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Muslims are the Only Monotheist

Consider the following:

>Jews- Henotheist believe in tribal God, names yawah against existing gods of other tribes
>Christians - polytheist believe Jesus is an attribution of God.
>Most Sunnis - believe Quran is literally uncreated and attribution of God, and magic stones
>Quran is uncreated
>Then the book is delivered to one who is illiterate, saying, “Read this, please.” And he says, “I am not literate.” Isaiah 29:12
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God's speech is uncreated, I don't see the problem with that. God states he created time in multiple places so how can his speech be subject to it? What stones? If you're referring to pic related then you're just wrong, it by itself can do nothing. Whatever miracles can be attributed to it are only from God
not just that. they believe their rabbis can argue and win against god (oven of Akhnai). iirc they also call Moses the husband of god
wait what???? husband of God?
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yes. they aren't true monotheists
The only reason they got away with this shit was because they were using their Hebrew script to write in. I can't imagine what the Andalusians would've done to Bahya if they saw this.
So are you saying most Sunnis are not monotheists?
Does this look monotheist to you?
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I suspect that's part of the reason they don't really want outsiders to convert. If you as a gentile study more than the Noahide laws you get put to death. I wonder why...
funny how jealously they guard the Torah when they've been shit on for millennia. who willingly wants to become a Jew???
I am confused. You say "Muslims are the only monotheists" and are now saying that the number one most important Muslim ritual is a sign of non-monotheism. Which one is it?
Every secret society practices some form of gatekeeping because it means the benefits are not shared and diluted with the masses. Of course this means they don't actually care about saving others like the other two universalist religions mentioned in the OP
>I am confused. You say "Muslims are the only monotheists"

That's not me dingus.
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>Asking an illiterate to read
They couldn't even keep their Bible plagiarism straight.
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Do you think we say the verses came down to the prophet as text? It was inscribed to his heart. Even the prophet himself responded to it saying he cannot read. "...The angel came to him in it and asked him to read. The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, "I do not know how to read." (The Prophet (ﷺ) added), "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and again asked me to read, and I replied, "I do not know how to read," whereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it anymore. He then released me and asked me again to read, but again I replied, "I do not know how to read (or, what shall I read?)." Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me and then released me and said, "Read: In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists)..." - Sahih al-Bukhari 6982
>Muhammad was a heartbroken illiterate
So the Angel Gabriel was teaching Muhammad how to "Read" verses he put in his heart by manhandling him 3 times because Muhammad was an illiterate who didn't know how to read his heart?
What in the actual fuck is this understanding? He was illiterate all his life. He was told to read, he said he doesn't know how. Then he finally received the revelation of the first verse after all that conditioning. No he wasn't literally reading it even then retard.
So he was an illiterate before prophethood and was an illiterate during prophethood and Allah never bothered to teach him how to read and write just bragged to him about it. Muhammad didn't also have Faith or Wisdom and Allah ordered Gabriel to do surgery on him to implant them. So instead of teaching him how to read or implanting Allah the trickster devil he is was playing with pedo Momo.
Okay it's confirmed you are stupid. Why did you highlight Quran 96:4? That's part of the revelation not part of something he was physically reading moron. ahaha did you really think it was written down in front of him?
>never bothered to teach him how to read and write
Why did he need it for his task as a prophet?
>to implant them
That's not what happened at all you liar. His heart was purified before he became a prophet. How is that problematic to you?
>Jews- Henotheist believe in tribal God, names yawah against existing gods of other tribes
true of the Biblical text, but those passages are embarrassing bits for contemporary Judaism, which very much ignores those parts and acts like there's only one god
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tell me where it says he didn't have faith and wisdom? he was merely increased in it, to say otherwise is to think that during the night of Mi'raj he didn't believe in what was happening to him. you're so fucking stupid lmao
>It was inscribed to his heart
>His heart was purified before he became a prophet. How is that problematic to you?
>he was merely increased in it, to say otherwise is to
Keep coping Abdool
>lies through his teeth
Notice how you have no real response. As expected out of a fool who gets his arguments from youtube missionaries
>Does this look monotheist to you?

Yes. Only salafis who believe quran is uncreated are the same camp as Jews and Christians.
>So are you saying most Sunnis are not monotheists?

particularly Salafis, yes they too stupid for monotheism, they are in the same camp as Jews and Christians when it comes to monotheism.
This pagan cult worshipping stones inside another stone and graves isn't Monotheist.
that isn't happening, show me an example of an actual monotheist religion
It is cope. That's is not Islam btw.
>Christians polytheist believe Jesus is attribute of God
Jesus is not an “attribute” he is fully God
>Gospel of John calls Jesus the Logos in direct reference to Philo of Alexandria.
mushrik pls
Every Christian makes a different claim. Is the human nature (body, soul, will) of Jesus eternal?
What do you mean by an eternal nature?
>2 just as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
>“Behold, I am sending My messenger [a]before You,
>Who will prepare Your way;
>3 The voice of one calling [b]out in the wilderness,
>‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
>Make His paths straight!’”
>Isaiah 40:3
>3 The voice of one calling out,
>“Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness;
>Make [a]straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Malachi 3:1 also helps by showing that God himself is coming
>3 “Behold, I am sending My [a]messenger, and he will clear a way before Me. And the Lord, whom you are seeking, will suddenly come to His temple; [b]and the [c]messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of armies.
The Lord is coming to HIS temple
You and I agree that the Bible doesn’t contradict
1 Chronicles 29:1
>29 Then King David said to the entire assembly, “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced, and the work is great; for the [a]temple is not for mankind, but for the Lord God.
The temple isn’t for mankind but for Adonai YHWH
So this Lord that is coming is YHWH in the flesh
And according to Mark, who is the messenger who will prepare the way of the Lord?
>4 John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, [c]preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
And who did John prepare the way for?
>7 And he was [e]preaching, saying, “After me One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to bend down and untie the straps of His sandals.
>8 I baptized you [f]with water; but He will baptize you [g]with the Holy Spirit.”
>9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
the answer is Jesus
So Jesus is God
Jesus is called the word of Allah in 4:171, do you accept Jesus is an attribute of Allah
damn, this Islam sect becomes really small when 99% of them get disqualified like this
Haha, I know right. Muslims are so full of shit.
>Henotheist believe in tribal God, names yawah against existing gods of other tribes
This is what Islam ultimately comes from though, that henotheistic Judaism. I know you guys always cope with these sorts of problems by falling back on this idea that the previous books are corrupted in the places that disagree with Islam and possibly uncorrupted in the places that agree. But hopefully you can see how intellectually dishonest that is. There are zero scholars who aren't committed Muslims, Christians or Jews who you'll find arguing for the absence of heavy "pagan" influence on the Torah.
>Christians - polytheist believe Jesus is an attribution of God
No they don't, they believe he's one of three divine persons. The attributes are a different issue and if they did call him an attribute you'd have right complaining since God has 99 in Islam.
One other difficulty for Muslims is the near-total absence of pillars of the faith like Heaven, Hell, the Day of Judgement and the existence of Satan in the Hebrew Bible. Christians have the "progressive revelation" cope to deal with this, Muslims don't.
What's up with the "more monotheistic than thou" attitude anyway? This has always seemed like a bizarre part of theology to obsess over.
>What's up with the "more monotheistic than thou" attitude anyway? This has always seemed like a bizarre part of theology to obsess over.
It's literally one of the most important things in Abrahamic thought. You completely lose legitimacy in their thought system if you aren't a pure monotheist.
>What's up with the "more monotheistic than thou" attitude anyway? This has always seemed like a bizarre part of theology to obsess over.
Yeah, like why care about literally the most important fucking part of the Abrahamic religions.
Why care about your wine tasting like vinegar?
Like WTF dude.
Are you actually mentally retarded?
Muslims mutilate god by trying to constrain him as some permalocked monad that would be better understood as an object which is why you need an “infallible” “prophet” to save your very undeveloped interpretation of the firmament to existence
>Muttafaqun Alayhi

not sure what is making you giggle
"Muttafaqun" sounds and looks like "Motherfucker"
It's pronounced "MuT-TafaQun", not "Mutafakun"
Not anymore muttafaqa
Pretty easy to be the only monotheistic when the main competition uses religious texts that were written down by multiple different authors across the centuries while your "more monotheistic than tho" book was put together at one place and time

The only real monotheists were ghulat muslims who thought Ali was God. They didn't have the copes of other religions and sects and were rather straightforward
>gods speech uncreated
>quran is gods speech
>quran is created
>cope ensues
why are salafists pisslamist so retarded?
>quran is created
>muh salafee bogeyman
is this the only thing you know about the religion idiot? next time ask what my position is

He is right the uncreatedness of Quran is a literal athari Salafi belief.
Yes and? They aren't the only ones to hold that position. It is the majority view
>Yes and? They aren't the only ones to hold that position. It is the majority view

Most Muslims are not atharis.
Where did I ever imply that? You both seem confused https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06SBxxEyuRg There's a difference between saying the the ink and paper used to write the words of God are created vs the actual words of God being uncreated. When the revelation first came down was it also a written book? no, so obviously that part came into being as his words were spoken in time/space and later recorded
>he doesn't understand the Trinity.
No christian does either. If you did you'd be able to give an analogy that doesn't fall into heresies
>he doesn't know the three leaf clover analogy
So each person is partially God?
>Look at me am so smart and so deep unlike muzzies who don't understand abstracts, calling my polytheism, as it is polytheism.
>the most important things in Abrahamic thought/religions
If that is so important in abrahamuc relugiond then why no other abrahamic religion obssess over it ?
They all obsess over it you idiot.
>Christians are polytheist
No, Christianity is monotheistic, Jesus is a person distinct from the father and spirit but one with them in being
What school of Islam do you adhere to?
>Muslims are the Only Monotheist

The Prophet himself allowed a follower to have sex with his dead daughter's body and Muhammad is viewed by Muslims to be the most perfect human to have ever lived.


حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَامِرٍ، حَدَّثَنَا فُلَيْحُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ، عَنْ هِلاَلِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ، عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ قَالَ شَهِدْنَا بِنْتًا لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ وَرَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم جَالِسٌ عَلَى الْقَبْرِ ـ قَالَ فَرَأَيْتُ عَيْنَيْهِ تَدْمَعَانِ قَالَ ـ فَقَالَ " هَلْ مِنْكُمْ رَجُلٌ لَمْ يُقَارِفِ اللَّيْلَةَ ". فَقَالَ أَبُو طَلْحَةَ أَنَا. قَالَ " فَانْزِلْ ". قَالَ فَنَزَلَ فِي قَبْرِهَا.

We were (in the funeral procession) of one of the daughters of the Prophet (ﷺ) and he was sitting by the side of the grave. I saw his eyes shedding tears. He said, "Is there anyone among you who did not have sexual relations with his wife last night?" Abu Talha replied in the affirmative. And so the Prophet told him to get down in the grave. And so he got down in her grave.
>No, Christianity is monotheistic, Jesus is a person distinct from the father and spirit but one with them in being

The holy trinity concept in Christianity didn't exist until 300 years after the death of Jesus.
The Earliest Christians (almost all Jews) were Binitarian in that like other Jews, they believed in a single God and thought Jesus was a messianic figure. So an ordinary mortal chosen by God as a vessel to enlighten his people.
This evolved over time with many variants until finally a modern Christian trinity with "three forms of one god" emerged. All other interpretations were snuffed out and destroyed by what would become the Catholic and Orthodox Branches of Christianity.
The trinity is never explicitly stated in the Old or New testament.
It's an obvious pagan insertion from outside of Judaism.
Jesus in early medieval Europe was popularly depicted with a three faced head as per older local deities such as Lugh

They don't
You only see that obssession with muslins, but almost never with christians or a jews
They don't
You only see that obssession with muslins, but almost never with christians or a jews
the literal council that decided the trinity equated jesus to apollo and yhwh to jupiter. christianity was forged by pagans who couldn’t comprehend monotheism
You're doing exactly this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYKjUtvS46k and you know it. That's not what it says at all fucking liar. See https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34609 Of course you also brought this up out of nowhere while quoting "Muslims are the Only Monotheist" because you can't actually counter it. So the next best thing is to use your twisted pornsick mind to come up with an interpretation that the text does not even allow for just to tarnish the prophet. pathetic
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just in case you are going to cope further with your retardation
Meanwhile real monotheism
>trinity didn’t exist
A triune God is present in the OT and NT
I will start by linking both of them
We will use with the first synoptic gospel, Mark
>1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
>2 just as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
>“Behold, I am sending My messenger [a]before You,
>Who will prepare Your way;
>3 The voice of one calling [b]out in the wilderness,
>‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
Make His paths straight!’”
He quotes Isaiah 40:3
>3 The voice of one calling out,
>“Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness;
>Make [a]straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Malachi 3:1 also helps by showing that God himself is coming
>3 “Behold, I am sending My [a]messenger, and he will clear a way before Me. And the Lord, whom you are seeking, will suddenly come to His temple; [b]and the [c]messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of armies.
The Lord is coming to HIS temple
You and I agree that the Bible doesn’t contradict
1 Chronicles 29:1
>29 Then King David said to the entire assembly, “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced, and the work is great; for the [a]temple is not for mankind, but for the Lord God.
The temple isn’t for mankind but for Adonai YHWH
So this Lord that is coming is YHWH in the flesh
And according to Mark, who is the messenger who will prepare the way of the Lord?
>4 John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, [c]preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
>who did John prepare the way for?
>7 And he was [e]preaching, saying, “After me One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to bend down and untie the straps of His sandals.
>8 I baptized you [f]with water; but He will baptize you [g]with the Holy Spirit.”
>9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
the answer is Jesus
So Jesus is God
John is prophesied to be the one to prepare the way before the Lord, and according to the first synoptic gospel, John said that the one coming after him is so great, and this one was Jesus, Jesus is the one coming after him, Jesus is the one John prepared the way for
>three forms of one god
That is a heresy called modalism
The trinity doesn’t teach that the 3 persons of the trinity are “forms” of God, it teaches that they are persons
You do not understand my religion really. As Christians, we follow only one God. I know enlightened Muslims who understand this and we discuss religion without being locked into these immature polemics.
You forgot about Allat, Allah's wife
The OT also teaches of a trinity, the Angel of the Lord makes many claims exclusive to God
Judges 2
> 2 Now the angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, “I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land which I have sworn to your fathers; and I said, ‘I will never break My covenant with you,
The Angel claims that it is HIS covenant with the Hebrews and that HE brought them out of Egypt
Judges 13:21-22
>21 Now the angel of the Lord did not appear to Manoah or his wife again. Then Manoah knew that he was the angel of the Lord. 22 So Manoah said to his wife, “We will certainly die, for we have seen God.”
Seeing the angel of the Lord = seeing the Lord
>11 Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob’; and I said, ‘Here I am.’ 12 He said, ‘Now raise your eyes and see that all the male goats that are [f]mating are striped, speckled, or mottled; for I have seen everything that Laban has been doing to you. 13 I am the God of Bethel
The Angel claims to be the God of the House of God (Beth=House, El=God)
Isaiah 63 (this is referring to God)
> 8 For He said, “Certainly they are My people,
>Sons who will not deal falsely.”
>So He became their Savior.
>9 In all their distress [f]He was distressed,
>And the angel of His presence saved them;
God became their savior but the Angel of his presence saved them
The Angel again is God
So the concept of a multipersonal God is already present in the OT it isn’t a doctrine invented at any council, this is an extremely illiterate and uneducated take by you.
The early church fathers believed in the trinity as well
Also which religion and branch do you adhere to?
The Bible also teaches that the Holy Spirit is God
Like God the spirit is eternal:
Hebrews 9:14
>14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through [a]the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
He is omnipresent
>7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
>Or where can I flee from Your presence?
He knows the thoughts of Gods which make him omniscient
>11 For who among people knows the thoughts of a person except the spirit of the person that is in him? So also the thoughts of God no one knows, except the Spirit of God.
But the spirit has a mind which makes him a person
Romans 8
>27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the [a]saints according to the will of God.

With all of this in mind, the Holy Spirit is an eternal person who is one in being with God the father but not the same person as him

As one of my Muslim friends quotes the Quran:

لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِىَ دِينِ ٦

To translate:


For you


Your religion


For me


My religion

For you is your religion and for me is my religion.
Please brother answer these:
You have the intellectual acumen lesser than a ape. You dont even search why the Prophet peace be on Him asked for such a person.
Allow me to explain. We believe the Qur'an is the uncreated word of Allah. We believe Allah's sifa of kalaam is eternal in that He always had the ability to speak whenever He willed. Allah also eternally knows whatever He will speak. So, Allah's sifa of kalaam is eternal, as is the knowledge of whatever He would speak. As for the Qur'an, we believe Allah spoke it at a particular moment in time, just as He spoke to Musa alayhi salaam at a particular moment in time. Unlike the Asharis, we believe Allah can speak by His will and power. Kalaam is not merely a noun for Allah. It is also a verb or act of speech. Hope that helps.
He was clearly told to go into the grave to bury her according to the hadith. And not have sex like you claimed. Your stupidity has been debunked as usual. Keep coping faggot
Im not the one claiming this im claiming the opposite
>allowed a follower to have sex
You're a lying little bitch
Im not claiming he allowed necrofilism you fool
You said exactly that and now you're butthurt because you have been proven wrong. keep crying
>just in case you are going to cope further with your retardation
That has no link and the book/Hadith number are wrong. There is no "buried her" at the end.
>See https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34609
That doesn't explain why Muhammad asked who
didn't have sex with their wife last night.

Also Islam in general doesn't care if a husband has sex with their own dead wife.

أما في كتاب "مطالب أولي النهى في شرح غاية المنتهى"، لكاتبه مصطفى السيوطي الرحيباني، مفتى دمشق، والذي عاش في الفترة ما بين (1160- 1243هـ)، (1747- 1827م)، فيقول فيه مؤلفه صاحب الفقه "الحنبلي"، في باب "النكاح" فصل "المهر"، ما نصه: “ويجب مهر بوطء ميتة كالحية، ويتجهل محل وجوب المهر في وطء ميتة إذا كانت (غير زوجته)؛ أما زوجته فلا شيء عليه في وطئها حية وميتة، لأن مقتضى تصريح الأصحاب بأن له تغسيلها؛ لأن بعض علق النكاح باقية، وأنها ليست كالأجنبية من كل الوجوه، قال القاضي في جواب مسألة: "ووطء الميتة محرم ولا حد ولا مهر انتهى". والنص هنا أنه يجب سداد المهر لأهل الميتة إذا مورس معها الجنس، أما إذا مارس الرجل الجنس مع زوجته الميتة، فلا يوجد مهر عليه؛ لأنها ليست أجنبية بأي وجه، قبل أن يضيف تعقيباً من القاضي في المسألة؛ أنه أمر محرم، ولكن لا حد (عقوبة) فيه.


So you don't know what "explicitly stated" means?

There are a few parts of the bible where the Father, Son and Spirit are mentioned in the same line.

Matthew 28:19 - "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

However, nowhere does it explicitly say the Father, Son and Spirit are the one god.
>>three forms of one god
>That is a heresy called modalism
>The trinity doesn’t teach that the 3 persons of the trinity are “forms” of God, it teaches that they are persons
That's literally what the trinity teaches.
That 3=1 and 1=3
That Spirit, Father, Son are one God and vice versa.

Modalism is when you say "Son=Father", "spirit=son", "spirit=father" etc.

Trinitarianism is "Son=god", "Father=god", "Spirit=god"

Trinitarianism is unique in that it contradicts itself in claiming the spirit, son and father are all god but aren't each other.
It's a divine contradiction.
It is not supposed to make any logical sense.
It's just meaningless mystical bullshit.
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>Abdullah bin Muhammad narrated to us, Abu Amir narrated to us, Fulaih bin Sulayman narrated to us, on the authority of Hilal bin Ali, on the authority of Anas bin Malik - may Allah be pleased with him - who said: We witnessed the death of a daughter of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He said: And the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was sitting on the grave. He said: I saw his eyes shedding tears. He said: So he said: “Is there among you a man who did not have intercourse last night?” Abu Talha said: I will. He said: “Then go down.” He said: So he went down into her grave.
>"Muhammad ibn Sinan narrated to us, Fulaih ibn Sulayman narrated to us, Hilal ibn Ali narrated to us, on the authority of Anas - may Allah be pleased with him - who said: We witnessed the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, while the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was sitting on the grave. I saw his eyes shedding tears, so he said: “Is there anyone among you who did not have intercourse last night?” Abu Talha said: “I did.” He said: “Then go down into her grave.” "So he went down into her grave and buried her." Ibn al-Mubarak said: Fulayh said: I think he meant the sin. Abu Abdullah said: {So that they may commit} means so that they may earn."
Here are the two fully translated. They aren't wrong it's the same event clearly, you're just being dishonest or completely ignorant of the fact that there are repeated hadith in that collection with different wordings/chains. Furthermore you have completely failed to demonstrate your perversion and are only assuming going down in a grave means that because you are a depraved faggot
>sources outside the quran and sunnah
Don't care not Islam. It's clearly prohibited by the 4 schools too
In reality the most logical interpretation of NT scripture is that the "spirit" represents the wisdom/intellect of God.
Jesus is not literally the "son" of God or even a part of God but rather the Messiah chosen by God to spread his message like a loyal son. Any miracles performed by Jesus are just miracles performed by God.
The "father" is just God himself.
This was also the original Christian interpretation.
That's not a link or a quote.
You seem to be mentally incapable of linking or quoting anything.
Just made-up false quotes or mistranslations
All you ever do is Taqiyya.
Why are Muslims so sociopathic?
muslims fuck goats
>muslims fuck goats

Bible is literally filled with beasitlity
>Bible is literally filled with beasitlity

Lol, are you talking about Leviticus 18?
That's telling you NOT to commit bestiality.

Leviticus 18:23
"Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion."

In Islam however...

'Asim reported from Abu Razin on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas saying:
There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal. Abu Dawud said: 'Ata is also so. Al Hakam said: I think he should be flogged, but the number should not reach the one of the prescribed punishment. Al-Hasan said: He is like a fornicator. Abu Dawud said: THe tradition of 'Asim proves the tradition of 'Amr b. Abi 'Amr as weak.

حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ يُونُسَ، أَنَّ شَرِيكًا، وَأَبَا الأَحْوَصِ، وَأَبَا، بَكْرِ بْنَ عَيَّاشٍ حَدَّثُوهُمْ عَنْ عَاصِمٍ، عَنْ أَبِي رَزِينٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، قَالَ لَيْسَ عَلَى الَّذِي يَأْتِي الْبَهِيمَةَ حَدٌّ . قَالَ أَبُو دَاوُدَ كَذَا قَالَ عَطَاءٌ وَقَالَ الْحَكَمُ أَرَى أَنْ يُجْلَدَ وَلاَ يَبْلُغَ بِهِ الْحَدَّ . وَقَالَ الْحَسَنُ هُوَ بِمَنْزِلَةِ الزَّانِي . قَالَ أَبُو دَاوُدَ حَدِيثُ عَاصِمٍ يُضَعِّفُ حَدِيثَ عَمْرِو بْنِ أَبِي عَمْرٍو .

>There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal

In the hadiths there is it's "fahisha"
>In the hadiths there is it's "fahisha"
That's not a hadith, link, or Koran verse...
Provide one that prescribes punishment for bestiality regardless of whether it's practiced publicly or privately.
>That's not a hadith, link, or Koran verse...

Quran it falls under fahisha

Hadith is more like Leviticus and more violent about it. https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2564
Christians - polytheist believe Jesus is an attribution of God.
Jesus is God. They are one and the same.
Ok finally an actual argument.
So it is -
"“Whoever has intercourse with a Mahram relative, kill him; and whoever has intercourse with an animal, kill him, and kill the animal.”"

حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ الدِّمَشْقِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا ابْنُ أَبِي فُدَيْكٍ، عَنْ إِبْرَاهِيمَ بْنِ إِسْمَاعِيلَ، عَنْ دَاوُدَ بْنِ الْحُصَيْنِ، عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم " مَنْ وَقَعَ عَلَى ذَاتِ مَحْرَمٍ فَاقْتُلُوهُ وَمَنْ وَقَعَ عَلَى بَهِيمَةٍ فَاقْتُلُوهُ وَاقْتُلُوا الْبَهِيمَةَ " .

"Mahram relative" Being direct ancestors (mother/father etc) or descendants (children) and siblings.
However, cousin marriage is just fine. Thus, the severe inbreeding of the middle east.
WHY are there so many hadiths that say bestiality is ok then?
You would think Muslims would be smart enough to not have completely contradicting hadiths.
There are over fifty early islamic Hadith books containing over 30,000 Hadiths in total.
Why so many?
>Jesus is God. They are one and the same.
But Jesus isn't the father.
But the father is god too.
So they are and aren't god at the same time.
It's a divine logical fallacy.
>However, cousin marriage is just fine. Thus, the severe inbreeding of the middle east.

Wtf are you talking about bible literally does not only not banned it, it literally encourage it.
Muslims are closer to Christianity than jews, but they are by no means special otherwise. Akhenaten was also a perfect monotheist.
>Wtf are you talking about bible literally does not only not banned it, it literally encourage it.
The bible doesn't encourage it, but you are right that cousin marriage isn't explicitly banned either.
Yet The middle East and Northern Africa have the highest rates of cousin marriage in the world.
So overall there must be more Islamic acceptance of cousin marriage than in Christianity.

The only other explanation is that almost every Muslim is practicing their own religion wrong and I doubt that's the case.
Nice no true Scotsman. Did you think of it by yourself, or did your tard wrangler help you post it?
I gave exactly what you did and more. Without the obvious sick fantasies that you have yet to justify of course. I don't give a shit if you are incapable of looking up a simple number.
>no u lie!
what a butthurt little faggot lmao, go translate it yourself
>I gave exactly what you did and more.
No, you gave no link and didn't quote anything.
Literally just made shit up.
Are you mentally incapable or just giving an online link to an Arabic Hadith site?
Book number, Hadith number etc?
No, for some reason you're too stupid to do that.
I like how your religion "corrected" Christianity, without even being Christian first.
Arab people were never known to be educated in any of the Greek philosophical schools or Judaism. So, an honest question...Are you guys just full of shit?
>waah waah it's not a clickable link
you already have the hadith number I am not going to spoon feed your butthurt ass
You still haven't given a single hadith number, book number, chapter number or url link.
Nobody will ever take you seriously in life if you're too stupid to even quote your own religious texts.
I actually did, it's in the images I uploaded and in the link from islamqa. What is your issue? Don't have an argument and you are crying about this? I am simply not going to make it convenient for you and you can whine all day long like a retard. That isn't going to change
>I actually did
No you didn't...
you're a lying faggot anyone can scroll up and see the hadith number
>you're a lying faggot anyone can scroll up and see the hadith number
Yep, that's it.
it's impossible for you to type 1342? you're finished retard, and once again it says absolutely nothing that you are implying
Is this another instance of two or three hadiths in the same compilation being similar but saying completely different things?
Kind of how you have Hadiths that don't require punishment for bestiality but others that do?
Is This Islamic Wisdom?
>again it says absolutely nothing that you are implying
There's nothing to be implied.
Muhammad Allowed a follower to have sex with a dead body.
They aren't saying "completely different things" you're just being retarded and are imposing your sick fetishes on us. I saw your cope above with the other hadith it's pathetic but don't try to change the subject
>They aren't saying "completely different things"
They are. And this is why they are both recorded as different hadiths. They have vastly different meanings.
>you're just being retarded and are imposing your sick fetishes on us.
Nothing about this is unusual for Muhammad or Islam in General.
For example -

"Narrated `Aisha:
I used to wash the traces of Janaba (semen) from the clothes of the Prophet (ﷺ) and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it (water spots were still visible)."

حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدَانُ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ، قَالَ أَخْبَرَنَا عَمْرُو بْنُ مَيْمُونٍ الْجَزَرِيُّ، عَنْ سُلَيْمَانَ بْنِ يَسَارٍ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ كُنْتُ أَغْسِلُ الْجَنَابَةَ مِنْ ثَوْبِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم، فَيَخْرُجُ إِلَى الصَّلاَةِ، وَإِنَّ بُقَعَ الْمَاءِ فِي ثَوْبِهِ.

Volume 1, Book 4, Hadith 229 https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-1/Book-4/Hadith-229

And at the time Aisha was 6 or 9 years of age and Muhammad in his 50's.

>I saw your cope above with the other hadith it's pathetic but don't try to change the subject
Where's the cope? If you don't want to be judged by weird hadiths you shouldn't have included them in your religion.
I posted the chain, it's clearly the same report you fucking retard. Oh it just so happened that the exact same thing happened twice, right? I know you are being dishonest on purpose like your fellow retard woody in the yt link here >>17083775 these kind of perversions are nothing new to christards.
The most pathetic thing though is that you know you absolutely have no case and that's why you are so desperate to run away by posting yet another retarded claim that I already responded to anyway >>17086159
>I posted the chain
You didn't post a chain. You posted a single Hadith...
>it's clearly the same report you fucking retard
Then why aren't they the same?
>Oh it just so happened that the exact same thing happened twice, right?
They're different sir.
>I know you are being dishonest on purpose
I'm not.
>these kind of perversions are nothing new to christards.
Um.. The bible doesn't talk about Jesus's mother cleaning cum stains out of his clothes lol.
But the Hadiths definitely talk about 9 year old Aisha cleaning the cumstains out of Muhammad's clothes that were still wet with cum when he visited the mosque.
>The most pathetic thing though is that you know you absolutely have no case
Except Your hadiths that have Muhammad Kissing the penis of a boy, Cumming on his clothes, encouraging sex with corpses, Owning black slaves, Being a pedophile etc. Goes on and on.
>why you are so desperate to run away by posting yet another retarded claim that I already responded to anyway
You haven't explained anything...
Also well done for once again posting something without a source. Seems to be a habit of yours.
>"Rabbi Yohanan says ..."
do you have the first idea what it means if something in the Talmud comes with a name attached?
You're intentionally malicious good to know christard, see >>17085319
>why are two reports from a different chain of narrators worded slightly differently
It's a mystery, maybe you should tell me why the 4 gospels aren't identical and then you'll find out.
>The bible doesn't talk
Instead it criticizes people for washing their hands and dishes, talks about donkey emissions and encourages the massacre and rape of little children. Something we'd never agree on because we aren't perverted fucks who worship torture and death in their spare time
>if I make more bs claims it will make me look good
The gish gallop attempt and your desperation to run away from your shame is hilarious
>I am too stupid to search something in quotes on any popular search engine
That is known yes, no need to keep saying it
>the Hadiths definitely talk about 9 year old Aisha cleaning the cumstains out of Muhammad's clothes that were still wet with cum when he visited the mosque.
they were wet with water due to having been cleaned. read the hadith.
>they were wet with water due to having been cleaned
Which was most likely just cum that hadn't dried yet.
>You're intentionally malicious good to know christard, see
That isn't a link or proper quote...
>It's a mystery, maybe you should tell me why the 4 gospels aren't identical
Lol, ah yes, the Gospels aren't identical and either are these two hadiths with one hadith clearly condoning necrophilia.
>Instead it criticizes people for washing their hands and dishes
Christians aren't preoccupied with Jesus cleaning cum out of his bed and clothing lol
But Muslims are obsessed with Muhammads 9 yr old child bride cleaning cum out of his clothing lol.
>That is known yes, no need to keep saying it
Tell us about your Allah Cumstains anon.
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>complains about quotes to another guy
>can't link properly to my post
>the Gospels aren't identical
Okay then by your logic the accounts they speak about also must be different. It seems like Jesus was executed 4 times. Clearly all different since you know they all had different wordings and they absolutely didn't mean the same thing.
>Christians aren't preoccupied
Should we post about the child abuse cases in your churches? No, it's not just the Catholics.
>more retardation
I don't expect anything substantial out of you. It's just funny watching a zoo animal performing tricks for me. I especially love the mental gymnastics, I order you to do more bitch
>Okay then by your logic the accounts they speak about also must be different. It seems like Jesus was executed 4 times. Clearly all different since you know they all had different wordings and they absolutely didn't mean the same thing.
That doesn't follow at all.
Multiple different hadiths of the same event means that only one is correct. And in this case it could be the necrophiliac one.
>Should we post about the child abuse cases in your churches
Child abuse isn't illegal in Islam.
>I don't expect anything substantial out of you. It's just funny watching a zoo animal performing tricks for me. I especially love the mental gymnastics, I order you to do more bitch
Bestiality is fine or punishable depending on what hadith you read...
>>complains about quotes to another guy
>>can't link properly to my post
They are both you...
>They are both you...
nope. I only posted >>17086271 and >>17086248. what's up with the schizo delusion that they can tell who is who on an anonymous forum?
>That doesn't follow at all.
It does because you are saying they are completely different because of minor wordings when in reality both agree. One more you haven't even made an actual case for the first hadith. Your deviant sexual fantasies are thrown in the trash
>Child abuse
It is absolutely illegal, you can get executed for it. However Christians and seculars are absolutely in love with it. By your logic so are your saints and church fathers
>is fine
Nope, that's just another false claim. it's clearly punishable
>They are both you...
Suffering from delusions too? I almost feel sorry for you
>It does because you are saying they are completely different
Yep, because one's necrophilic and the other isn't and only one of them can be right.
>It is absolutely illegal
Also the fact that Muhammad is a 50 yr old who had sex with his 9 yr old wife aisha and he's seen as the most perfect human to have ever existed.
>Nope, that's just another false claim. it's clearly punishable
Lol. Nope...
>Suffering from delusions too? I almost feel sorry for you
Lol, you even reply at the same time. Worst liar in history Muhammad.
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stop your schizo ranting.
Sounds like you have no valid argument buddy...
I just claimed that statements in the Talmud given with the name of the proposing rabbi are consolation prizes because the proposal was rejected (actually ratified decisions are given anonymously), and that the hadith says Mohamed's clothes were still wet from being washed, and not wet with cum. both claims are easily verifiable.
your ilk of mentally ill retards always retreat into fantasizing about who is who on these boards when you get outclassed. stop it.
>Yep, because one's necrophilic and the other isn't and only one of them can be right.
More like your fetishes are not found in either texts and the other report of the same event demonstrates it beyond your ability to cope.
Idiot can't read his own links lmao
Denial with no arguments? ahaha
>more delusions
It's just sad but you are entertaining so I will keep humiliating you
It doesn’t need to explicitly state it
No where in the Quran it’s written that the Quran is uncreated yet you believe it is.
Also why don’t you address what I said?
Where’s the difference if it is stated explicitly or if it is present through several passages?
Also Matthew 28:19 shows that the father, son and spirit have one name, as it says in “the name” of.
But anyways explain why it has to be explicitly stated?
>that’s literally what the trinity teaches
Not at all, you don’t understand anything about the trinity, it doesn’t state they are forms, that would also mix the persons of the trinity.
Universal mathematics won’t explain something outside of this universe
>contradicts itself
It’s there in the books wether you agree with it or not
The Quran also claims that Allah is apart from creation but he ends up having body parts. In your opinion, what is closer to a God that is not like anything in creation, a triune God or unitarian God?
>divine contradiction
No it is not, The Father, his word and spirit are one being, but the father is not his spirit, his spirit is not his word, and he is not his word, as simple as that
>not supposed to make any logical sense
It does, unless you think God is finite like us and is incapable of being 3 persons at once
I don't care what you think about the Talmud. There isn't nothing illogical about suggesting Muhammad's clothes were still wet from barely washed and dried cum.
>More like your fetishes are not found in either texts
It's literally an Islamic Hadith. Sorry buddy. Your prophet is a freak.
>Idiot can't read his own links lmao
It doesn't incriminate anyone but Muslims. YOU can't read.
>I will keep humiliating you
You're suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect.
>It doesn’t need to explicitly state it
It does. Otherwise, it was just made up by the church.
>No where in the Quran it’s written that the Quran is uncreated yet you believe it is.
I'm not Muslim.
>Not at all, you don’t understand anything about the trinity, it doesn’t state they are forms, that would also mix the persons of the trinity.
It's not hard to understand.
Son=God, Father=God, spirit=God.
They are literally manifestations of God.
But the illogical twist is that the Son, Father & Spirit don't equal each other.
Even though they actually do because they are all God.
>It does, unless you think God is finite like us and is incapable of being 3 persons at once
So The spirit, Son and Father are each other because they are all god?
>No it is not, The Father, his word and spirit are one being, but the father is not his spirit, his spirit is not his word, and he is not his word, as simple as that
Pure idiotic brain rot that doesn't make any sense.
>It’s there in the books wether you agree with it or not
It's not. It's not in the bible. And it doesn't make any sense anyway. It's a botched pagan insertion.
>It's literally
Nope, you're confusing your porn with real life. Stop and get some help. Ideally find a religion that isn't twisted by disgusting fetishes. And I really suggest some reading lessons too. Even 4 numbers was too difficult for you.
Inbreeding is based I'd love to have a crew of little Muslim retard kids to get into hijinks with while my cousin wife cooks us all spicy chicken and rice
>Nope, you're confusing your porn with real life
Oh, So Muhammad's Seven year old wife cleaning cum out of his clothing?
Yeah wow, that's totally safe for work.
What a good family safe Hadith to share with kids!
Before Islam
>Allah, CEO of Arabic polytheism and Creator-god
After Islam
>Allah, Creator-god

Wow, monotheism is when you just make divine bureaucracy more simple for low-IQ inbreeds, truly life-changing.
>Ideally find a religion that isn't twisted by disgusting fetishes
50 year old Muhammad fucking a 9 yr old child?
>And I really suggest some reading lessons too. Even 4 numbers was too difficult for you.
Lol, 7=Child
Fucking child=Pedophile.
Thus Muhammad=Pedophile.
>I don't care what you think about the Talmud.
and nobody cares that you don't care. the facts are as I presented them. I do have an argument.
>There isn't nothing illogical about suggesting Muhammad's clothes were still wet from barely washed and dried cum.
that's a major goalpost moving from 'certainly' to 'nothing illogical to it'.
the problem is that you are indistinguishable from a malevolent caricature of an ignoramus anti-muslim, anti-jewish christard, so much so that we must entertain the possibility that you are play-acting to denigrate the entire camp.
>Nope, you're confusing your porn with real life. Stop and get some help. Ideally find a religion that isn't twisted by disgusting fetishes. And I really suggest some reading lessons too. Even 4 numbers was too difficult for you.

In a September 12, 2014 Fatwa show, Al-Azhar Professor of Theology Suad Saleh discussed the Islamic concept of "those whom you own." Speaking on Hayat TV, Professor Saleh said that Muslims who capture women in a legitimate war against their enemies may own them and have sex with them as slavegirls. "In order to humiliate them," Prof. Saleh said, "they become the property of the army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives." The video has been circulating in social media in recent days.
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the level of butthurt lmao, don't worry I destroyed you in the other thread too
>"When she had washed the sores she knew that it was impossible for her to continue with this work any longer. Filled with anger against her own miserable flesh [that is, Catherine is condemning her own physical '“weakness”], she seized the bowl, which was full of the water she has washed the sores with, and pus from the sores: “By the Life of the Almighty, by the beloved Bridegroom of my soul, you shall receive in your stomach what you feel such fear of.” She turned from the bed and drank the contents of the bowl. Later she confessed to Raimondo [her spiritual director and confessor] that once she had mastered her revulsion the horrible drink had seemed delicious. And from that time on she never felt any reluctance about looking after Andrea"
we won btw
>and nobody cares that you don't care.
But you do because you're replying. So you definitely care.
>that's a major goalpost moving
Lol, you clearly don't know what that term even means.
His clothes were stained from semen.
>the level of butthurt lmao, don't worry I destroyed you in the other thread too
That's what you say when you have no argument.
>we won btw
Drug addicts like declaring themselves winners.
Saint Catherine isn't a biblical figure. You aren't quoting the Bible.
>Complaining about childbrides on fucking 4chan of all places
Do you know where you are?
I believe you may also have a fetish for humiliation. You're throwing your pus eating saints under the bus bro. What church do you belong to?
>Do you know where you are?
>I believe you may also have a fetish for humiliation.
So the hadith where Muhammad wears women's clothing?

From Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2393

Volume Title, “Grace and its Virtues.”

Chapter Title, “What was Granted to the Companions and the Wives.”
Narrated by Ismail, narrated by his brother, narrated by Sulaiman, narrated by Hisham ibn Urwah, narrated by his father, narrated by Aisha who related that the wives of the prophet were divided into two groups. One group consisted of Aisha, Hafsa, Safiya and Sawdah while the other group consisted of Um Salamah and the rest of the women that belonged to the prophet. The Muslims had learned of the great love that the prophet had for Aisha so that if one of them had a gift he desired to give to the prophet, he would delay giving it until the prophet came to Aisha’s house.
Then the group who sided with Um Salamah came to Um Salamah and asked her to tell the prophet that he should command the people that if any of them had a gift to give to the prophet, they should give it him in whatever house of his wives the prophet was in at the time.
So Um Salamah went and talked with the prophet but he did not respond to her. When the group asked her what the prophet said she told them that he did not respond. So they asked her to go talk to him again until he responds… then the prophet said to her, “Do not hurt me with Aisha, for the inspiration did not come upon me when I was IN (fee) A WOMAN’S GARMENT (Thawb) EXCEPT THAT OF AISHA.”
>You're throwing your pus eating saints under the bus bro. What church do you belong to?
I don't belong to a church.
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Notice how you keep trying to change the subject. Okay then your concession about the former claims has been accepted
>I don't belong to a church.
So you're a heretic. I see you have very weird ideas about the trinity. The kind that would get you burned on a stake
>Notice how you keep trying to change the subject.
Said the guy that's always changing the subject lol.

So when are you going to dress in women's clothes like Muhammad anon?
You're the one posting random shit you don't understand from christarded youtube missionaries. Of course you never bothered to even look at a single response, the interaction here with you is sufficient evidence that you aren't interested in the truth. You're a dumbass and a malicious one too heretic.
>You're the one posting random shit
So You're going to dress in women's clothes like Muhammad?
So you're going to fuck a dead woman like Muhammad?
So you're going to Cum in your clothing and make a seven year old wash it for you like Muhammad?
>gets proven wrong on all idiotic claims
>will still repeat himself
there is no honesty in a christard
>Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?” - Romans 3:7
explains everything
So you're a pedophile like your prophet Muhammad?

"The Prophet (ﷺ) said, 'The (people of) Bani Israel used to take bath naked (all together) looking at each other. The Prophet (ﷺ) Moses used to take a bath alone. They said, 'By Allah! Nothing prevents Moses from taking a bath with us except that he has a scrotal hernia.' So once Moses went out to take a bath and put his clothes over a stone and then that stone ran away with his clothes. Moses followed that stone saying, "My clothes, O stone! My clothes, O stone! till the people of Bani Israel saw him and said, 'By Allah, Moses has got no defect in his body. Moses took his clothes and began to beat the stone." Abu Huraira added, "By Allah! There are still six or seven marks present on the stone from that excessive beating."

The desperation... Is this how Paul felt when he lied to the disciples?
What's the issue here now?
>What's the issue here now?


>The desperation... Is this how Paul felt when he lied to the disciples?
Paul wasn't fucking 7 year old girls...


The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "You will meet Allah barefooted, naked, walking on feet, and uncircumcised."

حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيٌّ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، قَالَ عَمْرٌو سَمِعْتُ سَعِيدَ بْنَ جُبَيْرٍ، سَمِعْتُ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ، سَمِعْتُ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ " إِنَّكُمْ مُلاَقُو اللَّهِ حُفَاةً عُرَاةً مُشَاةً غُرْلاً ". قَالَ سُفْيَانُ هَذَا مِمَّا نَعُدُّ أَنَّ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ سَمِعَهُ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم.



The people asked the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): Can we perform ablution out of the well of Buda'ah, which is a well into which menstrual clothes, dead dogs and stinking things were thrown? He replied: Water is pure and is not defiled by anything.

حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ الْعَلاَءِ، وَالْحَسَنُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ، وَمُحَمَّدُ بْنُ سُلَيْمَانَ الأَنْبَارِيُّ، قَالُوا حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أُسَامَةَ، عَنِ الْوَلِيدِ بْنِ كَثِيرٍ، عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ كَعْبٍ، عَنْ عُبَيْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ رَافِعِ بْنِ خَدِيجٍ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ، أَنَّهُ قِيلَ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَتَوَضَّأُ مِنْ بِئْرِ بُضَاعَةَ وَهِيَ بِئْرٌ يُطْرَحُ فِيهَا الْحِيَضُ وَلَحْمُ الْكِلاَبِ وَالنَّتْنُ فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم " الْمَاءُ طَهُورٌ لاَ يُنَجِّسُهُ شَىْءٌ " . قَالَ أَبُو دَاوُدَ وَقَالَ بَعْضُهُمْ عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنُ رَافِعٍ .

>it does
Where’s the difference?
I proved to you that a triune God exists based on the Bible
Where is your problem?
>manifestations of God
What do you mean by manifestation?
>are each other?
No they are distinct persons but the same being
>brain rot
You must be over 18 to post on this board
It makes perfect sense to anyone with a triple digit iq
>it’s not in the Bible
Yes it is
Check these:
Where is the difference between explicit citation or what I showed you
Are you a unitarian?
Does it say that the son, father and spirit are god?
In any single line anywhere? nope.

son=god, father=god, spirit=god
son≠father, spirit≠son, spirit≠father
Despite them all being God.
It's a contradiction.
>many such cases
You poor brown bois are bombarded by mudslime propaganda that you cant think for yourselfs kek search in the internet the meaning of ''essence''.
>The only other explanation is that almost every Muslim is practicing their own religion wrong and I doubt that's the case.
The problem is that Islam is contradictory, it tells you yo have virtues and practice it and on the same time it tells you to act like a ape or subhuman
Islam is just Judaism for goy.
>Islam is just Judaism for goy.
Actually, that's Christianity.
The Old Testament is the Jewish Torah.
The New testament is an expansion and continuation of the OT.
The 12 apostles were all Jews, Jesus was a Jew and Christianity's early believers for the first 200 years after Jesus's death were almost all Jews.

The Koran is straight out of the ass of Muhammad, a Quraish tribal member from Meccan Paganism. Yes, he borrowed many ideas from Christianity and Judaism but the Primary informational sources of Islam. The Koran and Hadith compilations further away from the Torah than the New Testament.
>The problem is that Islam is contradictory, it tells you yo have virtues and practice it and on the same time it tells you to act like a ape or subhuman
Or you have virtues that only apply to Muslims and not to outsiders. This double standard is also seen in Judaism in Christianity.
no shit muhammad not being jewish is the main plot twist about him as a prophet, him not being is the greatest test for jews, a non jew but a descendant of abraham so god doesn’t break the covenant. there were more jews who converted to islam than jews who converted to christianity fyi.
Monotheism is false so why do you care which religion is more wrong vs others?
Ah, the greatest test being if you don't convert Islam you die?
And no, you're completely wrong about more Jews converting to Islam....
>Does it say that the son, father and spirit are god? In any single line
I showed entire passages showing that the son is God in the flesh and that the Spirit is God
>it’s a contradiction
No it’s not a contradiction for an infinite God to be 3 persons while being 1 being
What religion do you adhere to in the first place?
In this universe it is physically impossible for 3 persons to be one being
But outside who said it’s not?
I also showed you a single line in the OT that shows a multipersonal God
Muslims are polytheists according to islam's own definition of what polytheism is, which includes believing the words of men over Scripture, which muslims do on a daily basis.
>God abrogates parts of his eternal uncreated speech
is there any limit to muslims' retardation?
Lol, You're literally too stupid to debate with.
>I showed entire passages showing that the son is God in the flesh and that the Spirit is God
Yep, that's not an explicit trinity...
You could use your passages to support multiple different theories of God that aren't a trinity.
>In this universe it is physically impossible for 3 persons to be one being
You are talking about fairytale stories. They have nothing to do with reality.
>I also showed you a single line in the OT that shows a multipersonal God
No, you didn't actually.
I quoted Matthew 28:19.
And it doesn't say that they are all god, doesn't say that they are a trinity.
That's it. You have no argument.
>Muslims are polytheists according to islam's own definition of what polytheism is, which includes believing the words of men over Scripture, which muslims do on a daily basis.
And all Abrahamics are Idol worshippers according to their own definition of is.
Islam's Kabaal, Christianity's holy relics and cross, Judaisms Ark of the Covenant etc
>Nor does he speak of his own whims. It is only a revelation sent down ˹to him˺. - Quran 53:3-4
>O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution. - Quran 4:59
You're an idiot, the sunnah isn't just his opinion. And how exactly would we be able to refer to the messenger without us recording his sayings?
>Narrated Al-Miqdam bin Ma'dikarib: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Lo! Soon a Hadith from me will be conveyed to a man, while he is reclining on his couch, and he says: 'Between us and you is Allah's Book. So whatever we find in it that is lawful, we consider lawful, and whatever we find in it that is unlawful, we consider it unlawful.' Indeed whatever the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) made unlawful, it is the same as what Allah made unlawful." - Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2664
This attitude has been predicted but it just makes no sense.
The hadiths and Koran are all the opinions of mortal men making shit up.
The earliest complete koran dates to the 9th or 10th century 300 to 400 years after the supposed death of Muhammad who has no evidence of existing anyway. That's completely different from the Koran used by most Muslims today which was written in 1924.
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First off that's not relevant. His point was an internal critique so the claim you copy pasted from your favorite ecelebs doesn't matter at all. Secondly that's such a retarded point, everyone got a mind wipe after 1924? We have carbon dated fragments from the time of the prophet (or soon after) and they are not different except in spelling conventions. That being said we also have a separate preservation mechanism which is through oral recitation. There is plenty of evidence of the prophet existing (for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_career_of_Muhammad https://xcancel.com/DaralArqamPub/status/1681476006970814464 and the hadith which you will also falsely claim is only 200 years old and from Uzbekistan), you being unaware of it also doesn't matter. It's such a ridiculous claim to think that suddenly out of nowhere all these people conspired to invent a guy into history. Tell me how commonly that happens with other figures that had such power? It also seems you are a hypocrite christian because you're the only ones who make such a claim because it pisses you off that you have it so much worse.
>First off that's not relevant
Lol, it's 100% relevant which is why you say it's irrelevant.
There is no one true koran from Allah.
There are no Complete Korans until 300 years after the supposed death of Muhammad.
The Birmingham fragments are just two leaves/pages of 3 Surah fragments that only contain Jewish and Christian material with no revelations from Allah.
So technically the Birmingham fragments aren't even Muslim.
There is no record of Muhammad existing until the first complete Koran hundreds of years after his death. And those Korans differ Greatly from the modern standard Cairo Koran.
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>it's 100% relevant
see >>17087831
>according to islam's own definition
that's what I was responding to, and so it is not relevant and you're just repeating yourself back to youtube with you. see https://corpuscoranicum.de/en/manuscripts/2278/page/1r?sura=19&verse=98 show me the "Jewish and Christian material" and while you are at it how do you cope with pic related?
>that's what I was responding to
Yep, you're literally believing the words of men over scripture because you have no single Koran or Hadith that came from Muhammad and everything was either recorded long after Muhammad's death or he never existed in the first place.

the first Surah fragment Koran 18, 17-31 al-kahf (the cave) is a ripp-off of the Christian myth “the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus”, first recorded in Syriac in the early 5th century.
The 2nd fragments is about Holy Mary/Maryam.
The 3rd is about Moses.
Allah is the general Arabic word for god.
Arabic speaking Christians call god Allah.
Muhammad becomes Mhmd without the diacritical marks and that is the Arabic version of מַחְמָד machmâd, makh-mawd'; which means - delightful; hence, a delight, i.e. object of affection or desire:—beloved, desire, goodly, lovely, pleasant (thing).
Used In Christianity and Judaism to address Messiahs.
In the Birmingham fragments like most early Arabic text there are no diacritical marks to indicate short vowels.
So It's just translated Christian/Jewish text in Arabic.
Interesting, but not a complete Koran and not even Islamic.
So you are just wrong, glad you have conceded. The rest is once again just saying the same thing over and over.
>it's Christian/Jewish because similar reports come from their sources too
Fucking lmao, when have we ever said otherwise? The Quran itself references this fact. So the verse criticizing Christians because they attribute to God a son is Christian in origin? That's a very bizarre understanding.
>Arabic speaking Christians call god Allah
Okay and? Your argument is because Christians use the same word to reffer to the same being then that means we just translated their texts.
>without the diacritical marks
Even with the diacritical marks the name has a meaning what are you talking about? You do realize that most of the marks also were invented later to help with pronunciation right? And depending on whether you believe it is pre Uthmanic or not that was a conscious choice.
>So you are just wrong, glad you have conceded.
you're literally believing the words of men over scripture because you have no single Koran or Hadith that came from Muhammad and everything was either recorded long after Muhammad's death or he never existed in the first place.
>>it's Christian/Jewish because similar reports come from their sources too
>Fucking lmao, when have we ever said otherwise?
You claimed It's Islamic and a Koran. It clearly isn't. It's Just fragments of Christian/Jewish
text translated into Arabic.
>Okay and?
So the Birmingham fragments aren't Islamic.
>Even with the diacritical marks the name has a meaning
It DOESN'T have diacritical marks so it's not referring to Muhammad but rather mhmd or machmad.

Two pages ( less the 1% of the length of a standard Koran ) and not even Islamic lol.
Are you a broken record?
>It clearly isn't
I can find those verses in the Quran so it is. Tell me more about that Christian texts denying the concept of the "son of God"
>aren't Islamic
Because we use the Arabic word for God? lmao what is it with these arguments
Who ever said it did? And that doesn't mean it is a translation. Show me where in the text it even mentions the name.
>Are you a broken record?
Are you? You aren't saying anything new, so you aren't going to get new in response.
>I can find those verses in the Quran
And they can also be found outside the Koran in Christian/Jewish texts so you can't claim those fragments are part of a koran.
>Because we use the Arabic word for God?
Because nothing in the fragments is unique to Islam.
>Who ever said it did?
The point is the lack of diacritical marks changes the meaning. Not the other way around.
The Birmingham fragment doesn't have them for short vowels.
Later complete Korans HAVE diacritical marks.
It changes the meaning.
You have made unfounded comments and I will continue to not care about them
>so you can't claim
Actually I can because two works can contain the same text when they are from the same source. Why are you dodging my questions after the part you quoted here?
>God is not unique to Islam
It's also not unique to Judaism and Christianity, your point?
>changes the meaning
Except it doesn't because know how to recite them. Once again why aren't you answering what I asked of you?
>a religion that came about as a result of the Krakatoa volcano
>You have made unfounded comments and I will continue to not care about them
Replying proves that you do care...
>Actually I can
You can't. Nothing in the fragments is unique to the Koran. You need an actual unique feature for it to be identified as a Koran Fragment.
>It's also not unique to Judaism and Christianity, your point?
The fragments aren't unique to the Koran...
>Except it doesn't
It does. Completely changes the meaning.
>>a religion that came about as a result of the Krakatoa volcano
I highly doubt that. Arabia has always been mostly desert.
Why aren't you answering my questions? I can, they are and it doesn't btw
>Why aren't you answering my questions?
Why are you pretending I haven't answered your questions?
>I can, they are and it doesn't btw
I thought you didn't care? Yet you continue to reply because you know I'm actually right.
What a sad Islamic shitskin.
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Because you haven't. It's just fun making a fool out of someone so desperate he has to resort to racism against his own.
Because I have. When will you stop crying shitskin rat?
I thought you didn't care?
When will Muhamad stain his clothing with cum again?
>so desperate he has to resort to racism
Lol. Said the guy that's racist.

Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels (very fast, and there were women riding on those camels). Allah's Apostle said, "Waihaka (May Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha! Drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels (women)!"
—Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:73:182 see also Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:73:229 Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:73:221

Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah: A man decided that a slave of his would be manumitted after his death and later on he was in need of money, so the Prophet took the slave and said, "Who will buy this slave from me?" Nu'aim bin 'Abdullah bought him for such and such price and the Prophet gave him the slave.
—Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:34:351 see also Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:51:598 Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:79:707 Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:85:80 Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:51:588 Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:46:711 Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:89:296

Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)
—Sahih Muslim, 10:3901
Actually you didn't. Why are you so angry? Slavery isn't racism btw
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>23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. - 2 Kings 2
>Actually you didn't. Why are you so angry? Slavery isn't racism btw
Actually I did and you know I did.
So It's okay If I enslave you then shitskin anon?
Muslims believe in the Old Testament and call it the Tawrāh. So you're just insulting yourself lol.
I don’t give a fuck about your scripture faggot. you are a cringe muzzrat. listen to what Abdul says and go back.
>The websites that speak ill of the religion of Allah and of His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are no different from the gatherings where people say similar things that constitute kufr. In both cases it is haraam to stay in such gatherings and it is haraam to visit such websites, except for one who will object to what they do and is able to put a stop to these offences. If he is not able to do that, and those people carry on with what they are doing, then it is not permissible to remain in that gathering and it is not permissible to visit those websites
Nope to both retarded claims. It's perfectly fine if I enslave you yes.
Actually a lot of the bible is nonsense
> 25 Saul replied, “Say to David, ‘The king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies.’” Saul’s plan was to have David fall by the hands of the Philistines.26 When the attendants told David these things, he was pleased to become the king’s son-in-law. So before the allotted time elapsed, 27 David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage. - 1 Samuel 18:25-27
Why are you offended by me quoting passages from the bible?
>The websites that speak ill of the religion of Allah and of His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are no different from the gatherings where people say similar things that constitute kufr. In both cases it is haraam to stay in such gatherings and it is haraam to visit such websites, except for one who will object to what they do and is able to put a stop to these offences. If he is not able to do that, and those people carry on with what they are doing, then it is not permissible to remain in that gathering and it is not permissible to visit those websites
it is obliged for you to listen to this fatwa Abdul, or we will lash you 50 times according t shariah. If you still don’t we will stone you with the goats
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How about no? I won't ever leave but I know the perfect place for someone like you
>Nope to both retarded claims. It's perfectly fine if I enslave you yes.
They aren't claims, they're objective reality.
Ok, So you want to be enslaved then haha.
>Actually a lot of the bible is nonsense
Which is why Muslims believe in the bible and call it the Tawrāh.
>Why are you offended by me quoting passages from the bible?
You mean the Tawrāh?
Your own religion?
>How about no? I won't ever leave but I know the perfect place for someone like you
Reddit loves Muslims you faggot lol.
>he continuously decides to sin by being here
zoomer pls go before Abdul finds out and stones you and then steals your property and rapes you

>The websites that speak ill of the religion of Allah and of His Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are no different from the gatherings where people say similar things that constitute kufr. In both cases it is haraam to stay in such gatherings and it is haraam to visit such websites, except for one who will object to what they do and is able to put a stop to these offences. If he is not able to do that, and those people carry on with what they are doing, then it is not permissible to remain in that gathering and it is not permissible to visit those websites
What's in your head isn't objective reality unfortunately. Christians and Jews don't have their books anymore just some remnants of truth
You seem to be very experienced with that website. Why don't you go back?
>What's in your head isn't objective reality unfortunately. Christians and Jews don't have their books anymore just some remnants of truth
Said The imaginary character Muhammad in the 750AD Koran lol.
>You seem to be very experienced with that website. Why don't you go back?
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Common sense will also tell you that. The book is vile
>Common sense will also tell you that. The book is vile
Yep, Muhammad is a pedophile with cumstains in his clothes.
"Ezekiel (Arabic: حزقيال; "Ḥazqiyāl"[b]) is recognized as a prophet in Islamic tradition."
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Actually your saints were perfectly fine with that
Yes and? The bible tarnishes the reputation of the prophets and ascribes to them the worst of sins
>Actually your saints were perfectly fine with that
That's not a link or source, Saints aren't in the bible, 12&14 isn't 7&50.
>Yes and? The bible tarnishes the reputation of the prophets and ascribes to them the worst of sins
It's the old testament. Muslims follow the old testament. You're just insulting yourself.
Don't care look it up, your saints are supposed to have the holy spirit bro. And no we don't, your anonymous writings mean nothing
You're quoting your own Tawrat.
You are just insulting yourself.
Muslims and Jews Follow the Old testament/Torah/Tawrat.
Christians mostly follow the New testament.
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Nah the book you call the OT is written by men. Christians follow both actually, they just believed a liar to ignore all the laws. And I mean I get them, who would want to follow such a wholesome manual of death?
Lol, you're still quoting your own holy book the Tawrat.
I am quoting your book. Those are orders from biblical jesus according to your beliefs
Lol, still quoting your own Tawrat.
You don't have it and neither do the joos. who is to say the Samaritan Pentateuch isn't more legitimate. Mind explaining to me what is happening here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-canonical_books_referenced_in_the_Bible
Muslims don't understand how three persons can share the same mind. Therefore, they believe in multiple gods, and are polytheistic. The whole point of worshiping one God,m (theos), is that multiple people value the same things, and share the same spirit/mind.
>Those are orders from biblical jesus according to your beliefs
Jesus isn't in the Old Testament that you keep on quoting you dumbfuck lol.
>You don't have it and neither do the joos. who is to say the Samaritan Pentateuch isn't more legitimate. Mind explaining to me what is happening here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-canonical_books_referenced_in_the_Bible
So none of the Abrahamic religions are right?
Yeah, I agree with that.
>same mind
So you're saying the Father has the thought "I am the Son"? How come then only the Father knows the hour? We don't believe in the trinity so we aren't polytheists like you
Jesus according to Christians is the God of the OT retard. What is your religion?
>Jesus according to Christians
Not according to Jews shitskin anon.
He's never mentioned in the old testament.
Only in the New Testament.
Three people are capable of sharing a theos Anon. It's not that complicated.
Why aren't you answering what is your religion? Are you ashamed of something faggot?
Don't care they are a minority and they slay and persecute prophets.
Three leaf clovers have parts, you can't call a leaf the entire plant.. Your analogy sucks like all of them
>only the Father knows the hour?
The humanity of the son is the veil of Allah. If Jesus was not human, he would burn up all of creation.
The veil isn't human. Now answer me how can the same mind believe itself to be different persons? And how can some of them be less omniscient but also somehow God?
Three people can still share a theos, and if you don't understand that, then you are polytheistic.
>Three people are capable of sharing a theos Anon. It's not that complicated.
Lol, that's extremely misleading.

(1) Nowhere in the bible is the Son, Father and Spirit called one god in a single line or paragraph.

(2) According to Trinitarianism Son=God, Father=God, Spirit=God.
But Son≠Father, Father≠Spirit, Spirit≠Son.
That is a contradiction because they are all God.

(3) Trinitarianism only became the universal Christian interpretation after Church authorities outlawed all other interpretations around 350AD.

>Why aren't you answering what is your religion? Are you ashamed of something faggot?
Lol, You're obsessed with faggots just like Muhammad lol.
>Don't care they are a minority and they slay and persecute prophets.
That doesn't change the fact that Jesus isn't in the Old Testament. Never mentioned once there.
>Three leaf clovers have parts, you can't call a leaf the entire plant.. Your analogy sucks like all of them
He never said the leaf is the entire plant you shitskin Muslim retard lol.
why are you hiding your religion?
>less omniscient
The son is not less omniscient. I just told you. His omniscients is veiled by his humanity. You are just chosing to deny it, because you are rejecting my theos, because you a choosing to be polytheistic. Islam is dependent on the idea of multiple gods, that is why it worships the three demons, "Jizyah, Dhimmi, and Taqiyya". These demons only have power in a polytheistic world view.
>Islam is dependent on the idea of multiple gods, that is why it worships the three demons, "Jizyah, Dhimmi, and Taqiyya". These demons only have power in a polytheistic world view.

Lol, that's like saying Satan is a God and thus Christians are polytheistic.
Or saying Jews are Polytheistic Because Chemosh is recognized as the God who once defeated Yahweh in a war.
You haven't explained how that relates to your analogy. I asked about that specifically. You're the one who believes in 3 gods + 1 human thing so you're the pagan
The Holy Spirit also doesn't know the hour just like the Son so how are they omniscient? None of those 3 concepts are gods, why are you bringing in taxes into this?
did the prophet memorize the quran in his heart?
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you're hindu aren't you? do you believe this happened?
I wasnt the person you were replying to
>Satan is a God and thus Christians are polytheistic.
No. Everytime Peter becomes Satan. Jesus says, "get behind me", and he leads him back to righteousness, truth, and life. He doesn't say, "stay satanic, but pay me my Jizyah!"
then why did you reply to me? what is your religion?
>You're the one who believes [insert strawman].
Says the guy who did just that lmao
>why are you bringing in taxes into this?
Ask Matthew
Matthew is dead, I am asking you
>No. Everytime Peter becomes Satan. Jesus says, "get behind me", and he leads him back to righteousness, truth, and life. He doesn't say, "stay satanic, but pay me my Jizyah!"
That literally changes nothing lol.
By your own standards Christians are polytheistic.
Wow are Christians dumb.
You're a retard too Muslim bro.
And no, Hinduism is weird.
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>And no, Hinduism is weird.
Stop hiding, are you a buddhist? Do you believe in this?
He's asleep. Go wake him up.
>Christians are polytheistic
No. I already told you. Christians value one God. That makes them monotheistic. Islam worships multiple gods. Their belief system includes concepts that only exist if there are multiple gods. The three demons of Jizyah, Dhimmi, and Taqiyya don't exist in a monotheistic world view. They exist in Islam, because Islamists deny that three people can share the same beliefs. In Islam, they need Satan.
Jizyah, Dhimmi, and Taqiyya can only exist with Satan. Until Islam gets rid of these demons, it will continue to be polytheistic, and it will continue to depend on the existence of Satan.
>No. I already told you. Christians value one God.
I know that, but by your own personal standards used for Islam, Christianity itself is Polytheistic.
You aren't going to talk your way out of that.
Satan by your own standards automatically makes Christianity polytheistic.
No. I don't follow Satan, nor do I want him around. Just because I acknowledge him, that doesn't mean I believe in him, follow him, worship him, or want him around. That is because I am monotheistic. I worship one theos. However, an egregore that values the concepts of Jizyah,
Dhimmi, and Taqiyya needs more than one theos. Islam is polytheistic, because it depends upon, encourages, and feeds off of the existence of multiple belief systems.
>No. I don't follow Satan
Doesn't matter. By your own standards you're polytheistic.
>That is because I am monotheistic. I worship one theos
Go on...
>However, an egregore that values the concepts of Jizyah,
>Dhimmi, and Taqiyya needs more than one theos
So Tithing in the OT and NT of Christianity?
Leviticus 27:30 and Matthew 23:23?
>Islam is polytheistic, because it depends upon, encourages, and feeds off of the existence of multiple belief systems.
You just listed concepts in the same belief system and think that magically makes it polytheistic lol.
You don't even know what polytheism means.
>By your own standards you're polytheistic.
Wrong. I already explained why. Your infidelity is clouding your ability to see Allah. Just because I acknowledge that polythsim exists as a concept that Islam worships, that does not mean I support it. I support monotheism, and I believe that Islam should repent, and stop worshiping the polytheistic demons called, " Jizyah
Dhimmi, and Taqiyya

This is 3 people who believe in the same God, supporting that God. (Monotheism). Jizyah is a person, taking money from someone else's god, and using it to support their own god. (Polytheism).

>You don't even know what polytheism means
It's when you worship multiple gods. Islam does this. It sees value in propagating the idea that multiple gods exist. "Jizyah, Dhimmi, and Taqiyya" only have value in a polytheistic world view. Islam values these ideas, because it is polytheistic.
>Wrong. I already explained why.
Aha. You've said a bunch of crap that doesn't make any sense.
>This is 3 people who believe in the same God, supporting that God. (Monotheism). Jizyah is a person, taking money from someone else's god, and using it to support their own god. (Polytheism).
Oh, so that's the completely nonsensical train of thought you used lol. You're autistic as fuck mate.
Nobody would have ever guessed that's what you meant. People aren't mind readers you know.
So by your logic any religion that's fought against and plundered gold of people from another religion is polytheistic. So According to you all the Abrahamic Religions are polytheistic.
>It's when you worship multiple gods.
That's right dumbfuck and according to you no Abrahamic faith is monotheistic even though they are.
>Religions are polytheistic
The teachings might or might not be polytheistic. The people who follow the teachings in the way that you described are, and Islam certainly is. As I have explained.
>according to you [insert strawman]
According to me, as I have clearly outlined, Islam is polytheistic, because it values the ideas of Jizyah, Dhimmi,Taqiyya. It's not that complicated. And I reject the lie presented In the OP, because it is incorrect.
So according to you all religions that have gone to war are polytheistic because they've extracted resources from other religions.
In your mentally ill brain taking money from the believers of another religion magically makes you polytheistic.
You're a fucking moron of the highest order.
I actually thought you were joking for a second.
But no, you are actually that mentally disabled.
You’re either underage or mentally retarded
>that’s not an explicit trinity
I showed you passages showing their is one God, the father is God, the son is God, the spirit is God, but none of them is the either. If that’s not explicit what is?
>you could use your passages to support multiple different theories
No. Try to do so if you can.
>nothing to do with reality
Yes it does
>No you didn’t actually
A line that says that that God became the savior and the angel of his presence saved them doesn’t show the angel is God?
>you have no argument
You literally have no argument other than telling me I don’t have an explicit verse which changes nothing in sight of the passages I showed.
You were not able to debunk any of my passages
So we've established that in your autistic little universe Taking money from people of a different religion magically makes you a polytheist.

What about giving money to believers of another religion? Say I own a company that employs people from different religions and pay wages to people of different religions. That would make me polytheistic right? according to you?

Do you know what this autistic shit of yours reminds me of?
There was this anon who thought he could increase his life expectancy if he dressed like a woman ( because biological women live longer than men ).
And he could never work out why that was wrong due to crippling autism.

You never showed a single line where Son, Father and Spirit are called one God.
So you have no argument.
End of story.
It's just a creative interpretation enforced by church authority rather than biblical evidence.
There are a hundred other ways to describe the three entities.
The Quran confirms that the Bible is the Word of God and, therefore, Christianity is true.
>single line
Where is the difference?
You didn’t refute any of the passages
>so you have no argument
I have entire passages which you can’t debunk
I dare you to debunk any of the passages
>creative interpretation
It’s literally written down that’s not my own interpretation
>hundred other ways
The passage I provided show only one way
>according to you [insert strawman and ad hominems for flavor]
Pure junk food. You would need to present a specific teaching to say that a "religion" sees value in multiple gods. I presented you with an example of how Islam is polytheistic, in that it teaches its followers. Very specifically, to value Jizyah, Dhimmi, Taqiyya, which are concepts that only exist in a polytheistic world views. Then, you inserted some internal idea that you have in your own head, and attributed it to me for some reason. If you want to move Islam closer to monotheism, it's easy, all you have to do is correct the flawed ideas of Jizyah, Dhimmi, and taqiyya, which are polytheistic in their nature.

My opinion has nothing to do with the fact thst Islam is polytheistic. If I didnt exist, it would just differentiate itself again, and collect jizyah from some other poor, isolated soul. You should work on fixing that, if you want it to stop being polytheistic.
>Where is the difference?
>You didn’t refute any of the passages
The passages from different parts of the bible that you listed together that don't say god is a trinity.
Because it isn't explicitly stated anywhere because it's completely made up bullshit.
>The passage I provided show only one way
The MULTIPLE passages YOU CHOSE to list together.
I can LIST OTHER MULTIPLE passages together and then say that proves something else.
You're a moron.
>Pure junk food. You would need to present a specific teaching to say that a "religion" sees value in multiple gods.
Paying tax to or receiving tax from people of another religion doesn't magically make you polytheistic.
You literally don't know what the word means lol.
>A triune God is present in the OT and NT
The words triune and trinity never appear once in the bible.
>>1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
>>2 just as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
>>“Behold, I am sending My messenger [a]before You,
>>Who will prepare Your way;
>>3 The voice of one calling [b]out in the wilderness,
>>‘Prepare the way of the Lord,
>Make His paths straight!’”
>He quotes Isaiah 40:3
>>3 The voice of one calling out,
>>“Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness;
>>Make [a]straight in the desert a highway for our God.
That doesn't say that the Son is God...

>>3 “Behold, I am sending My [a]messenger, and he will clear a way before Me. And the Lord, whom you are seeking, will suddenly come to His temple; [b]and the [c]messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of armies.
>The Lord is coming to HIS temple
It doesn't say that the messenger is God...

>You and I agree that the Bible doesn’t contradict
>1 Chronicles 29:1
>>29 Then King David said to the entire assembly, “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced, and the work is great; for the [a]temple is not for mankind, but for the Lord God.
>The temple isn’t for mankind but for Adonai YHWH
>So this Lord that is coming is YHWH in the flesh
That doesn't at all follow and it's a completely different part of the bible. You're listing unconnected parts of the bible as if they exist back to back.
>>who did John prepare the way for?
>>7 And he was [e]preaching, saying, “After me One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to bend down and untie the straps of His sandals.
>>8 I baptized you [f]with water; but He will baptize you [g]with the Holy Spirit.”
>>9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
>the answer is Jesus
>So Jesus is God
It isn't saying that Jesus is god...
Saints can do seemingly magical things if they have god's favor with the spirit of God>>17083916
>John is prophesied to be the one to prepare the way before the Lord, and according to the first synoptic gospel, John said that the one coming after him is so great, and this one was Jesus, Jesus is the one coming after him, Jesus is the one John prepared the way for
Yep, the most devout follower of God who will lead everyone down the correct path towards God.
None of these even hints at a trinity.
It's bizarre that you even think it does.
More disjointed unrelated quotes with your very creative interpretations.

>With all of this in mind, the Holy Spirit is an eternal person who is one in being with God the father but not the same person as him

That's like saying you're married and divorced to your wife at the same time.
Pure brain rot.
>that you listed together
Mate I showed you on passage that quoted other passages and that are all related to the same messiah
You have subpar comprehension skills
You are literally a subhuman retard
>doesn’t say God is a trinity
It shows that there are 3 coeternal persons, just like the trinity teaches
>explicitly stated
How does it differ
>made up bullshit
It is literally there in front of you
Refute my passages instead of tap dancing like a faggot
list as many passages, I assure you, none will disprove the trinity
You are a ginormous retarded faggot
>word triune
No shit
It still shows three persons that are God
>it doesn’t say the messenger is God
He is called the “Lord whom you are seeking” and then it says the Lord is coming to his temple
>doesn’t say the son is God
Read my entire post
It later says John prepared the way for Jesus while it was prophesised he would do so for God
>doesn’t at all follow
It shows that the temple is for God, the Lord coming to his temple implies that this Lord is God
>it isn’t saying that Jesus is God
>John prepares the way before God
>he says the one coming after him is Jesus
>most devout follower
Not written it says he is preparing the way for God
>doesn’t even hint at a trinity
It hints that Jesus is God
Which is taught by the trinity
Refute them if you can

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