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Does the Christian God just get a kick out of not helping faggots stop being gay when they pray to him in their anguish? Not all of them are proud, many wish they were different and pray for assistance. But it falls on deaf ears.
God doesn’t delight in the suffering of his children. And he certainly answers prayers. I’m bisexual and God healed me of the urge for bussy. Everyone’s faith-joirney is different. What are you struggling with, anon?
Are you still bisexual?
Yes. I’m still attracted to men, but the healing I’ve received has made my relationship to that attraction different. It’s not a “need” anymore, just a temptation, just like women I’m not married to are.
But faggots don't do this?
you're a confused idiot. porn-addiction is a different phenomenon from being a faggot (faggot).
>But faggots don't do this?
You're telling me no homosexual has ever wanted to be straight.
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Doesn't seem like it.
Women have buttholes too so it's not like, a butthole fetish.
Repressed gays have a tendency to become trans because they desire to attract straights.
Faggots in general are attracted to straights, muchso than their own kind, but this kind of attraction can drive them fucking nuts.
My porn addiction was different from my sex addiction. I’m pretty clear on the difference.
okay. May I ask what's so bad about women's buttholes compared to men's? Or maybe what's so bad about a vagina, even? Why would you want to be a faggot?
It seems unfair that normal people don't have to suffer this temptation but others do. They can NEVER experience being in a relationship that God approves of. Even if they want to, they don't feel that way
But that was their decision though?
Again, WHAT are they attracted to? It just seems like they want to be a deviant for the sake of it.
There is wide array of fetishes you can engage in with a woman* (not endorsing them but making a philosophical point) but instead they're obsessed with going against nature itself.
While the fact that we are here at all suggests there may be forces beyond our understanding, but I think that the God of Abraham or any notion of a God that actively listens to and answers prayer is just primitive superstition. God's apparent indifference to man's absolute barbarity to his fellow man, and the suffering of innocents like children with horrible terminal diseases, suggests to me that if there is a God he does not take any interest in the affairs of man.
>But that was their decision though?
It's not a decision whether you're attracted to women or men, you simply are.
Based deist.

What if he does have interest, but he directly causes all of it because he has both good and evil in him, because all comes from him?
Okay but I don't understand under what paradigm that makes sense.
Evolutionarily speaking? What, your ancestors for 500 million years were hard-selected for heterosexuality but you* weren't?
Biblically speaking God doesn't create people as homos.
then you have your answer of why he set up the law then made some men inclined by their nature to violate it
Why does he allow them to become homes even if they wish they were straight?
They don't wish they were straight for any reason other than they don't want societal consequences :/
No, they wish they could be straight because they are afraid of going to hell and wished they could live a life that is pleasing to God.
Okay, see, I still don't get it.
What's so bad about women's buttholes?
Perhaps it isn't the butthole they primarily find attractive, but the rest of their bodies ot faces? Are you telling us the only thing you find attractive about women is their vaginas?
It's just a given that every facet of your psyche is designed either by God or 500 million years of evolution to be attracted to the opposite sex and their associated characteristics (facial ratios, bodily ratios, bodily odor, voice cues, etc).
So I assume anything otherwise must be a fetish. But a fetish for what?
Do the rare animals that sometimes exhibit homosexiality have fetishes?
Idk, there are a lot of temptations and sins out there. This one’s a hard one, no doubt. But the sheer attention on it and the clear black and white nature of it gives us a great chance to be good witnesses of Christ’s healing
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animals don't exhibit homosexuality in the same way as humans.
when's the last time you saw an animal make being a homo it's identity?
I'm not talking about those kinds of homes. I'm talking about the ones who don't advertise they're gay, because they wish they weren't. Do you get it yet?
and about what percentage of the homosexual population would that be?
Probably pretty low. They exist however, and those are the ones I'm talking about. They pray to God, yet they stay the same. They try to force themselves to not be gay, it doesn't work
God doesn't actually like people, that's why he killed all of them one time.
Uh huh. And why are they "attracted" to other men though? Like why though? Why do they fight through their pre-programmed instincts just to be attracted to other men? Everything about a woman is meant to titillate a man. Her shape, voice, SMELL (this is an important one); her breasts, hips; the softness of her skin.
You really mean there's men who just somehow for whatever reason, just don't like ANY of these characteristics of women? At all? Or maybe they have a conscious desire for deviance? Which requires less assumptions?
>Why do they fight through their pre-programmed instincts
They don't fight them, they are simply not there or are naturally inverted from them for some reason they cannot help. Are you slow or something? How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
>You really mean there's men who just somehow for whatever reason, just don't like ANY of these characteristics of women? At all?
Yes. Unless you're calling every single one a liar, which is a huge assumption to make itself. Fuck you're dumb
>Unless you're calling every single one a liar, which is a huge assumption to make itself
not really. since I believe that either an alleged 500 million years of evolution or God are more trustworthy.
I wouldn't believe someone if they said
>I was born with a diaper fetish
it's just nonsensical.
What if humans evolved to be gay sometimes for some reason?
If, after all this, this is your argument, then it should be obvious why I dismiss the idea of "gay Christians" or "repentant gays"
There are probably many "confused" Christians, I will say. We live in a confusing world. But to adopt homosexuality as an AVOWED part of your identity ("that I totally wish wasnt guys I'm srs") indicates that something is amiss, to say the least.
That's the thing, they're not the kind that makes it part of their identity, because they hate it. They wish it wasn't part of them. Passing them on the street you'd have no idea they're gay. They are just automatically attracted to men, no conscious choice. I don't know how much more I can spell it out for you.
>They are just automatically attracted to men, no conscious choice.
okay let's rephrase this
>They are just automatically attracted to diapers, no conscious choice
does it make as much sense when rewritten like this?
Faggotry AKA homosexualism is a curable hormono-mental disease

The cure is: lobotomization, daily doses of testosterone, and electroshocks

It can be prevented at childhood with good beatings whenever your son starts acting like a fag
>does it make as much sense when rewritten like this?
Show me an animal with a diaper fetish
get over it dude holy shit if you're gay you're gay you think the creator of 2 trillion galaxies cares about whether you like dick in your ass?
Stop letting spoiled white nazis from the suburbs make you feel bad for yourself for being gay If there's a hell they're all burning in it anyways
The causes of faggotry are these:

Molestation from a fag at childhood
Low T during puberty
Raised by a single mother/no masculine parental figure
Also overprotection and not enough beatings
Your god is going to throw you in hell for being a honkey whose ancestors killed everyone that was originally in this country, exploited africa, and your people is still trying to harm the innocent today.
I'm not a christian
>does it make as much sense when rewritten like this?
No and neither does your strawman
>the Christian God
God is God.
Religions are many, but God is one.
zeus didnt lose against iron chariots as far ad we know
What you’re asking for is to be relieved of natural perceptions or the capacity to choose wrong. You’re asking to be relieved of the knowledge of evil or your free will. If you really sat and thought about it I don’t think you would want that
Offer a clean animal to God for healing of the soul after repentance.
And what that means is after you have asked for forgiveness and to be made better, go do something really fucking hard to prove to yourself and god that your bout it. Stop eating suger for a month, commit to a couple hard gym sessions, forego some hedonism you engage it for a time, delete a porn stash, give a family member you don’t particularly like a birthday gift that actually takes something from you. It will add weight to the prayers your trying to offer up and make it easier to believe in yourself that change is coming
that's my point. animal versus human behavior is incongruous and can't be used to support homosexuality in humans.

It's not a strawman, it's how I see homosexuality; a roughly similar phenomenon to say, a diaper fetish. They have communities and sometimes they make it their identity. can you explain why someone is or isn't "born with" diaper-love? or something equally strange like vore. What even is that?
It seems to me, the normal range of human behavior is that which is congruent to human biology (i.e. pheromones, voice cues, visual cues, genital compatibility, if you will). There's a large range of things which don't require someone to fight off their human biology. I posit that not only is homosexuality a fetish, it's a fetish which requires the fetishist to reject their own biology.
You are wrong, faggotry is a hormono-mental disease and I already listed how it can be cured
My cursory knowledge of faggots tells me that there is a significant subgroup of faggots who take testosterone already and it has no effect on them.
I don't really know what angle you're even coming from.
My simple answer is that an identity-homosexual (whatever you want to call it) is someone who is simply pure* evil with no remorse for anything. They have a fetish for deviance for the sake of deviance. This is why you cannot fix them.
There are those who have done* homosexual acts but this doesn't make them "identity-homosexuals". They don't have the fetish for deviance. You can call these people "confused" I think, since it best describes them.
Whatever you do, do NOT break your promise if you vow to God to do any of this. Better to not promise than to promise and not keep it.
Is better to just kill both if your hypothesis is correct, which makes Muslims be right regarding faggots, I still believe is a disease and it can be cured

But testosterone dosis is not the only way to cure the faggot disease, read my comments again, lobotomy and electroshocks straight in the brain are good ways of curing it
why should i feel bad about being gay? because it makes you upset?
>hurr durr hell hurr durr yahweh says...
i don't believe iron age fairy tales
Dodo dick.
I don't follow desert cults but faggotry is a curable disease, only leftist subvertation of the west made people believe is innate
>And he certainly answers prayers.
>I’m [still] bisexual
you can certainly force yourself to marry a woman and give yourself heavy psychological trauma with electroshock therapy, but that only makes you a closet faggot.
Electroshocks, lobotomy and daily doses of T can cure you of faggotry and make you normal
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bullshit pseudoscience and i don't want to be "cured"
>animals don't exhibit homosexuality in the same way as humans.
Yes they do
>when's the last time you saw an animal make being a homo it's identity?
When was the last time you saw an animal make an identity at all, you blithering retard? Animals don't have a sense of identity. This question is pure malding.
>When was the last time you saw an animal make an identity at all, you blithering retard?
this is why you cannot draw conclusions about human behavior based on animal behavior :)
>what's so bad about women's buttholes compared to men's
Fake Christian, this is a sin too
Go suck a dick, it's not as big as a deal as you think and you're gonna regret losing time to the God thing when you're older
……yea don’t do that OP

Maybe instead separate yourself from your perceptions and decide what you wish to desire and why (hint your gonna truly desire the true, the good and the beautiful even if it takes multiple lifetimes to figure out what that means because those are the only things that will lead to your flourishing)
Girls poop from there, true. But I've yet to find evidence from the Bible that being a faggot is somehow not infinitely worse.
Besides, dykes are just as bad. It's about the attraction; the lust for strange flesh (that is, the kind* of thing you want to sleep with, a man should desire a woman and vice versa), and not the particulars.
>If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
again, I don't think the "particulars" matter
Faggots are already rejected by God. They can not believe. How can they call on him whom they've not believed, in whom they cannot believe?

The cause of faggotry is God giving them up.
>the true, the good and the beautiful
Love when people repeat this like a catchphrase without even understanding Platonism
Your jewish death cult is only canon in your head

Faggotry needs to be approached and studied under serious rational and scientific lenses
Calvinists are psychopaths and no better than the "chosen people" claimants who they hate
That's not even a Calvinist thing, he's IFB. Nobody believed homosexuality was a sin you couldn't repent from before the 1980s
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>Nobody believed homosexuality was a sin you couldn't repent from before the 1980s
Remember, again, friend, it's not the mere act of homosexuality; it's the "being given over to an unclean mind" that they won't repent from.
"Such were some of you" DOES imply that some in the church had done such vile acts. But this is NOT due to a reprobate mind given up on by God. Consider how faggots would entrap young men in ancient Greece. Surely you see how one who wasn't an "identity-homosexual" may have engaged in homosexual acts nonetheless?
Yeah nobody had that theology before the IFB movement and you picked it up from meme e-celeb preachers. Last time I respond to you, namefag
You think I don’t understand the literature we have on platonism?

But desu it’s one of those statements that is true regardless of who says it or why in the vein of “it’s better to give than to receive”

What is your issue with perfect desire being for the true, the good and the beautiful? Is it because the amalgamation of those things imply god?>>17080735
I just wanna say I rebuke you fucking demons. You have thought disorders manifesting into bad behaviors that are going to lead you straight to hell AT THIS VERY MOMENT yet you condemn these people as irreparable? If there is no hope for them then there is no hope for you and if there is hope? It will be in each of our capacity to logically have faith in the goodness of truth
I see no other way to interpret Romans 1.
>inb4 you completely misunderstand the rhetorical characters of "o man" and "thou Jew" when Paul is addressing "ye brethren"
>What is your issue with perfect desire being for the true, the good and the beautiful?
Because tradlarpers playing a role turn it into an empty phrase by not doing the reading
why do the tradlarpers act like sucking dick is the worst crime imaginable when you have subhumans blowing up schools and beheading teachers?
theyre the same genre of person (reprobate).
Yes. Question: why are homosexuals so utterly over represented in the serial killer population?
They're the same sort of person fundamentally, an utter deviant (a reprobate).
>over represented in the serial killer population?
Hardly compared to blacks, are they all reprobates too?
men over represented in the serial killer population so?
People are born black.
We're starting to deal with measurably low IQ, which makes this a different conversation.
Look at white* serial killers; disproportionately homosexual.
Also there's the problem of defining "serial killer"
I mean people who derive pleasure from killing innocent people, not negroes who enjoy engaging in mutual combat (who doesn't?).
People are born men.
>I mean people who derive pleasure from killing innocent people
So do I, blacks are overrepresented among them a lot more heavily than gays are. And the overrepresentation of men is even more extreme as the other anon said
it has yet to be proved that being a homosexual is a genetic trait.
But it’s still true?
Dude no cap, my son said he was a homosexual my first thought would be “where the fuck did the idea of sodomy become appealing to him” like where and when did sucking dick and taking it in the ass become seen as fun? Because ima be honest brother the only thing I could think of is porn (willful debauchery) or abuse and abuse adjacent things like a classmate is being raped and teaches your kid how to masturbate as an act of dysfunction. I fail to see where it can arise in children naturally but I can obviously see how an adult would take pleasure in hurting the innocent leading to an almost virus like mental pathology
and people are born gay too
please refrain from using pseudoscience as an argument
Why does it have to be either a genetic trait or personal choice?
You are a biological essentialist? Are you a racist as well?
why is it racist to believe that people are born different and are not exact clones of each other?
I will explain gene expression in behavioral way by using drugs and suicide.

Someone with a predisposition genetically to be able to hold their alcohol will still develop liver cancer
Someone with a predisposition to schizophrenia who smokes weed is at an increased risk because weed gives the perceptions of psychosis (nothing is real, nothing matters etc.)
Someone with the “gay” gene would just be more susceptible to misinterpreting the sexual and the more sexual stimulus you give them the more that “gene” expresses itself
The key part is that our logic supersedes any of these potential problems if we’re strong enough but strength is build thru faith and your average confused person is faithless
So we are all alien to each other. What can unite us?
I forgot the suicide one. We all have the lemming gene where we feel the urge to jump off something high, some people feel it more than others due to their genes which can lead to thought disorders as they don’t have the capacity to separate their perceptions from themselves and end up trying to kill themselves
ok i guess you have the study that proves conversion therapy can i see it?
No I don’t think you can force any bodies will. If anybody is genuinely confused and wishes to not be ill perform a “conversion therapy” right here
I mean if they are just confused it should be easy to find the cure right? or are you just talking out of your ass, with assumptions taken from a thousand year old book that says blindness is caused by demons?
No I’m saying most people don’t know epistemology. They fail to understand mathematics, history, philosophy and the attempt at coherence between them and the natural world. With even a brief understanding most people overcome by the reality of their existence and either submit to truth or, now willfully, hide in hedonism
Well I do love spending my time reading and gaining knowledge but I also do love sucking dick, I don't think they are mutually exclusive.
Both of those are equally of the same evil if your doing them to the exclusion of how you SHOULD act
how should i act?
It is neither, it's a hormono-mental disease, I talked about this before

Only copium faggots, and kike worshippers think otherwise
In submission to truth. With faith that the nature of existence is good even if (by nature of being limited) you may not always understand. Know that you have the strength to find the goodness of truth in whatever hell, whatever nothingness you find yourself in. Build yourself to fight chakravart in/yaldaboath so that when you come face to face with perfection you have the strength to submit and have all that you thought you were burned away to reveal something greater than your wildest imagination. Prepare to make account for your every thought across the multiverse and train yourself to desire nothing but the capacity to grow forever with others. Know that you are worthy of love and so is every single other person that exist alongside you but know that love stems from something far greater than yourself!

If you are ready for god there is only one prayer

“God thank you for everything. I’m sorry for what i did wrong, I knew it was wrong when I did it and I still did it. Help me to choose right, help me to choose you so that when I truly slip, I have faith you will turn it into a dance move. I love you, amen.”

From there your relationship with god will grow but reject the signs of your mind and know that all perceptions with applied logic lead to your flourishing.

You should live in a way that sees the divinity in others as a justification for your own. You should see the strength with which others endure the ignorance and suffering and see it as a light of the strength of truth. You should see the power of a man who rises for work, the beauty of a woman surrounded by her family. You should see others as above the self and exalt their limited works.

Above all else you should love the fact truth is available to you because by it, you and everyone else is very loved

You choose to live as I have said above and you will watch the world change around you which might make you understand why I say you “should” live like this
well i don't believe in any god but i pretty much agree with you in that regard.
What is your issue with the firmament of existence being willfully good and loving?
Probably he does forgive those gays who ask for forgiveness on their deathbeds , aids patients and shit
I simply do not find the argument for god compelling enough so I am an agnostic atheist.
Everyone suffers temptation
There's literally nothing in the Bible against being gay.
Not getting on to you in the least but all that means is you lack the capacity to appreciate/understand the human experience
No, you choose unrepentant sin. You choose to sin, unless it is rape or abuse, which is a sin against someone.

Sodom, where we get the word sodomy from, had a serious problem with male gang rape.

Homosexuals can be rapists and predators, like pederasts.

It is spiritually an abomination, medically harmful.

Fecal incontinence, parasites, HIV/AIDS.

Some American soldiers get diapers.

They defecate from sodomy.

>You choose to sin, unless it is rape or abuse, which is a sin against someone.

A lot of these people were raped and abused, they believe it made them this way.

If you were raped or abused, it is not your fault. It's not an okay thing to do to anyone.

Yet to say that you have no choice in voluntarily being a sodomite is just dishonest.

You have the free will to commit any sins, but sin brings with it consequences.

You have the free will to obey God and not commit sin, reap the benefits.
Or it's an abnormality of sexual development, the same as the people who are born with (e.g.) ambiguous genitalia, but localized in the brain.
Men and women existed in the ancestral environment. Diapers didn't.
If homosexuality isn't biological at all, then why is it correlated with digit ratio? Men have, on average, a higher ratio of ring finger to index finger length than women, but gay people, of either sex, are more likely to have a ratio more like that of the opposite sex. And why do some boys who grow up to be gay sound noticeably feminine before they hit puberty and experience sexual feelings, or even know what "gay" is?
It is a question of biological determinism. The same correlation could be found in people who choose to live in monasteries or prefer Pepsi to coke. the real question is, are humans just their biology in a deterministic sense?

Should I let a child jump off a cliff just because they have the lemming gene and didn’t know how to separate themselves from their perceptions?
The point is if it's at least somewhat biological, then it becomes a lot more plausible that there are some people who just cannot help being attracted to the same sex.
No gene we know of expresses itself that way, sounds like wishful thinking
I should specify no gene FORCES an action over time in that way
Maybe it's not genetic, maybe it's a matter of prenatal hormone exposure. Or maybe it's a gene that causes increased fertility in females with the drawback of increasing the risk of homosexuality in males, at such a ratio that it's still net positive for fitness.
Not every gay person actually has gay sex; some are celibate. But they're all attracted to the same sex. We can choose action, we can't choose attraction.
Yes, the same way he jerks off to people getting killed by tsunamis and earthquakes
I’m attracted to all that is beautiful? Am I gay because I see beauty in the male form? I become gay when I misunderstand the appropriate way to express that attraction given reality of myself, the object of my desire and the reality of existence. We are not ants, the mind is stronger than the body and the mind in perfect form is oriented towards the true. You have to believe me when I tell you this, you should appreciate and respect your capacity of logic over carnal desire

Are you a biological essentialist or not?
Do you experience any actual temptation whatsoever to have sexual contact with other men?
A good analogy would be I see a marble statue of a naked Olympian. I’m overcome by sexual desire. I can interpret that as I want to have a relationship with a man and engage is sodomy/hide that desire OR I can understand that as the epitome of what makes a man sexually desirable so that I might appreciate it more in myself, others and contemplate what it takes to develop that.
You can do the same with enjoying the company of men more. You can respect that brotherhood is a bond wholly unique to a relationship with a woman and seek to fully express what brotherhood means or you can misunderstand it as a different kind of love.

It seems to me you have been traumatized by a misogynist culture brother
Are you talking to >>17084646 or are you >>17084646 and talking to >>17084656 (who is me)? I'm confused
I do. The conversations are better, the forms are stronger, beauty in their works, the mind is more prepared for soulful action, the want to express myself as different then these sex obsessed apes. The reasons are endless. The not reason I don’t act on it is because the thing I really want out of these relationships will be found in submitting to the truth of our forms, not in my own will
I’m talking to all who are confused and wish to know that they are loved
I just wasn't entirely sure if you were talking to me because you said "brother" and I'm not a man.
Dang I suck, gendered language is difficult my sister
At any rate, having sex with women is really nice and I don't particularly want to stop doing it. It's not like I'm hurting anyone.
I engage in vice, do your best not to let it consume you or your idea of self IE stner4lyfe guy
You don't get instant hell for being faggot.

The Great Commandment
28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32 And the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. 33 And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” 34 And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And after that no one dared to ask him any more questions.

It was a sudden realization that greater than any sin against any other law is this sin - the sin of not loving our neighbor as ourselves. That we aren't to rationalize not treating others the way we want to be treated with scripture as so many non-affirming Christians do with homosexuality - that's perverse in Christ's reading because it's backwards. Instead, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves first - understand how we want to be treated and treat others accordingly - and only once we understand how another law fits into that should we move forward.

As Paul writes, even truth without love is worthless.
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>I’m bisexual and God healed me of the urge for bussy.
>Yes. I’m still attracted to men, but the healing I’ve received has made my relationship to that attraction different.
you people are a circus
they don't
I'm assuming you meant e.g., but yes, I try to practice all things in moderation, and be aware of the negative consequences my actions could have and try to mitigate them. That includes things like insisting on protection and regular testing.
>That we aren't to rationalize not treating others the way we want to be treated with scripture
Do you also treat criminals, terrorists and nazis well?
Criminals, terrorists, and nazis harm other people. It is necessary to restrict their freedoms and harm them for the sake of protecting other people. Gay people do not harm other people.
That's not what the bible says, in fact Jesus says to love your enemies, turn the other cheek and not to fight evil people.
>Gay people do not harm other people.
They spread STD's.
What, and promiscuous straight people don't? You should dislike irresonsibly promiscuous straight people more than gay people who use condoms and get tested regularly, if that's your stated justification.
>promiscuous straight people don't
Yes, but not as much, although bisexuals are arguably the worst since they're the ones who end up linking the two worlds, so to speak.
>You should dislike irresonsibly promiscuous straight people
Who says I don't?
Specifically you should dislike them a lot more than you dislike monogamous gay people, or gay people who are rigorous about protection and testing, if STIs are your true reason.
just don't let men ejaculate inside your rectum
it's that easy
Kill yourself you biological essentialist. We both know you have thought about it and You already have the gene faggot. Or maybe you can mold your logic to see those perceptions as a chance to affirm the goodness of existence? Your choice faggot
I did the same thing will alcohol. I had a problem with it that I REALLY enjoyed it to much and I could keep it from being to detrimental to my life but it would eventually consume me. Eventually I oriented my self toward the true and my problems with it slowly vanished to the point I’m a social drinker and think AA ideologues are idiots with the whole “your always an alcoholic” BULLSHIT
>monogamous gay people
I indeed do not hate unicorns.
>or gay people who are rigorous about protection and testing, if STIs are your true reason.
I don't even really hate fags if you want me to be honest, sure their sexual lives disgusts me in a lot of ways, and their effeminate demeanour is annoying, but I feel no personal animosity towards them.
My bad, that’s me. Scipio is what I namefag under on pol to talk politics
"namefags" are just too retarded to use a trip
I don't think I've ever had alcohol or cannabis use go beyond occasional and mostly social for me, thankfully. (Also lesbian sex is a lot less prone to spread STDs than gay male sex- I think there's literally one known case in medical history of female-to-female sexual transmission of HIV? But the risk is still non-zero, and I try to be aware of it.)
The risk is to your soul I’m afraid. It scares me to even say this to you as it may harden your heart but what you are is so much more then your body, even your idea of self. You find yourself as a created being whose existence emanates from a zero dimension point breaking symmetries as it expresses itself toward the infinite. You are the amalgamation of millions of eternal ideas made manifest in unity gifted with a mind to understand and appreciate existence. Your relationship with those women (and everyone for that matter) should be predicated on shared awe of each others existence and the eternal nature of existence. your love for each other should begin at understanding their timeless loving existence and slowly accepting the realities of what it means to be in a limited state so that you may submit to the truth of our limited world to better appreciate the truth in You both

You and I will have to let go of all our vices to reach eternity but you can hold on to one before you get to that edge, is this the one you wish to zealously hold? If so have a beautiful reason for it so when you throw it away at the moment of truth for god? It means something
I have yet to be convinced there is any such thing as a god or an afterlife. Which is why I don't intend on dying if I can help it.
>I have yet to be convinced there is any such thing as a god or an afterlife
Can't be proven or disproven. To believe there's no god or afterlife is as much an article of faith as to believe there is one.
lol but you will? And why is death so scary to you? I would assume you think the suffering of this world is evil and given that, we are all complicit given we needed all this evil to be born. What is so scary about a long nap and absolution from your sins? Unless the world isn’t evil and there is something to live for? In which case where do you find that goodness without god?

Regardless I have to ask you since we’re on god, do you believe in the other? Do you think other people are real? And if so are they the same as you?
Yep, faith is a necessary skill (like walking) to exist eternally. given the halting problem of you can’t know if a eternally novel existence will grow forever unless you can get to the end of eternity which requires faith
Is it equally an article of faith to believe there's no teapot in the asteroid belt?
>And why is death so scary to you?
Because I consider my life worth living and I don't want to stop existing? Maybe in 60 years I'll be tired of living and ready to go, but right now I certainly don't feel I ever will be.
>In which case where do you find that goodness without god?
Love? Happiness? Helping other people?
>do you believe in the other? Do you think other people are real? And if so are they the same as you?
Why wouldn't I? I can see them and interact with them. What I observe is consistent with the hypothesis that they have minds like mine.
Why do you consider your life worth living?

Where do you think your capacity to do those things comes from?

Okay given the other do you think you are the highest form of mind?

One more (I know I’m drilling you but I’m trying to make a point)

Do you think there was ever a point where energy didn’t exist?
>Is it equally an article of faith to believe there's no teapot in the asteroid belt?

I'm still shocked anyone older than 16 would unironically use Russell's Teapot as an arg...oh, wait.
>Why do you consider your life worth living?
Because I experience happiness and not a whole lot of suffering?
>Where do you think your capacity to do those things comes from?
>Okay given the other do you think you are the highest form of mind?
No? Why would I?
>Do you think there was ever a point where energy didn’t exist?
Hard to say. Before the Big Bang there wasn't really time, was there?
I'm 25 lol. But that's also not an actual counterargument.
Fair, do you feel nothing towards the fact your perceptions of happiness over sadness is predicated on a whole lot of suffering?

Evolution of A system is dependent on its initial conditions. If existence began at the Big Bang then the initial conditions of the test tube that is our universe would be the thing that gave you your capacity to love. If existence is eternal then the “initial” conditions are such that eternity keeps going and the phenomena of your capacity to love naturally evolves. Which do you say is most likely?

What is the highest idea of mind our logic is capable of writing or talking about? What do you think the highest mind looks like, what does perfect logic look like to you?

Energy doesnt need time to exist. So I ask again do you think there was ever existence without energy?
And that’s what a successful “conversion therapy” looks like. It won’t work instantly but she will more and more desire the ordered life as she sees the majesty within herself and others.

I say this but I’m also pretty sure it would be okay to fuck an alien if you both consented, no organs were harmed and you both had the capacity to see each other as above the self/form and genuinely enjoyed giving each other pleasure so I am a bit perplexed. My intuition tells me there is something divine in the fact humans are fundamentally better together and that most perfectly expresses itself in a man and a woman
it's almost as if you're stumbling on the realization that organized religion might be some sort of easily disprovable scam
some people suffer temptation for overeating, gambling, drugs, we all have temptations i guess
Necessary scam*
>What do you think the highest mind looks like, what does perfect logic look like to you?
Not something as mindless and petty as "hurr durr I'm gonna punish homosexuals because...because i just want to ok?"
>ITT "bible thumpers" too low IQ to realize the Bible condemns anal sex specifically and not homosexuality
keep hardening your hearts, dear pharisees
Perfect logic is compassionate, no one here wants to punish you. I just want you to orient yourself toward the true, the good and the beautiful and if you find it in lesbian sex so be it. Just know it will be like everything else you hold on to, necessarily cast aside as your grow toward the strength to exist eternally.

God doest’t hate gays if that needs to be said in this thread, there is no difference between it and any other sin or vice. Given eternity of its full expression it will lead us to hell but we can play with fire a little bit thanks to gods love as long as we practice moderation and attempt to make the proper sacrifices to mend the cracks it creates
And just to clarify
A sin is just acting or thinking in a way that is absent the acknowledgment of god (willfully or otherwise)
A vice is something you think you need to either live or sleep that isn’t god (caffeine to wake or porn to rub one out before bed)

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