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Post your favorite US President
man if you want to b8 LBJfag by posting Reagan at least say it, don't be subliminal about it
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Why didn't he give actual tangible measures we could take?
He was an actor. Pure simulation
>Why didn't he give actual tangible measures we could take?
The best way to not enable the MIC is to not fight wars which inevitably erode civil liberties and lead to increased government centralization.
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Toss up between him or Nixon
Washington is always #1, but I also love Teddy Roosevelt and Nixon
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>the best president of america is a golem
I hope he died a horrible and painful death, they say dementia is one of the worst ways for someone to go out, not being able to remember to even shit. He's burning in hell along with Donald Rumsfeld and Kissinger.
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He’s not lauded as much as he should be. Polk created a strong America.
Trump because I was actually alive when it happened
I despise literally every US president. With that in mind, at least Teddy was cool.
The greatest man to ever live
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And he was one of the few President's that kept all his campaign pledges
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I came to post him. He's dark, he's nervous, he's weird, he's brilliant, I have no idea how he became president, but he's representation
Oh and he was supposedly a virgin until his late 20s for extra 4chan points
He did nothing wrong.
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What did you just say about /our/girl?
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Easy peasy, food won’t make you queasy.
me on the left
>He's dark, he's nervous, he's weird, he's brilliant, I have no idea how he became president

Voters were more cool-headed and rational back then, they actually listened to what politicians said before making up their minds on whether they liked them or not.
No way anyone would like him in the Twittergram era, though

Funny how we never heard him actually say "Fight! Fight! Fight", and yet I can hear this image just fine
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Is this a /his/ meme or something? Nixon looked out for himself, not the people.
It's not a meme, just the truth. People are realizing that a lot of what is said today about Nixon is pure bullshit, and that the people who have crafted the modern narrative around him are people who wanted him ruined since he took down Alger Hiss. Bullshit like "Nixon only looked out for himself" is something you only believe if you're grossly misinformed or just plain retarded.
I think voter mentalities have an effect on it, but it's important to point out that Nixon won in '68 by a hair, and he was very lucky that Wallace really split up Democrat voters in the South. The '72 blowout happened because Nixon had a great campaign team and had brought the country a very strong economy, meaning the average person was more than happy to keep him in office.
>that pose
Was it just clumsiness, or something else?
What did he do to make him your favorite? Is there anything specific he did that made you go "Yeah, this is the best leader America's had."? Not trying to start shit, I'm genuinely curious.
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Madison is my favorite, but the ones I think are the most interesting are jackson, wilson and nixon
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>favorite US President
It's hard for me to like a foreign politician based on their political work.
Cultural factors have a much larger impact on "liking" when I have neither gratitude nor grievances to consider.
Therefore pic related.
He's not my favorite, but I do think he's far better than anyone gives him credit for. I do consider him one of the best Presidents and he's certainly better than anyone who came after him, despite major flaws like ending the gold reserve, the Philadelphia Plan, and arguably the war on drugs (although I'd say that initiative becoming as much of a disaster as it was had more to do with Reagan). As for why, getting the US out of Vietnam and ending the draft alone would be enough for me to like him, but adding on to that:
>Nixon Doctrine pushing back on the idea of the US playing World Police for the first time in decades
>Calming relations with the Soviets while still keeping the country fervently anti-Communist
>The visit to China and building a relationship with the PRC
>Project Independence which would have made the US significantly more energy independent by 1980 and prevented another Oil crisis had it been completed
>ABM Treaty and SALT
>Eviscerated organized crime
greatest con man since muhammed

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