. That's an unfathomably high number and a product of lifestyle.
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This whole entire post is a teleological fallacy, which is typical of most conspiritaorial thinking. The fact of the matter is that minority groups will always exist in a given society, and said minority groups will tend to congregate if they are all segregated from society at large. Minority groups tend to leverage political parties as a way to represent themselves. Especially in the context of a democratic republic. There doesn't have to be some grand conspiracy behind it all you know? In fact, I think you want there to be a grand conspiracy, because it's easier for you to believe that there's someone in power pulling all the strings than it is for you to believe that millions of people that don't share your personal viewpoints can have agency.
>There doesn't have to be some grand conspiracy behind it all you know?
I don't think it's particularly grand. It's short-sighted and existentially retarded, but the idea that financial consolidation is now a conspiracy theory is simply laughable. Nor did I imply that you lack agency for not understanding anything I've said or agreeing with it, like I genuinely don't believe this. It's just a matter of fact and how the dollar works.

You also don't seem to know what teleology means. But what's worse is that your political theatre is important to you. It's why I hate faggots. And conservatives. Especially conservatives.
If God hates gay sex then why did he put the prostate where it gives pleasure in anal?
By not encouraging the population to sterilize themselves or misdirect their sexuality away from reproduction, leading to a larger more vital and youthful population with which to defend from and overpower rivals
>You also don't seem to know what teleology means.
I know what teleology means. You don't seem to know what a teleological fallacy is however.
1 they are different, humans are naturally afraid of uncertainty and of things they do not understand.
2 minorities are easy scapegoats, and it is easier to propose, for example, banning lgbt books than it is to fix a country's economy or stop crime.
There has never been any point in history where gays have been a threat to a societies population growth. Famine and pandemic diseases have historically been far more of a threat. And no, HIV/AIDs are not a pandemic disease, they're an endemic disease.
Oh I'm sure the entire spill over of your mental illness culture into mainstream society was totally organic, along with BLM and forever migration and every other form of cultural poz. DEI isn't even a real thing, much less directed by all of these financial institutions who openly called for it. That's a conspiracy theory.

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NTA but I'm a fag but essentially I think it went down the way it did because gays were isolated from society, but naturally gays began concentrating in urban ghettos like the Castro district in San Francisco (which is gentrified to hell and back nowadays, but it wasn't like that in the 1970s), and they built a parallel social world there. Whatever exists in the straight world, there was a parallel gay version of it (including newspapers), and that also started to translate into local / organized political power like the Harvey Milk campaign:

There was now a gay vote. This was before major banks began sponsoring floats at Pride parades although that is a thing today. LGBT culture today is an international lifestyle / entertainment empire with a global market value in the hundreds of billions of dollars:

It's on a completely different scale. But that's globalization and technology. But going back much farther in history, I think for most of human history, most of the population were food-growing peasants using hand tools, and I think there were strong incentives in such societies to maximize the number children to grow more food. Homosexuality was a taste for the elite, imperial courts, the aristocracy in Europe, or Confucian bureaucrats in China. But industrialization and financialization have completely changed the mode of production, and that is revolutionary, and has revolutionized everything else. The culture is just now starting to catch up. It's like what Moe the Bartender said in the Simpsons, the whole modern world has a swishifying effect on people.
Also to tie the industrialization / modernization back to the Castro in San Francisco. That was possible because of improvements in transportation and urbanization. It was possible for the "only gay in the village" to more easily move to the city. So, the development of these huge modern cities has a big role to play in it.
To make you feel good as a reward for pooping
There is no point, OP.
All that matters is that I want a cute, supple husband to fuck and no chuddie can shame it out of me. Love the fags.
I think you need to take your meds
People simply existing and wanting representation in society is not a conspiracy, nor is it evidence that someone is "pulling the levers". Get a grip
Reminder that this silver cup is a modern gayporn forgery.

>In 2008 and 2013, Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs argued on iconographic grounds that the Warren Cup is a modern forgery executed around 1900 to meet the tastes of Edward Perry Warren, the amateur collector who introduced the artifact to the world.[40] Luca Giuliani, a professor of Classical Archaeology at Humboldt University, also argued on iconographic grounds that the Warren Cup was likely to be a twentieth-century forgery.
They're self-defeating in a vacuum insomuch as they can't reproduce, but they invariably bring all sorts of other social and moral ills with them where ever they go. They like to pretend they don't, and the majority are rather "ordinary" day-to-day, but there is a very large proportion that are genuinely deviant and degenerate/destructive.
....and now Monkey Pox, which they renamed to "M-Pox", so as not to "offend the gay community". Filthy buggers.
Ammon, you have to stop self-fagging your own vidyas, ffs.
Reminder that anon is disingenuously cherrypicking from the section of his own source lmao:
> Luca Giuliani, a professor of Classical Archaeology atHumboldt University, initially also argued on iconographic grounds that the Warren Cup was likely to be a twentieth-century forgery.[41]However, he subsequently found that evidence of substantial silver chloride corrosion conclusively established the cup's authenticity.[42]
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>argued on iconographic grounds
>also argued on iconographic grounds
Those arguments don't hold up to actual scrutiny. As the previous paragraph suggests
>Dyfri Williams, previously the Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum, dated the cup to 5–15 CE. Williams identified several factors supporting that dating. The silver alloy being 95% pure is consistent with other known Roman silver vessels, with silver from later periods having a far higher purity. Cracks in the cup retain chemical corrosion products which are symptomatic of age, remaining despite being cleaned twice during the 20th century.[34]
They also argued that it was a 20th century forgery, unlikely considering Warrn purchased it in 1911
>Warren purchased the cup in Rome from a dealer in 1911 for £2,000.[18][19][20]
But regardless of your Personal Incredulity, this would still suggest that people from the early 20th century, possibly the late 19th century, were willing to create forgeries of gay sex scenes and present them as art facsimile, which is hardly an argument against the OP. You just want to pretend like you know things because you skimmed over a wikipedia article. You sad retard.

>posts a picture of a little boy being raped
It was known as a forgery until the gay movement of the 1970's. This is literally we wuz for faggots.
>It was known as a forgery
No it was not. It was hardly even known about outside of academia for most of the 20th century. It was first shown to academia alongside other erotic artifacts in "
Die Erotik der Antike in Kleinkunst und Keramik" by Gaston Vorberg in 1921. There is no evidence that it was a forgery, and less evidence that it was "known as" a forgery.
>point in history

Yes because for 99% of history fags were kept in check. It is only in recent history that faggots have free reign and spread like a virus

I swear it is as retarded to remind you of the faggot and gender madness plaguing the West like telling you the sky is blue
>drag queen story hour
>drag children
>teaching children about sexual fetishes
>trying to indoctrinate children to accept gender madness
>cultural institution and corporations shilling faggotry
>trying to overthrow the basic fundamentals of human biology because muh feelings muh identify
>degeneracy is tolerated as valid

Couple this with the rampant antinatalism, White hatred and anti White sentiment, mass migration, social degradation, we have a recipe for disaster

In short fags are a threat to society today
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They are not a threat to society today because people being brainwashed into being gay isn't actually a real fucking thing. It's something you invented to keep gays as a boogeyman. If some drag queen reading stories to you is all it fucking takes to convince you to chop your dick off, it means you were probably a closeted tranny in the first place.
>it’s not happening but it’s a good thing anyway
I never said people being brainwashed is a good thing. I'm saying people aren't being brainwashed at all, and you're just a fucking faggot but too deep in the closet to admit it.
Do you think little children should go to drag shows?Do you think a secretary of nuclear energy should be a cross dresser? How many genders are there?
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>Do you think little children should go to drag shows?
I don't know. I don't know what even know what the fuck goes on at drag shows because I'm not a faggot like you are. Is that just where a bunch of crossdressing men dance or some shit? Because I don't think there's anything inherently wrong or sexual with that.
>Do you think a secretary of nuclear energy should be a cross dresser?
Do I think they should wear clothes? Of course I do, I wouldn't want a government official to be naked, dumbass
>How many genders are there?
There are only 2 sexes.
>le act dumb
>it’s not a big deal who carez bigot!
I see from your response that you are a fag or their supporter. No further questions
No seriously, I genuinely do not even know what goes on at drag shows. You seem to know though, so please explain this to me so I can give you a real answer.
Do you think a men who dresses up like a woman is a normal and well adjusted individual, totally not perverted in any way

But I will not play this little game with you. You either truly are retarded or on the side of the fag menace anyway
>Do you think a men who dresses up like a woman is a normal and well adjusted individual, totally not perverted in any way
I think it's pretty normal to want to wear clothes, yes. I would consider someone going outside completely naked far more of a sexual threat than someone with a weird fashion sense.

And I know you think I'm being facetious right now, but that's only because you probably haven't even put much thought into your own positions. You're literally seething over the types of clothes someone wants to wear.
What kind of lame excuse of reverse psychology or just a retarded deflection tactic do you think that is.

I accept your concession fag
>Being this obsessed over someone else's fashion sense
>Calling others fags
Define "womans clothes" for me
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If all the gays are dead my asshole is safe when I drop the soap
>what’s the problem!?!
>I don’t see anything wrong here!?!
>in fact you’re the one with the problem!!!
It is obvious modern gay porn commissioned by an American homosexual, it has no basis in classical antiquity, that's why you relate to it so well
The concession was already accepted, no refunds. You’re just a disingenuous fag, and I mean fag twice because you are gay and annoying. You just support the degeneracy dystopia
Sources? Btw, we have evidences that the "Amazon position" existed since the classical period...
I don't give a shit about what clothes other people wear and I don't even know what the fuck goes on at drag shows, yet somehow I'm the faggot? Okay retard
You still haven't even explained what happens at drag shows by the way, I was only asking because it seems like you know
When jews attempt to do white people memes.
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This only made sense inside your own head
>xhe’s still going
>t. Faggot
I accept your defeat..
>0 arguments
>0 refutation
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The source is that notable academics still say it is fake despite the political repercussions from ZOG. The claim that the gayporn cup is authentic is a purely political claim with no basis in actual objective archeological research.
Do you know what goes on at drag shows or not? Simple yes or no question
>The source is that notable academics still say it is fake
Woozle Effect/Evidence By Citation Fallacy.
I can't answer
Your Wikipedia disagrees I'm afraid.
Oh I thought jews were controlling the meme war to play both sides off against one another too. So which is it?
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>He can't answer a yes or no question
You lost, again
This is the last time I’ll humor your sorry excuse for trolling. We both know the plague of faggotry and degeneracy infecting the West. We both know that children going to drag shows and doing drag themselves is an effort to indoctrinate them in faggotry, and no that doesn’t just mean turning into faggots themselves but being comrades and allies to it. Drag queens and every other ilk are perverts and fetishists and they are explicitly trying to spread it to children. And the rampant spread of faggotry coincides with all the other issues plaguing the West

You’ll probably either come back with some retarded deflection
>they’re just clothes chud!
>who carez let the children transition
Blah blah blah

To round back to the original point
>it’s not happening but it’s a good thing anyway but it’s a far right conspiracy but I fully support it but

>Your Wikipedia disagrees I'm afraid
>There is no evidence that it was a forgery, and less evidence that it was "known as" a forgery.

Vorberg, Gaston (1921) Die Erotik der Antike in Kleinkunst und Keramik , Munique

>The book was by Gaston Vorberg and was published in 1921.[1]

>The book was a portfolio that included 113 plates. Each plate was an image of an object. Each object had been found in a museum or private collection. These objects were from ancient Rome and ancient Greece.[1] Some of the objects were Etruscan.[1]

>Some of the objects had photos taken of them. Other objects had water colour paintings made of them.

Show to us YOUR sources
still waiting for your response.
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>This is the last time I’ll humor your sorry excuse for trolling
That guy wasn't even me lmao. You're fucking seething. You still can't even explain what drag shows fucking are, which would be pretty damn helpful for context if the argument is whether or not children even belong at one, since I still don't even know. And you still can't even define what "womans clothes" are which would also be pretty helpful context for whatever argument you're trying to make about crossdressing, which only tells me one thing. You do not actually give a shit about children, you are only here to virtue signal reactionary values on a Chinese Totem Pole forum. You are also incapable of thinking for yourself and forming your own arguments, and insist on just parroting talking points. You lost the plot. And the argument.
Even in the ancient Greece, there's some drag queen shows.. just like today
you are only here to virtue signal reactionary values on a Chinese Totem Pole forum
>leftists only care about history when it supports their agendas
>99% of other cases it’s evil bigotry that must be erased

It’s also funny when they like to cherry pick nogs in White countries in ancient history and then just blackwash historical figures
>MY ENEMIES do not believe in their cause and are grifting and virtue signaling
>MY SIDE is just and believes in our cause!

What kind of argument is this supposed to be. Yet against this is just a leftoid deflection that just tried to come up with a billion excuses for why people disagree with them because they couldn’t possibly actually disagree with them!
So are you virtue signaling for defending fags on a totem pole forum as opposed to anons who oppose fags
Wrong question. What utility does homosexuality and transgenderism have?

The drag queen phenomena including in modern times, up until very recently, is different from actually believing you're a different gender. It was pure entertainment. Like blackface.
One could say that in the past drag was just a joke but today it is spawned the plague of faggot madness, but given said faggot madness today I’d say it’s possible that it always was just perverted fetishes
>What utility does homosexuality and transgenderism have?
They don't, but they also evidently don't actually need institutions to maintain their existence, since we know they've existed for thousands of years in spite of opposition.
Also how it feeds into AGP

No one has ever said that fags never existed. Society’s response to fags is what has changed
>Society’s response to fags is what has changed
Right, because we realized there was no utility in homophobia or anti-transgenderism, it ultimately had zero impact on either of these things despite thousands of years of opposition
In all honesty I have to thank troons because they are basically the Trojan horse in which the renewed fight against faggotry is enflamed, since they are so radical and grotesque that they can’t be ignored or deflected. The time will come
>t. kneels for BLM
>thinks men are women
>wants children to go to drag shows
>loves open borders
Woah /LGBT/ is raiding
Homophobia is related to the fact that most societies until modernity were quite sex-negative in general.

Until recently, casual sex was a very risky thing. There was no reliable contraception and even worse, hygine and medicine was much poorer than today, This meant that STDs were a constant threat and once you got them there was no way to treat them.

So most societies tried to control and limit sex as much as possible. This is why sex outside marriage became shameful (don't make bastard children, and if you have STDs at least don't spread them to others than your partner). Basically, historical societies saw sex in general as a vice that you shouldn't do unless you really have to.

Homosexual sex became a target since that is 100% just sex for pleasure. Sex in a marriage was at least "necessary" because that was the only way to continue the family line, but homosexuals had no excuse.
>it ultimately had zero impact on either of these things despite thousands of years of opposition
Those “churches” are more about promoting leftism progressivism than actual Christianity. Ironic because leftism basically is a religion.

Jesus would start flipping tables and whipping once again
>Source: Gallup 2022
Why don't these fuckers actually link to the fucking survey?
>Homophobia is related to the fact that most societies until modernity were quite sex-negative in general.
People don't understand that opposition to homosexuality was rooted in general opposition to indecency, oversexualization and decadence. It was viewed as exceptionally pathological and hedonistic, which is still the case today.
And that is why you have people riding bicycles naked and literal BDSM gear at “pride parades”. It is degeneracy, nothing less

If fags truly wanted to be excepted they’d demand Pride end because of its social degregation. But they’re deviants and hedonists so why would they. Here we are
On the bright side Western civilization collapsing will mean the end of faggotry
>Every tradition is the solution to a problem that was so well solved that we've forgotten what the problem was. If you remove the solution you bring back the problem.
They're both inherently dysgenic and antisocial behaviours. A well established, wealthy, and peaceful society can manage the cost of carrying them and a whole range of other such behaviours - but as modern western society is very quickly approaching the point where it will no longer be able to say that about themselves, the period where they're both accepted, promoted, and praised is probably coming to an end. They're both already millstones around the necks of the parties pushing them.

It's a shame really, if the Pride March, LGBTQIAPPOMGWTFBBQ, 'we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your kids' crowd had shut the fuck up and stopped trying to cause damage to the entire group then actual, normal, gay people might have held on a little bit longer.
Worth noting that homosexuals are not the only or the source of the problem. It's a general problem, just like in the past.
>Jesus would start flipping tables and whipping once again
Jesus punched up not down and was most bothered by greedy money lending practices than the shit Christians today care about. He made friends with degenerates and prostitutes.

And If jesus was here today do you really see him on the side of the Christian fundamentalist or the tranny faggots? Modern day hardcore Christians do not even follow his most basic teachings. As if Jesus would support conversion therapy
Assuming these numbers are accurate, one could make the argument that 20% of people regardless of generation are bisexual, which wouldn't be an unfair assertion to make. Even in the 70s there were sleazy degenerates that were out there boning men and women. The point is that all that's probably changes is how people are responding to these surveys.
>this argument wouldn’t work on me, but maybe if I use it on you it will get you to do what I want

For reference I know someone must have the image.

And dilate you fag, the degenerates Jesus hanged out with were repentant, you fags are evil for even trying to slide by on this won
>he totally would loved me shoving a dilator up my hole!!
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Yes I'm sure Jesus and picrel would hang out together lmao. You modern retard Christians are a fucking joke and the least Christian people who have ever lived to calm themselves Christians
>calm themselves Christians
>The drag queen phenomena including in modern times, up until very recently, is different from actually believing you're a different gender. It was pure entertainment. Like blackface.
>There is evidence that gays and transvestites have existed for thousands of years
Maybe for faggots, but certainly not for troons.
>If fags truly wanted to be excepted they’d demand Pride end because of its social degregation.
Therefore, homosexuals are not degenerate in essence, they are just a militant group
Summarize it.
Nobody refute him>>17066476
Why do leftists think that they have any concept of what Christianity is? They only ever seem to have the most basic meme-tier knowledge of the religion, if that. it's also interesting that they step immediately from bashing Christianity as stupid and evil throughout history to claiming that its followers ought to excuse the actions of the left because of teachings the leftists view as evil.

Elgabalus was seen wearing a dress every now and then. Some random tribe you've never heard of had a third 'gender' with a name that basically translates as 'pathetic failure who wasn't good enough to be seen as a man'. Clearly modern trans ideology was commonplace everywhere until the evil Christians killed all of them.
>Elgabalus was seen wearing a dress every now and then.
One single individual doesn't prove much.
>Some random tribe you've never heard of had a third 'gender'
Sarcasm. Learn to recognise it. Dumbass.
what utility does aversion to madmen have?
>Elgabalus was seen wearing a dress every now and then. Some random tribe you've never heard of had a third 'gender' with a name that basically translates as 'pathetic failure who wasn't good enough to be seen as a man'. Clearly modern trans ideology was commonplace everywhere until the evil Christians killed all of them.
.... you wrote this shitty isn't? >>17066481
This is modern crap
>not brainwashed
>rates of faggotry increasing each generation
So what is it, was each successive generstion just “born that way” and somehow they dna was so different from all previous generations or were they convinced to act a certain way due to a changing culture, culture being what programs our behavior?
I can prove the GENETIC EVIDENCE.
do you wanna challenge me? You will lost again.
>I was born within the last 20 years
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being anti-trans from a feminist POV makes sense since it does harm women's rights:
I am not leftist but anti-trans leftists do make sense
>Men being put into women's spaces
>Gay males being forced to turn trans to keep strict gender roles
>rans ideology runs contrary to Marxist materialism because it implies some sort of "Gender soul"
>non-rapist pedos
No such thing
Black women are usually incapable of pair bonding.
Yeah it’s called lobbying.
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>If God hates gay sex then why did he put the prostate where it gives pleasure in anal?
They weaken the power of the dominance based family. They often won’t reproduce, meaning there will be no heir, causing issues for transference of wealth and power. Transgender people challenge the patriarchy because their desire to be the other sex blurs gender roles, nonbinary people especially do this. In some instances conservative values might seem to accept binary transgender people if they integrate but only a few transgender people fully understand their gender identity from a young age so in practice most of them will be grating against gender roles. Gender roles and in turn the beliefs about sex justify patriarchal oppression. Women might be taught they are too stupid and emotional on account of their sex to participate in politics, what does it mean for this belief when a female sexed person successfully blends in with men?
>>If God hates gay sex then why did he put the prostate where it gives pleasure in anal?
Yes, Why did he do that?
If God (or the Evolution or whatever) wanted anyone to have anal sex he would have made the anus self-lubricate, made it flexible, and given it some natural protection from STDs, but he didn't. I guess gay blowjobs are fine though.
>God (or the Evolution or whatever) wanted anyone to have anal sex he would have made the anus self-lubricate, made it flexible, and given it some natural protection from STDs
The vagina isn't protected from STD either despite it's antimicrobial barrier. God/evolution gave us saliva to lube the arse up with now which is an imperfect but practical solution . Maybe in time we will evolve the ability to secrete lubricating mucas into our anal passages too. Time will time.
>The vagina isn't protected from STD either despite it's antimicrobial barrier
Having SOME protection is vastly superior to having NO protection.
>God/evolution gave us saliva to lube the arse up with now which is an imperfect but practical solution
Fags usually have to use artificial lube.
>Maybe in time we will evolve the ability to secrete lubricating mucas into our anal passages too.
We most likely won't.
Nope, did not write that. Also see - >>17066631
Sex in general spreads diseases, there was a period where like half the notable people in Western art and literature were going insane from syphilis. Doesn't exactly make sense to be against non-reproductive sex though because it's always going to be the norm so the logical thing to do is regulate it through responsible cultural programming and make it as safe as you can. AIDS basically didn't kill anyone apart from gays bottoms who weren't using condoms and drug users either so it's a bad example, it was hardly some society wide plague and it's essentially not a concern anymore even if you're barebacking or sharing needles.
>if some of modern technology was out of the picture
Good luck. You'll be old and grey still waiting for that collapse.
Homophobia basically uses effeminate gay men, bottoms and transgender people (and the equivalent premodern categories) as foils to define a version of masculinity which necessitates the subjugation of women. That is overwhelmingly who the brunt of homophobia has been directed against, most cultures throughout history since the development of urban life stigmatized effeminates and bottoms while having no problem with tops. It is basically Judaism being universalized through Christianity and Islam which broadened homophobia but even in Christian and Islamic history you can see plenty of examples of what I mean.

Take away all the rehashed Satanic Panic narratives about gays being Baphomet worshipping pedophiles pushed by the NWO that have gotten popular on the right in the last decade and what are the anti-gay stereotypes? Lisping, being catty and overly dramatic, being artsy especially in arts like theater and dance which are deemed feminine, having an effeminate walk and other movements, being preening and overly groomed, breaking down if they so much as crack a nail. The stereotype is that gays are ridiculous, shameful and weak because they're like women and homophobes who make an exception are almost always making that exception for a masculine gay man. And for bottoms obviously their sexual role is seen as weak because they're taking the woman's role in sex. The patriarchal mindset towards women makes us connect the act of being penetrated with the condition of being subjugated.
Almost all homophobic narratives and tropes that don't fit into this are outgrowths of it or post hoc justifications for it. Of course a straight guy is going to have some revulsion when he sees explicit gay stuff happening but that goes for any number of sexual and non-sexual things that are not treated as such culturally important and emotionally charged issues so I don't think disgust is at the core of homophobia at all. It's also obvious that there are way less purely gay and straight people than homophobes would like to think, like 1/3 of /pol/ anons are cranking it to twinks or are twinks themselves.

And to be clear, patriarchy was "good" at one point because it was necessitated by a shift in social and economic organization that allowed for more surplus resources, spare time, technological development etc. It's "bad" now because it's an ideological floating signifier. Outside of a very wealthy social strata where some form of patriarchy and the "traditional" (it's not btw) family are necessary to efficiently pass down dynastic wealth the underlying economic reasons for these old norms are no longer present which makes them useless and regressive.
Homosexuality and Transgenderism as modes of cultural conduct are vices and always have been. Transsexuals (if we use the layman reddit definition, that is any societal strata consisting of people whom ritualistically break gender norms) have always been around, yes, but the idea of a man who wants to cut his dick off and live forever as a woman is entirely new. It is based on modern pornography.

Homosexuality is always a vice. There is no culture where homosexuality has ever consisted of an honest, open, wedded union of equals. In the picture you attached an adult man is having sex with a pubescent boy; these relationships and their derivatives constituted the supermajority of all homosexual behavior in global societies.
The idea that homosexuals and transsexuals are so great and influential that they single-handedly lobby major corporations into supporting them is as conspiratorial as the idea that billionaires and hedge funds are slowly shifting societal expectations to create an optimally productive capitalist society.
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Fags are diseased child predators, it's bad for the tribe to have them around.
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it's the jews actually
No kids makes society harder
Weird creepy men LARPing as women are bad for morale, and women LARPing as short, chubby men aren't useful or practical
There have always been intestinal parasites inhabiting some people that drive them to get buttfucked so the worms can spread.

Gays? I thought the renaming was to avoid racism since the first cases were African monkeys and the racism is comparing blacks to monkeys?
It should be called faggotpox because only fagots spread it.
>>Gay males being forced to turn trans to keep strict gender roles
>>runs contrary to Marxist materialism because it implies some sort of “gendered soul”.
This is only coherent if you accept the current form of “trans ideology”. If you understand being transgender not as having a “pink” brain or a “blue” brain or your soul having a gender, and instead view it as purely and essentially cosmetic, then those two points cease to be valid and don’t apply. Of course, trans people themselves don’t like idea, because it feels invalidating and threatening, but I see no real problem with it. It’s coherent with any metaphysics, materialist or otherwise, and it would fix a lot of the social baggage around being trans. Of course, this takes being transgender out of the realm of neurology and puts in firmly in the realm of psychology, but that’s only a problem because the sexist culture we have makes it so. To transition is an inherently aesthetic/cosmetic pursuit, and that’s okay. You don’t have a pink brain, you’re not a “girl inside”, there is no gendered soul. You are free to look however you want to look, even if that means getting “feminizing” surgeries. You are still male, but you can and should be free to inject whatever hormones you like and get whatever surgeries you like. Sex alone is real, gender is a spook. Gender abolitionism is the long road to freedom
they fuck them.
As it turns out, stable family formation and the social norms that encourage it are actually good for society. Who could've guessed?
Way too based for this thread
Two things can be bad and against the Christian way at the same time, not the deflection you think this is fag.

Tick rock troons and fetishists

Also there are plenty of rich Christians who donate and are good people. Not every rich person is some retarded characterature you use to make snarky replies fag
This is absolutely retarded. The entire idea of transgenderism hinges on a metaphysical "gender", and without that acceptance transgenders will always be seething at society. Anyone can make themselves look androgynous, but why aren't transgenders happy with looking feminine/masculine? It's because it's not about cosmetics but metaphysics.
You're correct about sex and gender, but incorrect when you assume abolishing gender will satisfy troons. They don't want to be the opposite "gender", deep down they want to be the opposite sex and everyone knows it. Anyone who isn't insane and just wants to pursue an aesthetic will just be a femboy or butch, you're not going to make troons sane. It's an impossible task.
>Gender abolitionism is the long road to freedom

Not if I have anything to do about it!
>Anyone who isn't insane and just wants to pursue an aesthetic will just be a femboy or butch
do femboys or butches inject hormones or get any feminizing/masculinizing surgery? Sure, maybe some have and do do this, but the conventional understanding of “femboy” and “butch” is just fashion choices. I’m talking about something deeper. If a man wants to get feminizing surgeries and inject estrogen, that’s fine, he should be free to do this without society giving him shit, this is already going farther than the vast majority of “femboys” ever will, but that man will still be a man. No amount of surgeries or makeup or fashion will make a man into a woman, but that’s just it, all that shit is superficial and gender is a spook, it ultimately comes down to an aesthetic, and your own personal tastes. If you’re okay with “femboys” and “butches” but not okay with this, then you’re still suffering from delusions of gender and mistakenly taking it to be “real”. Doesn’t matter whether your like troons or not, you’re just as bad as they are. The only difference between you and them is that they have internalized society’s sexism.
trannies are converting more and more in modern day into becoming mentally ill abominations and many young people are groomed into it being taken advantage of, its just another form of sex addiction for most people
brainwashed into being a tranny is, I used to jerk is to straight porn, then 4chan led me to traps because I thought they were girls at first, then I'm thinking of fucking the traps but im noticing how much they enjoy getting fucked and suddenly I am fantasizing about being the trap getting fucked like a real woman, think about how easy women have it in life and how nice it might be to get the attention, on 4chan they were fucking idolized on /b/ then I fucking sobered up and realized it was just degenerate fantasies cause I fell down a porn sites rabbit hole and would never want to actually be a woman irl, i'm just a bit bisexual was the healthier conclusion to take from that but the point is there are many dudes on here like me who went the same direction and instead of realizing it was an insane depraved porn idea like I did they fucking take the plunge because so many trannies act like its a normal thing that is totally not unhealthy and a nightmare long term
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Diseases have plagued humanity for all of human existence.
societies doesnt have too much trouble with hetero male sexuality, the problem is the female sexuality. A society needs to establish marriage and other practices in order to prevent male competition, you couldnt make an estable city with males fighting each other, even agaisnt younglings, in order to mate with a female, or males leaving a pregnant female alone.
a gay or trans individual, doesnt add to responsability to create new citizens, not only that, they show how high levels of sexuality, damaging the idea of repressing women in the first place.
that's why, if something goes wrong and the resources start to become scarce, they will be in the list to the first ones to be culled.
>Sex alone is real, gender is a spook
law, frontiers and rights are also spook, but it doesnt erase their importance. Sex is the natural thing, gender is their cultural counterpart. If sex shows diferences between male and female, gender will follow too,
The idea of a static natural order is also a spook. The basic biological structure of humans is like tectonic plates, it only looks like it isn't in constant motion because of the span of time we're looking at it for.
Explain to me how monogamous sex with my husband spreads disease.
oh no no no
>shitty mutations can occur in millions of years, that's why sex is a spook
dude, there are creatures that didnt evolve since since fucking dinosaurs, and even beings that even mutated, didnt broke the dualism of male and female, what the fuck are you talking about
Anon hermaphroditic creatures exist, what the fuck are you talking about?
So degeneration and filth has existed for thousands of years? Then it's definitely time to put a stop to that. That's why anti-transgenderism and anti-faggot movements exist.
>buzzword and buzzword exist, time to stop it!
your entire ideology is based on a disgust reaction, you're a bug person
1. That is a 19th century forgery made by Jews and mysteriously "found" in Jerusalem for a homosexual American collector known to commission forgeries.

2. Homosexuality is a mental illness and public health problem, if not for the herculean efforts of modern medicine most of them would be dead from disease. Additionally they pose a massive threat to children, as their disease appears to be transmitted though the sexual molestation of children. Homosexuals need to be quarantined until a vaccine and treatment for this disease can be developed, it is likely some behavior-altering brain protozoan spread by the anal rape of young boys.
>some degenerate elite with too much money and time on his hands commissions degenerate art work for his sex dungeon
>modern "historians" extrapolate the data
99% of people have always been disgusted with this shit for the entirety of human history.
Except they wrote about it constantly too and nowhere near all the references were negative. Close to the opposite, the only writer I can think of who considered homosexuality totally decadent was Tacitus and even he was saying that for different reasons than you guys are and ranking it at a different level of decadence than you would. And we know it wasn't just the degenerate aristocracy writing about it because we have explicit Roman graffiti about gay sex.
>the only writer I can think of who considered homosexuality totally decadent was Tacitus
Actually Laws era Plato too but if that's admissible then so is Symposium era Plato so you're still fucked
my, dude, some people born with scales in the skin, that is enough to change the description of the human body in books?? its enough to change the culture around skin care??
To acknowledge the existence and naturality of the abnormal is not to invalidate the ability of the normal to exercise their ability to live. You can tell people that sex as a topic isn't actually all that concrete, even if most people will generally fall into two camps. When you dumb everything down, you make everyone dumber, I don't want a society of retards.
we dont hide people with ichthyosis, we ackowledge them and take action in order to help them and even study them in order to add knowledge over the nature of the skin. But at the same time, we know that their obviously exceptional circunstances arent enough to change society as a whole, or even worse, change our view about how normal skin can be.
>What utility does homophobia and anti-transgenderism have?
Provide a steady supply of loosh for the aliens who oversee this prison planet.

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