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/his/ - History & Humanities

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How did America defeat racism?
Lawyers, guns, and money.
the "racism" was a scapegoat by communists
>How did America defeat racism?
By inventing the concept of "racism". The notion that it is morally repugnant to judge races by their collective potential and histories is antithetical to nature and logic.
Same way during the civil war.
By fighting.

>Collective potential doesn't exist*
It’s corny but love is unironically much more powerful then hate
they didn't, america was always a pro black country
By using the media and education system to erase White culture and identity, then using military and federal power to crush and subjucate the Whites that resisted.
What white culture was erased?
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The European-derived classical Aryan culture which formed the basis of American identity until the Jews definitively took over in the early 20th century.
What Aryan culture? Hinduism?
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White culture is civilization and technology. Anything done which is more complex than a pointed stick and sharpened rocks is white culture.

White culture is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
>what truth
That you are nothing without white people and without them you would still be living in the dirt.
Is China white culture?
>What Aryan culture? Hinduism?
Hinduism is only one aspect of ancient Aryan culture.

Here is a good lecture by Adolf Hitler on our Aryan racial culture:
lts more like you keep lynching people, and you made whites BBC sympathetic
You are being intentionally stupid here.
You already know what white aryan culture is.
Its certainly not you.
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>are chinese white
the good ones are
Scientifically illiterate trannyfaggot
How's the weather in Oaxaca?
do they not look white to you?
This. Communism is when I can't kill niggers.
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you're trans btw
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>you're trans btw
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you're still trans btw
Facts don't care about your feeling
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Jews won. This is the face of america now, good job.
>Marrying 16/17 years old girls is the same thing as lusting over babies.
Very honest meme here trannie you are obviously not trying to muddy the waters.
Trump is the most humble servant of Israel, what did you expect.
What did Ukraine blow up this time?
all their memes demonstrate is that leftytroons have no idea why normal people are against pedophilia
Because white Americans became more exposed to black Americans through TV and discovered that they lived lives not that dissimilar from white Americans despite the color of their skin. They saw pictures of white southerners yelling at little black school girls and thought that shit was retarded.

That’s not really the case anymore though. Blacks today are totally different culturally from white America. They really pissed away all the sympathy and goodwill that they had.

this poster has weak wrists
A 16 year old girl is a child

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