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>tfw you want to worship ancient marvel capeshit heroes but the actual form of worship involved was too yucky, so you go to a generic protestant prayer meeting where there replace the word “God” with “Odin.”
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How about this cape-shit "Hee-roe"??
>you want to worship marvel capeshit heroes
This has become the christfag equivalent of atheists saying stuff like "you believe in talking snakes and zombies".
>the actual form of worship involved was too yucky
Are you talking about ritual sacrifices? Because there's no reason why pagan revivals necessarily have to include that.
>you go to a generic protestant prayer meeting where there replace the word “God” with “Odin.”
Prayers to a god sounds like prayers to a god. Wow, my mind is blown.
>cut the cow's head off or you're not a real pagan, so says me, random faggot on the internet!
Why do critics of asatru laser-focus on killing animals? I'll admit it, I'm squeamish about killing animals. I can't even bring myself to hunt, let alone ritualistically sacrifice an animal.
Asatru doesn't require sacrifice to appease the gods. This isn't fucking warhammer fantasy battle or some shit. Odin talks at length about the potency of prayer, written and spoken, in Havamal, and, conversely, he talks dismissively about animal sacrification. So I don't do it. But then here comes OP who gets all of his information from wikipedia and pop culture osmosis and he's gonna tell me how to be a real asatruar. Eat shit.
Modern Asatru does not abolish the laws but fulfills them
>Because there's no reason why pagan revivals necessarily have to include that.
What the fuck? How? The Bible says that the whole point of Paganism is to offer animals to demons.
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whats with the uptick in anti-pagan shilling lately? did the israelis finally hire some jeets to replace ol johnny boy?
remember, every accusation is an admission. christians will talk about pagan animal sacrifice until their faces turn blue and then pretend Leviticus doesnt exist, or that their god is literally considered a human sacrifice to take the place of the old animal ones. their entire religion is focused around sacrifice.
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no it doesnt you babbling retard. the bible says to sacrifice animals to Yahweh and gives specific instructions on how to do so in leviticus and numbers. the bibles main issue with paganism is that they dont worship the yahweh god, which is obviously just regional tribal rivalry. my god better than baal god, ooga booga. baal god not even make clouds rain when pray to him. yahweh god make clouds rain when we pray to him 3 months later, proof he real! unga bunga
We know that though. That's why no more are necessary.
>shares basic knowledge as though it's hidden fact
WTF are you doing dude?
If christians can change their religion so can pagans
if no more are necessary, why should pagans sacrifice animals then? you realize most forms of pagan animal sacrifice were just a ritualized slaughtering correct? theres entire poems written on the subject of the sacrificial portions allotted to the gods and those allotted to mankind. after killing the animal they would eat most of the meat, leaving only the head and the entrails at the shrine of the gods, to be eaten by animals. this is in opposition to how jews and the bible proscribes animal sacrifice; where the animal is either burned entirely or bled to death. according to our texts, this is in accordance with the sacrificial modes of the infernal deities like saturn, the titans and the furies, which means your god is actually satan/saturn. hence why he can only be appeased with the flesh and blood of his own son
Just to add to what this anon is saying: the only reason why the animal has to die is to get the meat. Most sacrifices were of grain, vegetables, alcohol, milk, etc, these were just not as valuable (and as tasty) as meat. Given meat's value (both cost and as food) meat was obviously given to the Gods, who are of great importance as guests.
I don't raise cattle. Cattle has no value to me. Therefore cattle would not be a "sacrifice".
You know, the more I think about Christianity the more I realize it was initially designed to destroy Judaism and attack YHWH.
>Don't sacrifice animals
>Don't follow the Law
>Marry non-Jews
>Worship an image of a Jew brutally killed
>Don't try to rebuild the Temple
What you're positing is referred to as "Jesus Mythicism".
No, I think Jesus was real, I just think that whatever man or spirit cooked up Christianity tried to curse the Jews and it backfired on the Romans.
No no, "Jesus Mythicism" is the belief that Christianity was intentionally created by someone as a way of hamstrining Jews and Judaism. It's in opposition to the orthodox Christian view that Christianity is meant to strengthen the mission of Jews and Judaism. It's usual formulation is that one or another Roman Emperors are the founders of this control-religion. The earliest proponent of this theory was actually a man by the name of Marcion.
Everything except arguably worshiping Jesus you can lay directly at Paul's feet, himself a circumcised Jewish Pharisee. And Paul quotes a hymn in Philippians which conceives of Jesus as divine if not the divinity, who had to "assume" human likeness. Paul thought God wanted goyim to be Christians, even if they couldn't be Jews first. Contemporary Pagans were arguably not any more effective at "destroying Judaism" on Paul's account, one must imagine Jewish Christians were not spared in the Jewish Wars.
Specifically in asatru, animal blood is important for the purposes of sanctifying objects or structures, like the walls of a church, or the ring of a priest or judge.
It's not a sacrifice in that you are not offering the animal or its blood to the gods. Rather, you are using the blood as a conduit for blessings.
But by that same token, you can simply use an idol or a god-pole or some other such religious object as a conduit for receiving blessings.
>if no more are necessary, why should pagans sacrifice animals then?
Stopped reading right here. Pagan rituals are of no concern to me. Why would you bring them up to counter me?
>enters thread about pagan rituals
>engages in discussion about pagan rituals
>"wtf why is everyone talking about pagan rituals"
nta but holy autism
Well, to be fair, given how loosely most Abrahamics use the term "sacrifice" you could very well say that when you blood a runeset you are "sacrificing" the blood to the runes. It's not the proper usage of the term, but there are peoply who (incorrectly) use it that way.
mind your kerning, mate.
It's better than worshiping a brown jew.
Trad Christians are functionally atheists, as this thread goes to show.
Why is it LARPagan threads magically stop being posted during the Sabbath? Hmm...
Today is Wednesday, not Saturday/Sunday. Also it's interesting that the speed of the board or the amount of Christian threads doesn't change at all on Sundays, proving that all the e-Christians here are just LARPers that don't go to church.
You don't have to go to church to be a Christian you stupid LARPer.
what does being a christian entail then? sitting at home shitposting and not reading the bible? what a lazy religion. you can be a thief your entire life and be saved anyways at the last moment. being a christian is a fad
Christcucks are terrified of losing their control in the West, so they import more shitskins
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the west is in control of jews, christians are just their willing golems
Jesus mythicism is the theory that jesus didn't exist. Look it up.
No, Jesus Mythicism is the theory that the founding story of Christianity was intentionally created to invent a religion. "Jesus didn't exist" or "Jesus existed but the stories are wrong" aren't Jesus Mythicism because they deny that Christianity was intentionally created as a control mechanism.
Look it up.
What is this a comic for ants?
Playing crusader kings and LARPing as a crusader in Israel doesn't make you a Christian.
But I paid for an indulgence... and the Pope granted absolution!
implying pagans are enough of a force in the modern world to need an organized shilling effort against them kek
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and yet there clearly is, as that anons screencap proves. curious that such an insignificant population makes kikes so terrified. even the sight of our gods drives them into madness
a literal who on 4cuck is not an organized shill campaign
And yet you cower at the thought of Aryans who are not afraid of who and what they are.
Is that why every thread about Paganism has a group of jocklecocks seething and trying to derail it?
They're not "seething" brother, they're having a laugh.
Lol, no. I don't. No one does.
Larpers spotted
>they're having a laugh
That’s the cope everyone uses when they get called out. You spend hours arguing spamming shitjaks and chad memes to cope.
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remember, every accusation is an admission
>Pagans should base their practices on what the bible says about pagans
Are you listening to yourself?

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