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Was Leningrad a genocide?
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No. It was a siege.
Now the Holocaust, perpetrated by Russians working with Nazis was a genocide. The Russian death camps are the site of the worst crimes ever committed.
Americans never worked with the Nazis, and so the camps they liberated were not death camps.
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We have records of German orders saying that civilians should be allowed to evacuate Leningrad into the Russian interior, the Soviet regime didn't want their goyim fleeing because it would make the defense of the city untenable, so they forced the population to stay despite not being able to feed them or treat disease outbreaks.
>country in the middle of a global melty and known for its kangaroo courts makes an absurd ruling
gee OP i don't know. we better look at all the facts and logic and vewwy vewwy nuanced positions of the russians
>No. It was a siege.
A siege that imposed conditions of living that make the survival of the group impossible is genocide if there is intent to exterminate the group in whole, or in part. Germans, and to some extent Finns, had stated they did not want Slavs in their new Lebensraum.

Jews were encouraged to leave the Reich before they were mass exterminated.
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Russians are one of the last people who should EVER speak about genocide after the genocides they committed against Finns, Swedes, Germans, Ukrainians, and Circassians, among others.
What happened first.
The invasion of Finland by the Soviet Union or the siege of Leningrad.
This is the answer to your question.
Why are russians like this?just chimping out 24/7 about stuff that happend in the Past they act like jews and negroids
What is the functional difference between a besieged city (we trapped people in this area designed to kill them) and a death camp (we trapped people in this area designed to kill them)?
1 post, 2 shitty arguments
You can exploit the ignorance of the modern normalfaggot with one but not the other.
You can just surrender in a siege. How do you surrender as a POW being treated badly?
Are you the tranny?
Sieges are meant to get people to surrender, not kill them. Death camps are specifically to kill people.
>Russians are one of the last people who should EVER speak about genocide after the genocides they committed against Finns, Swedes, Germans, Ukrainians, and Circassians, among others.
Definitely. But as we all know, Russia is and has only ever been a victim, and it is everyone else who performs evil acts upon innocent Russia who should be condemned.
Russians just want to defend their home land. The natural borders just happen to deep in the west outside of their current state.
It can't be helped.
People fleeing from nazi occupied territory back into Russian areas were subjected to nkvd questioning and gulag. Many stories of those questioned and let go by gestapo only to be picked up by nkvd and tortured and "disappeared"
Wasn't one of the reasons they laid siege to the city instead of trying to take it because they wanted most of the city's population to die anyway?
Commies starved their own people whilst the party elite lived in abundance and luxury inside the party HQ in leningrad. They should condemn themselves before accusing others.
>what’s the functional difference between theft and buying something
>you want object, find it at store and walk out with it
What's wrong with them?
Russians unfortunately received a terminal case of jewish mind virus injected into its core during the russian revolution. It's why all these tactics are so jewish, crying out as they strike you etc. Strong leaders like Stalin directed it where it needed to go and kicked out trotskyites because they are faggots and only subvert, constantly, it's all they know how to do. It's why the trotskyites who came to America formed think tanks that started neoconservatism etc etc. It's just all so tiresome.
A attempted genocide. Their plan was to kill everybody and raze the city to the ground.

With that said, Finland somewhat held back compared to nazi germany. Make of that what you want.
Germans had it coming 100%. They needed to be civilized and having their dreams crushed and broken and being kicked out of the land they unlawfully claimed was the only viable long term solution.
jew, pole, or anglo?
Lol, this is literally a war crime. I don't think you actually understand this order. It basically says that the people from the cities should starve or die from exhaustion and diseases because the Germans will not feed them or give them any shelter.
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ITT americans are defending cold war talking points in favor of novadays hottentot's moral
Yeah, bro, these kids are just chilling in the summer camp, will be at home soon :) finnish basedboys dindu nuffin, they were just helping stupid russians to resettle away bro
It clearly said an unobstructed path should be clear to allow them escape to their side...
Not to their side, but to Russian interior. Literally just to wilderness.
>St. Petersburg court finds
Before Russia took the area from Sweden in the Great Northern War and Peter the Great establishing st. Petersburgh on top, the place was called Nevanlinna.
>A siege that imposed conditions of living that make the survival of the group impossible is genocide
Christ you are literally retarded.
They were just trying to give the Russians a similar environment to the one they were accustomed to. It's not their fault that no one can quite replicate the comic savagery of an authentic Russian gulag.
>b-but commies were doing that too
Don't get me wrong, it was utterly inhumane what horrific things those monsters did in those camps. There's no greater violence that can be committed on a person than to put them in a prison with Russians. Unfortunately it's extremely difficult to build a prison for Russians without any Russians in it.
>Nazis weren't cartoon villains

Possibilities for the treatment of the civilian population of Petersburg

1.) The city remains encircled and all starve to death.

a.) A great part of the Communist population of Russia, which is to be found especially among the population of Petersburg, will thus be exterminated.
b.) We don’t have to feed 4 million people.

a.) Danger of epidemics.
b.) The psychological effect of the masses starving to death before our front line on the troops is great.
c.) The enemy press is given an effective propaganda tool.
d.) Disadvantageous effects on the development of domestic policies behind the Russian front.
e.) All German, Finnish, German and still existing valuable Russian elements will be the first to perish.
f.) We can take no material out of the city because we cannot enter it.


a.) A strong shut-off position in front of our line is necessary.
b.) Lake Ladoga must be sealed off, otherwise the population, but especially the troops in Petersburg will not starve.
So there’s literally no other city or village in Russia other than Leningrad?
The nazis killed the jews by themselves
The nazis and poles worked together to kill the jews
Russia and the nazis killed the jews together
>signed 1948
>entered into force 1951
Yes, It was Trotsky that forced Stalin to invade Finland and intervene in Spain.
Because Stalin himself wasn't a meddler in international affairs and never used the army to spread communism.
You're retard.
Its not a war crime because communists don't believe in human rights since they're "bourgeois."
Just wilderness? So the Russians were eventually rescued by Treants?
Yet, we use the same definition to condemn Hitler
ITT: clear genocide attempt isn't genocide but 8K armed Mussies in some Bosnian village is

I miss the time when republicans and conservatives dominated the public discourse and not liberals
Does someone hear a fly buzzing?
>I miss the time when republicans and conservatives dominated the public discourse and not liberals
Silence, chud
Nope didnt hear anything.
Russians accusing others of genocide, funny.
>a siege isn't genocide
>killing unarmed civilians because they are muslims is genocide
Also yes.
The nazis were literally anime villains. Cartoon villains are likeable. Card carrying evil, but likeable. The Nazis literally just hate humanity and wanted to destroy as much as possible.
Agreed, but it's still the intellectually honest thing to admit when it happened to them.
I'm no lawyer so dunno if Leningrad would technically count as a genocide and if Finland would be guilty of it if it was one. But from what I recall the aim of the Leningrad siege was to just starve out the entire population so the Germans wouldn't have to deal with them later
Russians have always been psychotic, genocidal cocksuckers.
Americans have killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
>we have declared that our longstanding enemies have committed a crime against us just after recent events have caused them to decide to ally with another of our longstanding enemies
slamming that fabricate claim button
>but it's still the intellectually honest thing to admit when it happened to them.
Agreed. People should admit the truth even when its the crimes of the side they sympathize with. Most people are unfortunately completely incapable of this, but it is what everyone with genuine consciousness should strive towards, and call it out even when their own 'side' tries to deny, hide, or handwave it.
>I'm no lawyer so dunno if Leningrad would technically count as a genocide
It doesn't. A siege and a genocide are different things. And the Siege of Leningrad was just a siege, not a genocide.
>and if Finland would be guilty of it if it was one.
It usually depends on whether you lost or won. But it gets more complicated in situations like Finland in this case, but as Finland is now officially on the side of the dominant superpower, and the accuser is not a superpower and is considered the enemy by the dominant superpower, so Finland would not be guilty even if they had committed a genocide. But Russia of course knows this too and this ruling by the St Petersburg court is only really meant as a propaganda piece for their own people inside Russia, so what the outside world thinks of it is ultimately irrelevant to it.
>But from what I recall the aim of the Leningrad siege was to just starve out the entire population
That's the point of sieges, yes. Starve them until they surrender the fortification.
surprised /his/ still has some reasonable posters, lel
>It doesn't. A siege and a genocide are different things. And the Siege of Leningrad was just a siege, not a genocide.
>That's the point of sieges, yes. Starve them until they surrender the fortification.
From what I recall intent is a very important component in genocide. If you do something in order to eradicate a people or culture it is considered one. So terror bombing civilians for instance isn't a genocide by default unless you do it specifically to irradiate the people.
The same way genocide can be done without killing a single person, by forceful reeducation or by spreading a population throughout your land to assimilate them over time
It's not a fabrication if the crime was always there but kept aside in order to facilitate good relations.
>It doesn't. A siege and a genocide are different things. And the Siege of Leningrad was just a siege, not a genocide.
A siege might just be a method. Genocide isn't how you do it.
Pay reparaisons, Fincucks
Even if the germans took it and then spent a week pillaging leningrad, as in total lawlessness for a week it would not be genocide. If they took the city and then put everyone onto trains and they disappeared that would be something like a genocide, or if they killed everyone left you could start an investigation why.
>Stalin holodocausted all the Ukrainians by personally eating all their grain and pork! OUN would never lie!
>But multiple "counter-partisan" massacres of the civilian population in Leningrad Oblast corroborated by accounts of the Finnish troops themselves? Bro, like war is le hell, mkay?
There were a lot of casualties you can call it whatever you want to remember them
Why is any conflict where any number of civilians die now referred to as a "genocide"

It's ridiculous, it trivializes what genocide actually is.
Why does disagreeing with minorities make you a racist? Why does dating someone younger than you, even if the person is over 18, makes you a pedophile?

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