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/his/ - History & Humanities

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It is a well-documented historical fact that “third gender” social roles occupied by effeminate men for religious, cultural, and entertainment purposes existed in many human societies.
Historical precedent is no argument for something being correct. The Holocaust is a historical precedent for genocide. Does that make it right?
femboys are based, chud
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The issue isn't a 1 in 10,000 fruity cakeboy being born and everyone in the tribe rolling their eyes going "oh you, you're a disgrace to your mother...".

The issue facing us in the 21st century is a concerted effort to convince otherwise normal people who are going through some tough times mentally into believing the solution to all their woes is to chop off their genitals and larp as the opposite gender. Who is behind this? Who could possibly say?
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>Who is behind this? Who could possibly say?
I don't know about all the other examples but when comes to those old Sumerian cults, I don't think eunuchs being allowed to work in temples dedicated to female fertility deities is really the same thing as modern transgenderism.
>[Dr. John] Money was born in Morrinsville, New Zealand, to a Christian fundamentalist[13] family of English and Welsh descent.[14]
This isn't even true, history is also full of butch women who acted like men and fought and shit and dressed up like men so they could become priests and big ass hairy knuckled diesel dykes
Every time you little fat-ass tards say "It is a historical fact blah blah I weigh too much" it's just another fucking story about how you have never read a single published work on the subject and never will
>This isn't even true, history is also full of butch women who acted like men and fought and shit and dressed up like men so they could become priests and big ass hairy knuckled diesel dykes
Ok, name 3 of them.
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I was always a Fourthmeal man myself.
There were no femboys in the Sacred Band. They were all fat cocked gigachads.
history of women and the feminine has been surprised since the beginning
what your asking is like asking to prove that you slapped me in the face despite there being no video evidence, witnesses, and bodily markings as evidence you disingenuous idiot
>Just trust me bro
Ummm nah, I don't think I will.
Girly faggots have been around forever, but never in these numbers.
more for me
troon post
>Who is behind this? Who could possibly say?
And from whence might they derive the moral legitimacy to do this, if not for countless centuries of mistreatment of fruity cakeboys?
This was never a question of what is and what isn't, it's a question of what is being lauded and not. There has been an attack on normal people.
Anglos, Celts, and Germanics everywhere in the transgender movement. Just stop being psychotic degenerates, OK?


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