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I'm under the impression that it occurred but I have no idea how frequent it was. Are there any primary sources alluding to it? Give me some examples. Did its frequency vary based on circumstances? For example: were the homophobic abrahamic religions less likely to commit male on male rape? Were those who committed it punished, whereas those who committed male on female rape were not?

I want to be enlightened.
Not all men but ALWAYS the men...
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"Vitellius' governor in Germania Inferior, desperate to raise more troops, lost the goodwill of the Batavi by attempting to conscript more Batavi than the maximum stipulated in their treaty. The brutality and corruption of the Roman recruiting centurions, who were also responsible for many cases of sexual assault on Batavi boys, brought already deep discontent in the Batavi homeland to the boil.[10]"
Pretty much unheard of in Europe. The warrior class of Western Europe, the Knights, descended from Germanic tribes, who conquered Rome, regularly clobbered the shit out of each other in heavy armor. Loser was taken prisoner, treated well and treated more like a guest, than a prisoner in a dungeon and ransomed for money. Rape would be one of the worst violations of the ancient Germanic custom of being friendly to guests, which evolved into Chivalry. It's really just a Germanic thing with Christian paint on it.

But in the middle east? Turkey is the latest iteration of a typically oriental Empire and they practiced rape. The brother of the guy, who inspired Vlad Dracula, was raped in his childhood, but decided to stay loyal to the Sultan, while Vlad the Impaler rebelled. Lawrence of Arabia was raped by an Ottoman official. Some veterans of WW1, who fought against the Ottomans and were imprisoned, experienced very bad treatment. Apparently there was a case of a handsome boy just having a train run on him constantly over and over, which broke his mind so much, he eventually committed suicide in Australia, because he couldn't handle it. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. People completely refuse to talk about it, when it's not about European foreigners being raped. Because then we are revealing the horrifying truth about middle easterners. They seem to completely lack all sexual morality in the European sense. Young boys get raped by older boys and adults. Young adults get raped by older adults. A horrifying number of men are involved, perpetrators, observers or victims of this. It's so epidemic and so common everywhere, it's actually insane that it's just completely ignored out of "politeness".

There is that famous interview of a gorgeous blonde woman interviewing Turkish man about a transgender brothel. And she is just completely perplexed literally everyone admits to go to the brothel and fucking a tranny, but they all deny being gay.
This guy and speed of sound sonic is why i became gay. Anime truly is a globo homo
>Pretty much unheard of in Europe.
"Fears of mass rape following a military defeat extended equally to male and female potential victims.[165] According to the jurist Pomponius, "whatever man has been raped by the force of robbers or the enemy in wartime" ought to bear no stigma.[166]"
"Other forms of sexual gratification available to soldiers were prostitutes of any gender, male slaves, war rape, and same-sex relations.[176] The Bellum Hispaniense, about Caesar's civil war on the front in Roman Spain, mentions an officer who has a male concubine (concubinus) on campaign. Sex among fellow soldiers, however, violated the Roman decorum against intercourse with another freeborn male. A soldier maintained his masculinity by not allowing his body to be used for sexual purposes.[177]"
>there are still people who simp for this race of child-fucking degenerates,.
It was frequent enough for myths about it were recorded in Ancient Greece. The father of Oedipus, Creon raped a man and his dynasty was destroyed for it, Pan was the homo Boogeyman who would rape men in the woods, sailors who tried to rape Dionysus went mad from his divine powers.
Contrary to pop history, Ancient Greece and Rome weren't gay paradises. Only the rich elites did it, and it was looked down on. If you were the taker, you'd be punished by having a fish (living) or radish (whole) shoved up your ass in the stocks. Even Aristophanes wrote in The Clouds about how Philosophy students of Socrates and Plato needed to wipe the sand off of where they sat, because the imprints would drive their teachers into a lust filled mania.
Rome was weird. Germanics hated that shit.
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And that's why they were the barbarians. love for boypussy is what builds civilization
It was common for the negroes.
I refuse to believe male on male rape was even remotely as common as you niggas are implying, and you gotta be retarded to assume this isn't ancient world propaganda
heres what we DON'T know
>the rate or % per capita that it happened
heres what we DO know
>the rate of male homosexuality or bisexuality within the US, according to a gallup poll from 2022, a mere 4.5% of males identified as either gay or bisexual
>straight men have a biological reaction to the sight of men kissing, this is the same reaction they have to seeing maggots
Romohomo was a mistake
Whenever the Egyptians captured Napoleon’s soldiers they raped them.
Why are they like this? I thought they were Muslims? Also, source?
>Lawrence of Arabia was raped by an Ottoman official
this is dubious and you know it
further, even assuming it was true, neither the nature nor the severity of the assault is specified
>english teach randomly plays the kite runner one day
>that scene happens
>uhhh you know I don't think this is right
>what does your dad know, he's a communist
>proceeds to rape the kid
I think the communists were right that day
>my dad says this isn't right
>Aristophanes wrote in The Clouds about how Philosophy students of Socrates and Plato needed to wipe the sand off of where they sat, because the imprints would drive their teachers into a lust filled mania.
I believe this
>men raping men
>men raping young boys
Uncomfortably often, Christians are right, human sexuality needs to be suppressed
Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, Napoleon's secretary, tells in his memoirs published in 1830 how Napoleon interrogated one of the victims:
>The next day, a deal was struck with the Arabs for the release of the men they had abducted the day before; they were bought back for a hundred piastres: one of them, who was distinguished from the others by his manners, was summoned by the general-in-chief, who wished to obtain some information about these half-savage hordes. At the first question, how he had been treated, this man burst into tears: "Why are you crying?" He sobbed that he had experienced the treatment so well known in the Orient. "Big fool, you are very sick! You have paid for your imprudence; you should have stayed with your unit. Thank heaven that you are free so cheaply. Come, weep no more, and answer me." The few hours he had spent with the Arabs, and their conduct towards him, had prevented him from making the slightest observation. Nothing could be learned from him.

Morand is more precise (and even cruder) in another part of his diary:
>Woe to the unfortunate one who falls into their hands. They strip him and, before giving him death, they satisfy their abominable passion on him. Sometimes, opening the anus with a knife, they seek some horrible pleasure in the bloody wound. Or, inserting a rifle cartridge, they set fire to it before abandoning their victim.

Pierre Amédée Jaubert, orientalist and translator for Napoléon, in a letter to General Bruix, dated 9 July 1797:
>The Arabs and Mamelukes treated some of our prisoners as it is said that Socrates treated Alcibiades. One had to die or suffer it: a grenadier was killed. They had only beaten the women they had taken from us.
>Bartolomej Dordevic (1510-1566) wrote two documents[9] about his experience in Turkish hands. Thirteen times a slave, he was seven times sold. He gives an eloquent description of the march of child slaves from European battlefields to Turkey. Slave buyers followed Turkish armies, each dealer marching 50 to 60 children on foot back to Turkey, manacled hand and foot. At night, he writes, one suffered at hearing the moans and tears of the boy chosen for the night to endure the slave-merchant's lust. Even those as young as seven could not protect themselves from violation, save for the most beautiful 10% who were reserved as gifts for the Sultan. Of these, the ruler took his pick for his own "pleasures against nature"; the rest were presented to friends, put into houses of male prostitution, or sold in the marketplaces.
>Some historians suggest that Bayezid 1 (1360-1403) discovered the delights of boys, and sent his soldiers all over the areas of conquest to find the most charming youngsters for his harem. From his example, the practice of taking boys sexually spread in the army, among government officials, and through the nobility. One reason why the Turks continued and expanded their wars of conquest was reputedly to keep up the supply of young boys -- especially the beautiful, highly desired European children.[38] This, as much as anything else, contributed to European hatred of Turks.
>Mehmed II, conqueror of Constantinople, is described [38] as a "notorious boy-lover." To rouse up his soldiers to conquer the city he made a speech in which he painted a glowing picture of the booty awaiting the soldiers in Constantinople -- especially the boys, gentle, beautiful, aristocratic young boys, enough for all.[23]
>He also heard that the Greek collaborator, the noble Notaras, had an extremely beautiful son of 14. The Sultan demanded the boy for his pleasures. When Notaras refused, he and his whole family were executed and the boy taken to the Sultan's palace.[38]
>When the supply of youngsters as war booty began to diminish, the Sultan began his infamous "child tax." Hadden[16] reports that the Sultan's representatives visited each village in the European section of the Turkish Empire once every four years and selected the most beautiful boys between 7 and 9 for the army corps, the palace pages' school, and the labor corps. Some authorities give ages 10-12 as the range selected, and there is also controversy as to the extent to which these boys were taken "for purposes at which humanity shudders" in the Sultan's court.

>Much has been written of boy-love in the court of Ali Pasha, Turkish governor of Ioannina in Greece,[6] whose agents combed the dominion for the most beautiful children -- killing the parents who refused to allow their sons to serve the governor.[34] West European visitors, including Lord Byron[32] have described Ali's court, where beautiful boys in long curly hair strutted about in crimson petticoats or paraded naked. Ali regularly bled his boys to keep them "docile, pale and beautiful" -- for which read subdued and weakened.[34] These "smooth-limbed young ganymedes" entertained visitors with lewd songs and dances. It is said that Ali could not kiss nor fondle without hurting, and that he and his son, in cruel sport, tried out the various horrors described by the Marquis de Sade.

>Pfeiffer[33] reports making the acquaintance of a Circassian boy whose father had been murdered in clan wars when the boy was six. An enemy of his father then sold the boy to a caravan to Constantinople, where he was resold to a noble, who "employed him for some years in his exercises of pleasure." When the boy resisted or complained, he was bastinadoed with 20 to 50 blows to the feet, hanging head downwards from a rope.
Greco-Turkish cultural osmosis regarding the fucking of the boypussy is always fascinating to me
>In 1894, according to Hadden,<note 16> large numbers of the handsomest Armenian boys were taken for immoral purposes. And everywhere, but especially in Asia Minor, Greek children were helpless before the sexual onslaughts of Turks. A Greek would be killed by a mob for raising his hand to a Turk, even in defense of the bodies of his children. Therefore in Asia Minor, even in the early 1900's, many Greek fathers prepared their young sons for anal intercourse (presumably on the part of Turkish captors).

>Probably no city has been so famous for its boy brothels as Istanbul.[38] Boys of various nationalities, especially Greek and European and more recently Russian refugees, pale and curly-headed, dressed in gold embroidered clothes, were once available as abundantly as girls. Stem reports that the number of peg-houses tripled between 1846 and 1904.[39] These statistics did not include the Turkish baths, where young boys have traditionally been employed as masseurs and as catamites.

>These lust boys in the Turkish brothels were trained in sexual skills to an extent probably never elsewhere equalled, even in the boy brothels of Japan and China,
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most of that creepiness comes from north african/med sorcery rites passed down, similar to the templars being initiated into the framework that involves such creepiness

the elites are en extension of this creepiness and the grail is BBC
>The taste which Arabs have for young boys is of universal notoriety.

>What is a boys’ brothel really like? Nowadays, it is generally an apartment above a business place (such as a coffee bar) where there are private rooms and an entrance lounge. In Saudi Arabia (where a number of them were still going strong in 1965) the boys in one brothel were in masks so that for their own moral protection they could not be recognized on the street.

>There have always been varied boy brothels at Mecca. Pilgrims making the haj (required Muslim pilgrimage) to that city, often take children to sell as a form of living “travellers’ cheques” to pay for their return journey. These are usually African or Asian children — usually the offspring of prostitutes. Journalists have frequently pointed out the number of one-way half-fare airline tickets sold to Mecca.

>One visitor to Syria decided to visit the ruins of Palmyra. This involved a long hot six-hour drive by chauffeured car. The driver arranged for a 12-year-old boy to go along and keep company. The boy entertained the tourist here and there behind an occasional ruin during the day, and slept with him at night in the hotel.

>Luxury prostitutes are young boys between the ages or 10 and 13, occasionally still younger. They are kept in a “stable” by a pimp for the exclusive use of foreign tourists. Such tourists are not usually Westerners, but wealthy Arabs who come from the oil-rich countries to Beirut to indulge themselves in a wide variety of diversions. There is, in Beirut, a private club with dancing boys but it is difficult, if not impossible, for Westerners to get in to see the show.

So this is the trad power of Islam...
>Middle East is completely homosexual
>Christianity comes from the middle east
>Millions of Christians gave up their sons to be altar boys (rape victims) to the homosexual priests
Oh my god... It all makes sense
Pathetic brownie cope
>Men raised in a society that shames homosex freak out when confronted with it
Woah dude
Why is your soul weighted by the Earths Gravity
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it is standard practice amongst the medbvlls to rape the ones they conquer, obviously it is no homo unless one of them is the bottom
What's the doujin?
>didn’t read the post
>didn’t read the source
don’t worry retard, I got you
>In other words, it was not our highly prejudiced individuals who were experiencing a heightened physiological response to the images of same-sex couples kissing, it was everyone in the sample, even those with very low levels of prejudice.
I will make it even more explicit
their level of prejudice did not affect their response, ie, straight males raised in an open or bigoted society would respond the same way (with physiological disgust, as if seeing maggots, albeit the one raised in an open society would better suppress the feeling, though they’d still have it)
unironically if you aren’t a straight male, you would not understand
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open societies are gayer though, so what straight men feel about it doesn't matter since there is less of them to commit the rape anyway
Med bvlls own of nordcuck hijras
>christcucks are le bad for destroying this sodomite pedo culture
ITT: the OP faggot posts his gay rape fantasies
war rape of defeated armies (which would've presumably been composed of adult men) was common in antiquity, there's a fair bit of art alluding to it
not nearly as common as manXboy stuff though
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North Africans gangraped anyone that got caught lacking.
>human sexuality needs to be suppressed
wise words that are often being ignored because "muh oppresion".
what is it about Arabs and homo sex?
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arabs aren't gay, just a little zesty is all
Go homosexuals you will conquer the world you will conquer everyone history of everything in your heart and your family knowing that you are at other self hero in the world
Let's go and conquer in this flash i tell you
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>As soon as they reached Mamluk land, the Oirats found themselves in a peculiar position. With Asiatic features and smooth, hairless faces, they immediately became objects of sexual attention on the part of the hairy Mamluk men with beards and rough features. Mamluk men were attracted not only to Oirat women but also to young Oirat men. In no time, “beardless” Oirat boys were seized by mature Mamluk men as sexual partners. According to al-Maqrizi, Oirat boys became so popular and desired among Mamluk commanders that they could not get enough of these boys. The revelation that Oirat boys were being sodomized en masse by Mamluks reached the Ilkhanid court, compelling Ilkhan Ghazan to ask a visiting Mamluk messenger named Hisam al-Din Azdamar al-Majiri about his former subjects, “How [did it happen] that your amirs left women and are using boys That is—beardless boys.” Much to the Ilkhan’s anger, the messenger, while acknowledging widespread sodomy between Mamluk men and Oirat boys, undiplomatically cast all the blame on the Oirat boys themselves: “Our amirs were not acquainted with such [practice], but it was introduced to our country [recently] with the coming of Turaqai of your [origin], and he came to us with boys from the sons of Tatars, and the people [started] to be engaged in them instead of women."
It's not a doujin. It's a fantasy manga about warriors from across time being sucked into a fantasy world to fight dragon knights with Zeroes and machine guns
>When we came to the market place, we were placed in a circle, and everyone’s hands and face were inspected. Then the King chose from this group those whom he wanted (every eighth, as I mentioned earlier). His first choice amongst the boys was my own poor son, eleven years old, whom I will never forget as long as I live because of the depth of his understanding. When he was taken from me, I asked him in God’s name not to forsake his faith nor forget his catechism. He said with great grief,
>“I will not, my father! They can treat my body as they will, but my soul I shall keep for my good God.”
What the fuck is wrong with muslims?
Disappointing physique on the top. He's very doughy looking.
bet he could strangle you quite well as he abused your hole though
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If he is willing to spend this much on some pajeet faggot imagine the fortune he would blow on a white Euro femboy.
No wonder muslims dedicated entire kingdoms to securing a steady supply of R1a bussy
Raping femboys is based btw.
True. White bussy mogs >>>
>Another synonym for irrumatio is Egyptian rape or simply Egyptian; this goes back to the time of the Crusades when Mamluks were alleged to force their Christian captives to do this.[16]
Maybe gay rape of POWs is a Mamluk thing? Every time you look up things like these, the Mamluks show up.
putting your peepee into any poop chute is never "based" regardless of circumstances. Defeated foes should either be executed or enslaved, but never raped.
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Nobody gives a fuck what you think. Your opinion is worthless in the face of the deeds of actual warriors fucking their defeated foes.
yeah ok enjoy aids and niggerherpes brave warrior
>I watch pornography and I'm norm-
Spoiling and teasing femboys until they beg you to dominate them is more based
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How will Germs ever recover.
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>Warriors and people who actively kill people
>Being dissuaded by possible danger
>Giving a shit in general if they die or catch something that will eventually kill them
You have no idea what real killers and conquerers think and do. You're weak. You're soft. Feminine.
Prisoners rape eachother all the time. And they are as straight as can be. It’s more about opportunity and desire. Sometimes guys will take what they can get especially if they can figure out a way to maintain bravado through it
>put your cock in a literal disease riddled shithole or else you're not a real warrior
are you mentally retarded son? or is it the parasites in your intestine talking?

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